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Lord Ganesh
गणेश जी
of Hindu rituals and ceremonies. Gajanana means one with an elephant face. Vinayaka means the supreme leader, literally one who has no leader but himself. As his name suggests Vighneswara removes all obstacles and helps us meet all challenges of life.
Lord Ganesh (Ganesha), in Hinduism, is a son of Shiva and Parvati, and the husband of Bharati, Riddhi and Siddhi. In art, he is depicted as a pot bellied yellow or red god with four arms and the head of a one-tusked elephant, riding or attended to by a mouse. Typically, his name is prefixed with the Hindu title of respect, 'Shri.' He is one of the most beloved gods in Hinduism, because of his kindness, loyalty, and playful nature.
Ganesha Symbolism
Big Head-Think Big
Small Eyes. Concentrate
Large Ears - Listen more Axe - To cut off all bonds
of attachment
VaRope - To pull you nearer
to the highest goal
Small Mouth Talk less
One Tusk - Retain good
throu dugu bad
Blessings - Blesses and profects on spiritual path to supreme
Trunk High Efficiency
and Adaptability
Madaka - Rewards
of Sadhana
Large stomach Peacefully divest all good and bad in life
Prasade. The whole world is at your
feet and for your asking
Mouse - Desire. Unless under control
cause hanc ou ride the desire and keep it under control and don't allow it to take you for a ride.
Lord Ganesha, has been prayed to, worshipped and adored in one form or another since thime began; and time itself began with his creation. Ganesha is a word derived from the Sanskrit roots gana, meaning 'multitude', Isha means Lord, Ruler, Supreme God, or Sovereign. Ganesha therefore literally means the 'Lord of all beings'. This is virtually synonymous with the word "Ganapati".
Ganesha is known by many other names such as Gajanana, Vinayaka, Vighneswara etc. Vighneswara is the Lord of all Obstacles, worshipped in the beginning
As Siddhidata, Lord Ganesha is the giver of success and is associated with bountiful harvests and general abundance in life. Lord Ganesha is the material manifestation of the "manas", or mind, of his father Lord Shiva. He embodies the five elements-earth, fire,