Book Title: Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology Author(s): Gokulchandra Jain Publisher: Sampurnanda Vishva Vidyalaya Varanasi View full book textPage 5
________________ HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH in PRAKRITS & JAINOLOGY in the Universities of India DR. GOKUL CHANDRA JÁIN Introductory Higher Studics and research in Prākrits and Jaiñology are acting scholars and students gradually. The occurrence is a natural process, and is quite consistent to the changing trends in the development of human knowledge, civilization and culture. During about last two centuries studious efforts of a band of scholars, Western and Eastern both, have brought to light the hidden treasures of Prakrits and Jainology, the cultural heritage of immense importance. Survey reports of ancient manuscripts, epigraphic records, archaeolo. gical excavations, philological researches of old, middle and new IndoAryan langu.iges, compartive and cultural studies of religion, Philosophy and allied disciplines in humanities and social sciences, historical survey and many other esforis have brought to light abundant material, informations and plentiful literature written in various Prakrits viz Sauraseni, Māgadhi, Ardhamāgadhi, Mahārāştri, etc., and also in Sanskrit, Apabhramsa, Old Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Rūjasthani and so on. Pubicaltion of cpigraphical records, archacological reports, as also those on art, sculp: tures, architecture etc. have widened the scope. Scholars found a broad area of learning absolutely unexplored. The first regular notice of Jainism to Western scholars appcars to be the one published by Lieut. Wilfred in the Asiatic Researches in 1799, and the contemporary existence of monuments, literature and adherent of Jainism was first brought to light by Col. Colin Mackenzie and Dr. Buchanan Hamilton in 1807, followed by H. T. Colcbrooke's 'Observation on the Jainas'. A host of savants worked in the field, most notable among them are Albrecht Weber, Leumann, Rice, Fleet, Guerinot Wilson, Pischel, Jacobi,Page Navigation
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