Book Title: Illuminator of Jaina Tenets
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati

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________________ 206 INDEX IV explanatory note on 141 n. asiddhatva (state of non-emancipation), 46. aniyata-vipaka (uncertain fruition), 64, asmita (egohood), 64. anrta (falsehood), 132. aspastam (lacking in vividness), 178. antarālagati (transition passage), 150, two- asrava (influx, of karman), 26, 139, defined fold 150. 72, explanatory note on the meaning of antarāya karman (hindrance-producing 73 n, five causes of 73. karman), 60. aśrutanisrita (perception not depending anub häga intensity of bondage), 65. on the verbal symbol), 29, kinds of 32. anukampa (compassion), 90. asteya (non-stealing), 106, defined 107. anumāna (inference), 179, defined 180, astikāya (homogeneous continuum-spatiexplanatory note on 180 n. ally extended substance), note on the anuppeha (Skt. anapreksā-contemplation), meaning and significance of 1 n, kinds 128, four kinds of 128. of 2-4 . anuprekşă (self-contemplation), 114, expla- astikyam (spiritual belief), 90. natory note on 114 n, objects of 115, ātmarakså (protection of the soul), 162.. detailed note on the objects of 115-17 n. åtmavikasa (uplift of the soul), 174 anusthāna (spiritual activity), 121. åtmavikāsävarodhi (arresting the upliftment anuttaravimāna (enjoying the life-span of of the soul), 175. 33 sägarus), 145 n. aśubha (reflection on the loathsome nature aņuvratas (smaller vows), 117, described, of the internal body), 129. 117. ātapa (hot effulgence), 6. anuyogaḥ (explanation), 197. aticăra (infringement), 91. aparatva (posteriority), 15. ātmasuddhisādhana (means to the purificaaparigraha (non-possession), 106, 157, tion of the soul), 155. defined 107. audarika (gross body), 149. apavartană (attenuation in duration etc. audāyika (state of soul resulting from reaof karman), 82. lization), 46, varieties of 46. apāya (passions), 127. aupapātika (beings of spontaneous birth), apāya (perceptual judgement), 134. 153. appamāna (Skt. apramāna—immeasurable), aupaśamika (state of soul resulting from 130 n. subsidence of karman), 45, two kinds of apracyuti (want of lapse), 189. 45. apramattasamyataḥ (self-restrained, free autpattiki (perceptual cognition not depen from remissness), 139, defined 139, ding on verbal symbol-as instantanenote on 139 n. ous comprehension), 32. aprati pätin (infallible), 147 n. avācya (inexpressible), 188, defined 190. aprakampa (absence of vibration), 94. avadhi (clairvoyance), 35, six kinds of 36, apramada (lack of remissness), 93, defined notes on 178 n . 93, explanatory note on 93-94 n. avagaha (pervasion), 17. aptavacana (trustworthy statement), 181. avagraha (perceptual cognition), 29, 178, apunaravrttayaḥ (never returning to the kinds of 30. world) 97. āvarana (covering of knowledge), 60. arati (disliking for restraint), 142 fn. avāya (judgement), 29. arhan (deity), 155. avinābhāvi (necessarily concomitant), 69. ārjava (straightforwardness), 158. avipäkajā (of nirjarā, resulting before artha (implicit, of mode), 23. maturation of karman due to penance), arthāvagraha (sense of knowledge with indistinct meaning), 30. avirata samyagdrsțih (right belief attended arthaprakāśa (illumination of object of with non-abstinence), 133, defined 137. knowledge), 190 avirati (non-abstinence), 73 defined 74. arttadhyāna (concentration due to avvaha (Skt. avyatha-freedom from all anguish), 131, defined 131-32. kinds of agitations and distractions), arūpinah (immaterial-devoid of the qua- 129. lities of matter), 100. ayoga (absence of activity), 94, defined, 94. asamyama (non-restraint), 171, defined 171 ayogikevali (omniscience with total cessaasamkhyeyavarşayusah (those enjoying a tion of all activities), 137, defined 144, life-span of innumerable years), 153. explained 147 n, 148 n. asammoha (freedom from subtle delusions), ayuska-karman (life-span-determining), 60. bähya-tapaḥ (external penance), 121, diffeasamyata (unrestrained), 137. rent kinds of 121-24. asarananuppehå (reflection on utter help- bandha (bondage), 26, 146, defined 64, lessness), 128. different kinds of 65, various subjects asat (unreal), 188, 189, of 66. 96 n. 129. Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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