Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 58
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 395
________________ INDEX lo 252 1830. 9 14n. .. .. 237 Mahmud, p. .. 30--33, 63 | Manju, (father of Hir) .. .. .. Mahmûd of Ghazna, (and king Gira's castlo), A.C. 12 Manu (code of, on poison in war), 45; (lawu bit, Mahmud Khalji (and Manda) .. .. .. 237 and position of females) .. A.. 82 Mahmúd Zaid, Hakim .. .. .. .. 96 Manuscripts (palm-leaf, birch-berk, etc., from mahout (mahdvat), earliest use of word . 174 Turkestan), 111, 152; (one) of the seven maia, mam, (Andamanese, male honorifics), A.I. 39 teenth century), 120 ; (the Bakhshalf), 140 ; Maia Tomola (Ancestral chief of the Andamans) A.I. 4 the Sloane . .. .. .. .. 178 Mailepur (Mayilai) (Mylapore) .. .. S.P. 18 mappila, title (meaning of), 14; (and Moplah), Majhimike. See Madhyamika, 16 & n., 17 Maktai. See Kota. Mappillai (suggested meaning of) .. .. 17n. Makrán (and other parts of Southern Baluchis. Marath power, (rise of) .. .. .. .. 58 tên), noto on explorations in .. .. .. 211 Marathas, the military system of), 100; Malabar, (influence of Sanskrit in), 36-38, (and Aurangzeb .. .. . .. 117, 120 St. Thomas) .. .. .. .. 178 Marco Polo (and the Andamans) .. 12 Malabar Christian copper-plate inscriptions. Mareb, (inscription from). . . . 92 See inscriptions copper-plate. Margam (The Way) .. .. .. .. 179 Malabar Christians (privileges of), 14n., 22n., Marignolli (on Quilon Christians) 62, (Syrian) .. .. .. .. 178, 179 MArkandeya (with Vişnu) Malabar kings (crowned and uncrowned), 23 & markhor, (markhor) (meaning of word).. .. 174 n., 25, 26 marks, auspicious (in the Kathdaaritedgara). 43 Malabar Miscellany (contd. from vol. LVII, marriage forms of, in the Kathdaaritadgara), 7, 8; p. 31) .. .. .. .. .. 13-17 (and magic), 77, 78; (Among the Garos), 127; maladoo (derivation of word) .. (among the Andamanese) .. A.I. 29, 30, 39 Malai Nádu (near Tirukkovilur). . . S.P. 31 Marwar (and Ajit Singh) .. .: 50n. Malanga (port, Mahabalipuram) .. S.P. 29 mascabar (misik-war) (origin of term) .. .. 174 Malange (port, city) .. .. .. S.P. 29 MAshlun (shoulder of Bar-sar) A.C. 21, 22, 27, 28 Malatt Madhava .. .. .. Massage .. A.C. 4, 5, 9, 31. See also Mazaga. Malayalam language (plosives in) .. 34-38, 200 Master, Streynsham (and Sir Wm. Langhorne), MalayAlam co. (Christianity brought to) .. 178 189 & n. ; (details regarding) .. 212, 215, 217 Malcolm, Sir John (on Mându) .. Masulipatam (Sir Wm. Norris at) .. 62, 189 Malik Nizâm-ul-mulk Aḥmad .. matha murdna (meaning of) .. .. .. 76 Malik Nizam-ul-mulk Hasan Bahri . 2833 Mathew of St. Joseph, Fr., (suggested writer of Mallai, g: and Mamallapuram .. S.P. 28, 29 Mallai, (o. in Madrag) .. .. .. S.P. 18 | MathurAnAtha Tarkavia (and Vaitosika phi. Mallai (Tamil) Kadal Mallai, Mamallapuram,S.P. 32 losophy).. .. .. .. .. 231-233 Mallai (MahAbalipuram) .. .. S.P. 17, 18 MAvilangai, S.P. 29, 30. (See also Kilmavilangai.) Mallaiyarkồn (Paramokvaravärman) . S.P. 17 Max Möller (on the meaning of Vedic terms).. 102 Mallar (people) .. . .. . . S.P. 17, 18 Mayilai (Mailapore) . .. .. 8.P. "18 Mamalla. See Mahamalla. Mayo, Lord (murder of) .. .. .. A.I. 14 Mamallai (Mamallapuram) . . S.P. 28 Mazaga, A.C. 4, 9, 12. See also Masaga. Mamallapuram (MahAbalipuram), S.P. 17, 18, 27, 28 Mazar-Tagh (Tibetan documents found at) .. 162 Man, Mr. E. 1. (on the Andamanese) A.I. 17, McLean (on Sir Edward Winter) .. .. 191 19, 27-29, 35, 45 Medegulla. See Mudkal. manau (festival) .. .. .. .. .. 227 meeting eyebrows (in folklore) .. .. .. 88 Mänava-dharma-idstra (and the use of poison in Mohtar Ilyas .. .. .. .. .. 135 war) .. .. .. .. Meng.chich-li (of Halan teang) (identification Manavarma, k. of Ceylon (and Narasimhavar of) .. . .. .. .. .. 220 man I) menstruation (and taboo), 82, 83n.; among the Mandapapura (Manda ?) ... .. .. 237 Andamans ..... . .. A.I. 38 Mandas (ancient inhabitants of Persia) .. merohante (and senior merchante), E. I. Co's, Mandelalo (on life in Surat) .. 188-190 Mandu, The City of Joy, by G. Yaydani, (book- Meru. See Mount Meru. notico) .. .. .. .. .. Metcalfe, Mr. (in the Andamans) .. A.L. 45, 46 Mangalagiri inscriptions .. .. metamorphosis (in the Katharitadgara) 131, 132 Mangal Rai, s. of Kapilendra .. .. 28, 29 metempsychosis (among the Andamanese), A.L. 37 Manglawar (in Upper Swat) .. A.C. 10, 14, 17 meteorology (of the Andamana) .A.I. 7-9 Manicheism (in Turkestan) ... . .. 149 Mowar, (inscription from) .. .. .. 161 Manigramam (megning of) . 15 & n., 16 mGar-lus-blan, general .. .. .. .. 160 Manikka Vachakar (MAnikka Vasalar) of Calicut, 178 Miangul tribe .. ... .. A.C. 14n. 18 Mapiklirdmaklodr .. ......... 109 Middle Andaman .. .. AH. , 20, 21, 26 Manipur valley. Seo I-shang-na-pulo. Milarepa (Tibet's Great Yogi) .. ... .. 288 .. . .. 178 arkayat . .. 8.P. 17 Mandapapura (Mando,


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