Book Title: Illuminator of Jaina Tenets
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati

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________________ 208 INDEX IV kärmana (karmic body), 149. defined 135. karma-vargaņā (group of karmic atoms), mithyātva (perversity), 73, 44 n, defined 73, 59, explanatory note on 59 fn. two kinds of 74, explanatory note on karmaviccheda (separation of karmic 74 n. matter), 95. moha (delusion), 169, defined 169. karmiki (perceptual cognition not depen-mohamisrita (intermixed with delusion), ding on verbal symbol as cognition 164. developed by practical experience), 32. mohanīya karman (deluding-karman), 60. karunā (compassion), 130 n. mokşa emancipation), 26, defined 96, kaşāya (passion), 73, 142-43, defined 75, paths of 103. kinds of 76, sub-varieties of 76, expla- mrşă (falsehood), 117. natory note on sub-varieties 77 n. mudita (appreciative joy), 130 n. kaşaya-nisyanda (product of passions), mukti (release from greed), 158... 82 n. mürtatva (corporeality), 21. kayakleša (austerity), 121, defined 123. mutti (Skt. mukti-release from greed), käyotsarga (detachment from body), 123. 129. kevalajñāna (omniscience or perpect know- naigama (a kind of naya-pantoscopic i.e. ledge), 37, 178. figurative and conventional), 182, defikevalin (omniscient), 152. ned 182, explanatory note on 183 D. khamti (Skt: kşānti-forbearance), 129. nāma (kind of niksepa, a name labelled kriyà (activity), 15. arbitrarily), 193, defined 194. kşanti (forgiveness), 158. nāma karman (body-determining karman), ksapaka (extirpating state), 141, 145. 60. kşaya (destruction of karman), 43 napumsaka-veda (dual sex passion), 142 fn. ksāyika (state of soul consequent upon navatattva (nine categories in Jainism), total destruction of karman), 45, varie- 101, simile of lake in respect of 101. ties of 45. naya (ways of approach) 177, defined 182. ksayopasama (destruction-cum-subsidence note on 182 n, sevenfold 182, kinds of of karman), 44. 187. kşāyopašamika (state of soul resulting nidhatti (incapability of all the processes from destruction-cum-subsidence of except augmentation and attenuation) karman), 46, varieties of 46. 62. labd hi (peculiar capability arising from the nikācană (incapacitation, 62. inoperative conditions of obscuring kar- nikacitakarman (unalterable karman due to mans), 40, 145, explanatory note on the process of nikācană), 64. 41 n. nikşepa (transferred epithet), 177, 192, lāghava (lightness), 158. defined 192, explanatory note on the laukika (mundane), 174, defined 175. nature of 193, four kinds of 192. leśyā (aural colouration), 46, meaning ex- nikșipta (an object subjected to nikşepa), plained, 80, explanatory note on 81 n, 197, various means of explanation of five kinds of 81, explanatory note on 197. kinds and theories of 81-82 n. nimittaja (conditioned by other factors), lokadharma (righteousness popular), 158, its difference from righteousness proper niravadya (pure or righteous charity), 172, 159, described 159, 160-61. defined 172. lokottara (super-mundane), 174, defined nirdesa (description), 197. 174. nirdhūta moha (with delusion completely maddava (Skt : mārdava-humility), 129. expelled), 97. mådhyasthya (impartiality, equanimity), nirgrantha (free from fetters), 155. 171, defined 171. nirjară (dissociation of karman), 26, 145, mahāvratas (great vows), 106, description 156, genesis of 79, defined 95, two kinds of 106. of 95, explanatory note on kinds of maitri (friendliness), 130 n. 96n, conditions of 121. manah (mind), 41. nirupakramayuh (not subject to abrupt manahparyāya (cognition of mental end of life-span), 153, defined 153. modes), 36, 178, kinds of 36, note diffe- nirveda (detachment), 90. rentiating it from avadhi, further notenisaggarui (Skt: nisarga ruci-natural preon 178 n. dilection for truth), 128. märanåntika (death-proximity), 152. nisargaja (spontaneous), 87. mårdava (gentleness), 158. niscaya (scientific appraisal), 187. mati (perceptual cognition), 28, 179; note nişkarma (salvation), 139. on the nature of 28 n, kinds of 29, fur- nitya (eternal), 188, defined 189. ther note on 199 n. nivstribādara (apūrvakarana-state of mithyadrsti (perverted belief), 133, 146; very limited eradication of coarse passi 87. Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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