Introduction to Jainism
JAINISM is one of the oldest religions in India. It evolved at an early period of Indian history' and has been called by numerous names. Through the ages, Jainism and its culture have been called by names and epithets like the Rṣabha Cult, the Ahimsa Dharma, the Śramana Dharma, the Nirgrantha Dharma, the Yogamarga, the Vratya, the Arhat, the Syadvāda Mat, the Anekanta Mat, the Samani, the Bhavya, the Sarāka, the Bhāvaḍe, the Sewaḍe, the Śravaka, the Jaina, etc., in various parts of India.' It is a religion with a complete system; it has its dogma, metaphysics, philosophy, mythology, ethics and ritual. Jainism is a living religion3 and has got a strong hold upon an influential section of the Indian people. The adherents of this religion, now called Jainas, were known as Nirgranthas for long.5 These days they are sometimes called Saraugīs or Sarãogīs also.
The majority of the Jainas belong to the trading classes, and they hold an important position in Indian society because of their wealth and education. 10
ERE, VII, p. 465; CUHI, I, p. 185; ACHI, p. 100; JOLR, p. 1.
JSAI, Introduction, pp. 5-6.
3. Ibid., Introduction, p. 6; ACHI, p. 100; AI (M), p. 170; SIJA. p. 3.
AI (M), p. 170.
LDJC, p. 21; RI, p. 283 fn. 2; ROAI, p. 117; JI, p. 12.
MDM, p.13.
JSAI, Introduction, p. 5; DGM, 1911, p. 82; Census, 1931, p. 493.
8. ERE, VII, p. 472; OISJ, p. 1; CUHI, I, p. 222.
IP, p. 72; JSAI, Introduction, p. 6.
10. ERE, VII, p. 472; OISJ, p. 1; IP, p. 72.