Book Title: Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology
Author(s): Gokulchandra Jain
Publisher: Sampurnanda Vishva Vidyalaya Varanasi
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Art, Sociology, Political Science, Education, Economics, Psychology and
1. Post-Graduate Studies
In view of the above disciplines the course of studies at Post-Graduate level should be planned very carefully to suit the subjects. Thus the course of studies should be of two types. To specify,
(a) A full course to cover all the semesters or Previous and Final Examinations, whatsoever may be. This course of studies should be of specialised nature leading to research in the field. Without such specialised study, the culturally useful aspects of the subject cannot be brought out. To bring in the uniformity the existing courses of Ardhamagadhi, Prakrit and Jainology, as they are put in different universities like Bombay, Bihar, Magadh, Udaipur, Mysore, Karnataka, Varanasi etc. descarve to be throughly revised.
(b) Another course of studies should be a bit of general nature, and of Two and Four papers to be offered in final Examination. Two papers course should be introduced in the subjects where provision for writing a dissertation in lieu of papers exists. Four papers course may be introduced in the Departments of Classical languages, Modern Indian languages, Department of Linguistics and in the Department of Philosophy, Religious Studies, Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. Such course of studies should be introduced with the object to promote Inter-disciplinary studies which would remove barriers between Departments, and promote greater academic co-operation between them. These courses should essentially be conducted under the supervision and guidence of the Department of Prakrits and Jainology so as to achieve the desired results.
2. Under-Graduate Studies
The course of studies at Under-Graduate level needs to be introduced with a view to provide potential background for higher studies in the discipline. As such 'Prakrit and Jainology' should be introduced as an independent optional subject at Uuder-Graduate level, and the course of studies should be drawn accordingly. Keeping the importance of the subject, it should not be mixed up with any other subject of study, but at