Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 34
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 4
________________ CONTENTS. PAGE H, A. ROSE :Customary Law regarding Succession in Ruling Families of the Panjab Hill States . .. 228 Muhammadan Shrines in Kurram ... ... ... 268 Titlos among Ruling Families in the Panjab Hill States ... ... . . ... .. ... ... 271 26 PAGE THE COPPER AGE AND PREHISTORIC BRONZE MPLEMENTS OF INDIA . .. ... . 229 A Coin of Menander found in Wales ... ... 252 M. AUREL STEIN, PE.D. :WHITA HUNS AND KINDAD TRIBHS IN THE HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NORTH-WEST FRONTIER .. . 15 B. ROYDU: The Origin of the Edible Locust (Tailing Folklore)...20 LT..COL. SIR R. C. TEMPLE, BART., C.I.E.: TH PRACTICAL VALUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY ... 132 PANDIT S, M. NATESA SASTRI, BA., M.F.L.S.:NOTES ON THE TIRUVELLABAI INSCRIPTIONS ... 264 F. W. THOMAS: TAR VARNANARKAVARNANA OY MATRICITA R. SEWELL, M.R.A.S., 1.C.S. (Rump.): A Note on Virupaksha of Vijayanagara ... ... 145 ... 19 R. SHAMASASTRY, B.A.:CHANAKYA'S LAND AND REVENU POLICY (4TH CENTURY B. O.) ... ... ... ... 5, 47, 110 THE LATE Pror. C. P. TIELE:TX RELIGION OF THJ IRANIAN PEOPLN, translated by G. K, NABIMAX . .. 11, 60 VINCENT A. SMITH, M.A., I.C.S. (RETD.):THE BUMMINDEI INSCRIPTION, HITHARTO KNOW AB THE PADARIYA INSCRIPTION, OY ABOKA ... 1 ABOKA'S ALLEGED MISSION TO PEQU (SUVANNA BIUMI)... ... .. .. .. .. 180 ABOKA NOTES .. ... ... 200, 245 M.N. VENKATASWAMI, M.B.A.S., M.F.L.S.: Eclipse Tales among the Telugus ... Thunder - A Telugu Superstition... ... . 176 Soma TELUGU FOLKBONGB .. ... FOLKLORK TROX TK DAKBBINA-DESA: No. 1. - Poggam Papaya ... .. .. No. 2. - The Vicious Gura ... . .. 21 .. ..14 ato European Ch MISCELLANEA AND CORRESPONDENCE. System of Sanskrit Transliteration, by Syam Compensation for Ancestor.Worship, by G. R. Sundar Das ... ... ....... .. 19 Subramiah Pantula ... ... A Note on Virupaksha of Vijayanagara, by R. Transliteration into European Chartoters, by O. Sewell ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 19 Srinivasa Aiyangar ... .. ... .. . 225 In Memory of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria (ob. Customary Law regarding Succession in Ruling 29-1-1901), by H. Humbert (with translation in Families of the Panjab Hill States, by H.A. Rom. 228 Sanskrit by H. Krishna Sastri) ... .. ...20 . 20 A Coin of Medander found in Wales, by V. A. The Origin of the Edible Locust (Tailing Folklore), Smith ... ... ... ... ... ... 852 by B. Roydu .. . ... ... ... ... 20 Muhammadan Shrines in Kurram, by H. A. Rome ... 268 NOTES AND QUERIES. Eclipse Tales among the Telugue, by M. N. Venkateswami ... .. ... ... ... ... 176 Thunder - A Telugu Superstition, by M. N. Venkateswami ... ... ... .. ... .176 Titles among Ruling Families in the Panjab Hill States, by H, A. Ron ... ... .. . ... 271 BOOK-NOTICES. Altiranisches Wörterbuch, von Christian Bartho The Early History of India from 600 B. O, to the lomao. Strasburg. K. Trübner; 1905. By H. Muhammadan Conquest, including the invasion of Oldenberg... ... ... .. . ... ... 79 Alexander the Great, by Vincent A. Smith. By An Index to the Names in the Mahabharata, with J. Bur ... . . . 190 short Explanations, and Copeordance to the Bombay and Caloutta Editions and P. O. Boy's Tjandi Djago Archeologisch Ondersoek op Java Translation, by B. Sörensen, Ph.D. By J. F. on Madura. -I. Beschrijving, van de ruine bij de Fleet ... ... ... ... ... ... 91 des Toompang, genaamed Tjandi Dingo in de Commentarios by Sri Lakshmana Buri, by . Besidente Pasoerosan. 's-Gravenhago1904. Hults ch ... . .. ... .. ... 176 By J. B. .. ... ... 21


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