Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 58
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 400
________________ 258 INDEX .. 148 78 148 .. 176 Radha KranA, (earliest image of) .. 39 & n. RadhAmohana Vidyavachaspati Gosvalmin (Nydyasdtravivarana by) .. .. .. 230 Raffu'd-daraját (raiged to the throne). .. 50 Raflu'd-daula (Shah Jahan II, raised to the throne) .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Raghavendra (and the Kathaka Upaniyad) ... In. Raghunandana (pupil of Vasudeva Sarvabhau. ma) (writer on Navya amrti) .. .. .. 231 Raghunatha Bhattacharya Vidyalankara, (M. mdmadratna o) .. 203 Raghunatha Siromani, 204, (pupil of Vasudeva Sarvabhauma) (Tattvasintdmawid dhiti of), 231-233 Raghunatha Tarkavägisa (Samkhya-vstti-prakada of) .. .. .. . .. 206 Rahu, and the oclipses .. .. .. 137 Raichur, fort .. .. rain (sacrifice of twins to obtain) rain-charm (Garo) .. .. 126 Rai Singh of Jodhpur .. .. rdja (title of vaasal kings) .. Raja, s. of Muñjaldeva .. .. 234 Rajadhiraja, (title of Bakht Singh) .. Rajagaha (Giribbaja) .. 176 Rajagrha (and Ri-glan-ru-lun-bstan), 108; (cap. of Bimbisára) .. .. Rajamahendri, fort, (besieged) .. . 2832 Rajamundrt (RAjamahendri) .. .. 30, 31 Raja Ram (and the Mughals) .. .. 73 & n. Rajasekhara (and tenta-kerdla) .. .. .. 175 Rajasimha .. .. .. . RAjasimha (Narasimhavarman II) Atyantakama .. .. .. .. . S.P. 27, 28 R@jasimha Pallavebvuram, shrine at Mahabali. puram .. .. .. .. S.P. 26, 27 Raja Sirha Perumal. See Traya Chinka, Rajt. See Mahipala. Rajpate, and the murder of Ajit Singh), 48, 49; (and Akbar), 52; (of Mewar) .. .. .. 100 RAkhaladása Ny&yaratna (Mdydvddanindda of) 204 RAkşene (demons) in the Kathdearitadgara), 87-89; (name applied to the Andaman. ese) .. A.I. 12, 13 Raksas-Tagdi .. Ral-pa-can, k, of Tibet .. .. .. .. 160 Ram, Sundara, Cow Protection in India .. .. .. 179 Rama . . .. 129, 130 Ramachandra Gajapati of Khurda .. 67 & n. Ramahari (Tarkapradipa of) .. .. 230 Ramakrana Battacharya(Samkhyya-Kaumudi of) 206 Ramakrsna Bhattachârya Tark&vatamsa (Nyd. yad piled by). .. .. .. .. .. 230 Ramananda, (samihyapadartha-manjart by).. 206 RamAnanda Vachaspati (al. RamanandaTirtha) (works on VodAnta) .. .. .. 206 Ramanuja Mantapam . .. .. .. S.P. 21 Rama Raya, k. of Vijayanagara Ramašarkara, (patrikde by) . . . . 233 Ramayana (as the Word) .. .. .. 129 Ram Mohun Roy, Raja .. .. 192 Ram-Ram (mention of the salutation by Fitch) 209 .. .. 8.P. 19,21 i Rana-ghundai, mound, Lorelai Agency .. 55 Rani Kumbha of MewAr .. .. .. 61 randhant (meaning of) .. 162 Ranger .. .. .. .. .. A.I. 20 Ranjha. See Her and Ranjha. Rao, G. Venkoba, Annual Report on Southern Epigraphy, 1926–1927 .. .. .. 80 Rashbootes. See Rajpate. Raamdid, (by A. K. Forbes) and Ajit Singh, 61, 60 trakurás (and the Chalukyae) .. .. 119 Rath, Tarini Charan, (on history of Orissa), 62, 63 Rathors of MÅrw&F (and Akbar).. .. 50n. rathotavas (festivals) . .. Ratnakars Anti (writer on Buddhist logic) .. ratna-vedt (jewelled throne) .. .. rate, holy (worship of, in Turkestan).. Rauhina (tree) .. .. .. .. Rauruka, tn., legends of (Divydvaddna) Rattatraya (Orissen title) . .. Raverty, Major, (and the Sair-al-bildd) 98 Ravkonda .. .. .. .. .. . 87n. Rawak-stupa .. .. .. .. .. 111 Rayavdchakamu, on the history of Orissa, B4, 66, 68 re-birth in the Kathasaritadgara) .. .. 47 Rod Powder, (in the Kathdearitedgara) .. 44 Reinaud, M. (translations by, on the Andaman. ese) .. .. .. . .. .. .. A.I. 15 Reinhardt (and Andaman zoology) . A.I. 11 religion (magic and taboo) (differences between) 75 Remarks on the Andaman Islanders and their Country (contd. from vol. LIV, p. 94), A.I.1-48 Renaudot, Eus. (translations by, on the Anda manese) .. .. .. .. .. A.I. 15 Resurrection, the .. .. .. .. .. 130 Rgueda, and walking on the water .. .. 118 Rgvera samhita, suggested new method of de termining relative date of hymns .. .. 119 Ri-glan-mu-un-batan, (Gospinga-vydkarana) Pro. phecies of Goeringa .. . ring, of recognition in the Kathdearitadgara) .. 43 Riediatu'sh-shuhada .. .. .. .. Ritchie's Archipelago .. A.I. 1, 6, 9, 10, 21 Riydzu's-salatin, on Sultan ugain Shah .. 66 Roberto, Lt. Col. .. .. .. A.I. 45, 46 Rockhill (and Turkestan) .. .. .. 108 Roe, Sir Thomas (in Manda) .. .. .. 237 Rogers, Mr. G. C. .. .. .. .. A.I. 47, 48 Rose, Mr. A. H., (translation of Hir and Ranjha by) .. .. .. .. .. .. 181 Ross isl. .. .. .. A.I. 9, 41, 42, 45. 46 Roth, Fr., S.J. (on the Kathaka Upanigad) 2n. (on the meaning of abhua), 101, 102; (on adma-sad) 153, 157; (on ukhacchid) .. .. 183 Rracholp. See Raichur. Rsi Saigong, (Garo deity) .. . .. Toti (meaning of) .. .. .. .. Ruby, frigate . .. .. Rudran Kannan .. .. .. Ruhullah Khan (Mughal official) rundelloes (umbrellas) .. .. .. .. 23 Runnymede, wreck of .. .. .. A.I. 13 Rajasimha N .. .. 59


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