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Dr. GOKUL CHANDRA JAIN! Jlcad of the Department of Prakrit of Jainagama
Facully of śramaņavidya Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya
1983 Offprint : Sankāya Ptrikā 1, Śramanavidyā Vol. 1
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in the Universities of India DR. GOKUL CHANDRA JÁIN
Higher Studics and research in Prākrits and Jaiñology are acting scholars and students gradually. The occurrence is a natural process, and is quite consistent to the changing trends in the development of human knowledge, civilization and culture. During about last two centuries studious efforts of a band of scholars, Western and Eastern both, have brought to light the hidden treasures of Prakrits and Jainology, the cultural heritage of immense importance.
Survey reports of ancient manuscripts, epigraphic records, archaeolo. gical excavations, philological researches of old, middle and new IndoAryan langu.iges, compartive and cultural studies of religion, Philosophy and allied disciplines in humanities and social sciences, historical survey and many other esforis have brought to light abundant material, informations and plentiful literature written in various Prakrits viz Sauraseni, Māgadhi, Ardhamāgadhi, Mahārāştri, etc., and also in Sanskrit, Apabhramsa, Old Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Rūjasthani and so on. Pubicaltion of cpigraphical records, archacological reports, as also those on art, sculp: tures, architecture etc. have widened the scope. Scholars found a broad area of learning absolutely unexplored.
The first regular notice of Jainism to Western scholars appcars to be the one published by Lieut. Wilfred in the Asiatic Researches in 1799, and the contemporary existence of monuments, literature and adherent of Jainism was first brought to light by Col. Colin Mackenzie and Dr. Buchanan Hamilton in 1807, followed by H. T. Colcbrooke's 'Observation on the Jainas'.
A host of savants worked in the field, most notable among them are Albrecht Weber, Leumann, Rice, Fleet, Guerinot Wilson, Pischel, Jacobi,
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Buhler, Hoernle, Hertel, Burgess, Jarl Charpentier, Vincent Smith, F., W. Thomas, Schubring, Zimmer etc,
When researches started in India many earnest scholars worked in different branches of Jainology, edited many ancient texts in various Prakrits, Sanskrit, Apabhramsa, Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati, Rajasthani etc.
The monumental work of Prof. Maurice Winternitz, A History of Indian Literature in two volumes, was published in the first quarter of present century. In the 2nd volume he writes, "The Jainas bave extended their activities beyond the sphere of their own religious literature to a far greater extent than the Buddhists have done, and they have memorable achievements in the secular science to their credit, in philosophy, grammar, lexicography, poetics, mathematics, astronomy and astrology and even in the science of politics. In one way or the other there is always some connection even of these 'profane' works with religion. In southern India the Jainas bave also rendered services in developing the Dravidian languages, Tamil and Telugu and specially the Kanarese literary languages. They have, besides, written a considerable amount in Gujarati, Hindi and Marwari. Thus we see that they occupy no mean position in the history of Indian literature and Indian thought." pp. 594-95).
This observation comes from one of the greatest historians of Indian literature, and has special significance.
A landmark in the History of Prakrit Grammar and study of Indian Literature as a whole 'Grammatic der Prakrit-Sprachen' by Dr. Richard Pischel appeared in 1900. Critical editions of a number of Prakrit texts. including Prakrit Grammar and other important Sanskrit and Apabhramsa works, had already been published by that time. Manuscripts became accessible to scholars.
Studies of Prakrits and Jainology in the universities of India were introduced with the establishment of Departments of Indology or the Departments of Classical languages which included the study of Sanskrit, Pāli, Prakrit and Apaohramsa. Even professors of Hindi became wellversed in these languages and introduced Apabhramša in the Department of Hindi knowing its importance for the study of modern Indo-Aryan Languages. A good deal of work in Päli, Prakrit and Apabhramsa had been done by the professors of Sanskrit. Unfortunately the spirit and
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scholarship of studying classical languages as a whole decreased, and as a result the study of Pali and Prakrit suffered a great setback.
Now when the scope of higher studies and research in many other areas of Indology has almost exhausted for free hand work, the attention of scholars and students is again diverted towards Prakrits and Jainological studies. They find a milch-cow in it. Even a little effort in any branch of these studies is found sufficient for a doctoral dissertation. A scholar working on any branch of Prakrits or Jainology earns a feather to his cap without taking much pain for intensive study.
Survey of Jainological Studies
The first survey of Jainological studies as an independent faculty appears to be the one by A. Guerinot 'Essai De Bibliography Jaina' (Paris 1906). C. L. Jain's 'Jaina Bibliography' was published in 1945 (first edition Calcutta, revised edition Delhi, 1982).
From the bibliographical point of Jainological Manuscripts Jinaratna-koś' by H. D. Velankar (Poona 1944) has proved to be of immense importance. A good number of catalogues have appeared in years following.
Information regarding published Jaina literature is not confined to the books on the History of Jaina Literature. In addition, many booklets, brochures and literary studies also provide important related materials.
With the increasing interest in the studies of Prakrits and Jainology, particularly for doctoral dissertations, the need of above bibliographies increased. Along with that a list of bibliographical informations of doctoral dissertations already approved and in progress was badly felt. My association with academicians on one side and with students on the other brought for me many such information. Finally when I found it difficult to attend to individual enquiry, I tried to make some survey for the purpose and gradually published the reports.
During last three 'Five-years Plans', I have made more than three surveys of Prakrit and Jainalogical studies, publications and some other aspects related to it. The reports have been published as per details given below,
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1. Jñānapilha Patrikā
October 1959, special issue published on the occasion of All-India Oriental Confere:ce, 24th cussia, Varanaseza Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya,
Varanasi (Bharatiya Jižnzpitha, Varanasi). 2. Jfrängpisha Patrikā
October 1959, secial issuo publish:d on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee 5.35:02 of 4 il-1..dia Oriertel Confcrcoce, Jadavpur University,
Calcutta (Praratiya Jranzisha, Vararasi). 3. Dhogarán alázira & His ilerilane
Decemr, 1973, on inc occasion of the first All India Conference 0182niso on the eye of 259: Sirina Anniversary of Biagaan Mahavira,
Vizas Bharan, Nox Dsipi (Jair biogicz: R earch Society, Delhi). 4. Jairo'ngical Rescarches
(in the universities of India and abroad) publiened on in occasion of the Sumer school for jaisoisgical Research', University of Delhi, May
June 1974 (JRS Balisiin 20.7;. 5. Gündiram
October 1981 (Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vistvavidyalaya, Varanasijs spscal issue pailahcd 92 th: 0.1on of 5: In:ernational Sanskrit Colference acid 2: 3232:23 Hindu University, Varanasi,
These reports prored 10 oz of immensa help to ses archers and super1975 in the Usirersities. Some of the Journals reproduced th:m.
hion with 12.present report a classified Bibliography of Doctoral Dis:ctns 10 Jain2 2013 Buddhist Studies is coing published by PV. Poroch ostituta, Varanasi (P. V. Series 10.30, Varanasi, 1983). Di. S2z28572l Jain. 273 Di. Arsa Pratap Singh have ciassified the cries in their 0% way undertit; 170 h 20. By:h these reports supplement each oises.
asciation of Indian Cniversities, en Delhi, has published Dicography of Doctoral D.staticos". A Fortnightly: Chronicle of Highet Education and Peach 'Unrersity Mens' is published by the Association
20:215. 55. guiceiirestare alco been published by the commission as >lla ti Councils. These pubications are very heipful for higher ediation and insearch iu Piekriis ad Jaingio y too.
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With the incrcasing interest in higher cducation and rescarch in Prākrits and Jainology many new developments have been made during later half of the present century. Some areas of higher studies and research have been clearly located. It has been realised that Prākrits and Jainology havc vast scope for interdisciplinary studies in many branches of Humanitics and Social Sciences. As already stated above, scholars have detected materials of high importance relating to natural sciences and life-sciences 100. Works on Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology have been done. A brief account of the development will be helpful for perspective planning, and to the rescarcher interested in this Faculty of learning.
The role of Seminars, Confernces, Summer-schools, Workshops etc in focussing the importance of Prākrits and Jainology proved to be of great signficance. Sessions of All-India Oriental Conference and introduction of an independent section of Prakrit and Jainism' in it, is of historical importance. Right down from the Kashmir valley session (1961) to the Gauhati session in Assam and the Silver Jubilee Session (1969) at Jadavpur, West Bengal, wc can see the increase in the number of participants in the Section of Prakrit and Jainism. To my pleasure, I had the opportunity to attend all these sessions. Further incrcase could be seen in the latest session at Jaipur (1982).
U. G. C. Seminars' organ:scd at the Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1968), University of Poona (1969), Magadh University, Bodhgaya, University of Udaipur (1973), Gujarat University, Ahemdabad (1973) and Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidalaya, Varanasi (1981) proved to be of greater values. Seminars at Ujjain, Mysore and Patiala also deserve mention.
Among other academic organisations the role of Jainological Research Sociсty deserves special mention. The first Summer School at Saugor (M. P.) in 1969 and the first National Conference at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi in 1973, were most significant. Sessions of Jaina Darshan Parishad and some other academic societies helped in bringing together scholars, ascetics and house-holders who could work for these studies.
The recommendations of the U. G. C. Seminars mentioned ahove drew attention of the commission, and the universities were asked if they
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were interested in undertaking any of the programmes, research projects recommended by the Seminars. On the part of the universities, it was very unfortunate that very little could be achieved.
Endowment Chairs
Endowment chairs for Jainological Studies have been instituted in some of the Universities of India. The earliest chair, which I could detect, was instituted in the year 1930 at Banaras Hindu University. In the subsequent years following chairs, departments have been instituted:
1. Department of Jainology and Prakrits, Mysore University, Mysore.
2. Jaina Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Poona.
3. Department of Jainology and Prakrits, University of Udaipur.
Centre of Jaina Studies,
Rajasthan University, Jaipur.
Mahavira Chair,
Punjabi University, Patiala.
Department of Jainology, Karnatak University, Charnar.
Some more chairs are being instituted at Madras, Bangalore etc. University Departments
Some of the Departments of classical languages established in the Universities of India and now mostly known as the Department of Sanskrit continue to be the centres for Prakrits and Jainological Studies. Out of these special mention may be made of Delhi University, Banaras Hindu University and Allahabad University.
Some of the Departments which have been developed into two departments, also continue to enrol research scholars for Doctoral research. Nagpur and Gujarat University may be mentioned.
In Bombay, Poona and Kolhapur Prakrit studies were introduced in the first quarter of the present century. Prof. P. L. Vaidya writes-"It came
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to be prominently studiсd in Indian Universitics sincc 1924-25 when Ardhamāgadhi was recognised as one of the classical languages for study, first at the University stage, and later at the matriculation stage." (Prākrit Seminar, Kolhapur, 1968). For many years Malarastra as a whole liad been a most important centre for Prākrit and Jainological studies. But now it is declining. The same is the position of Calcutta, the renowned University of West Bengal.
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi stands at present at the top, as two independent Departments for Prākrit and Jainological studies have been started without the help of any endowment. The names of the Departments arc as follows,
1. Department of Prākrit and Jaināgama, and 2. Department of Jaina Darshana,
both in the Faculty of Sramaņa-vidyā.
Two indepcodent courses of studies from higher secondary to PostGraduate studies have been introduced. The University provides facilities for higher education and Doctoral & Post-Doctoral rescarch. Other courses of studies are carried in the affiliated Vidyālayas and Mahāvidyalayas for which the University takes examinations. Introduction of these studies in a university of traditional learning, has widencd the scope, and the neglected traditional Pārliaśālās and Vidyālayas, which build the back-bone of such studies, received duc recognition. Still much is to be done in the field.
Among the endowment chairs and departmens, Mysore and Udaipur are well-planned and developing speedily. Others are yet to focus their image. The oldest endowment chair at Banaras Hindu University had suffered a very unfortunate setback during the gradation of Teachers in duc course. It is now a Lecturer's post in the Faculty of Oriental Learning and Theology. A fifty-five years, old infant is being survived by spoon-feeding.
Research Institutes
Some Institutions affiliated to or recognised by the University as centre for Jainological studies, have been established during last few decades. Mention may be made to the following,
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1. Research Institute of Prākrit, Jainology and Ahimsā, (Bihar),
Vaishali, 1955. 2. P. V. Research Institute, Varanasi (U.P.). 3. L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), 1957. 4. Jaipa Vishwa Bharati, Ladnun (Rajasthan). 5. Shri Devkumar Jain Oriental Research Institute, Arrab (Bihar). 6. B. L. Iostitute of Indology, Patan (Gujarat). 7. Anekānta Sodhapīțba, Bahubali (Kolbapur).
Among the institutes mentioned above the serial number itself denotes the priority.
Revival of Prākrit and Jainological studies at University level started with the establishment of the "Research Institute of Prakrit, Jainology and Abiņsā” at Vaishali, by the Goveroment of Bibar, in the year 1955. The founder Director Late Dr. Hiralal Jain laid down a solid foundation and introduced Post-Graduate studies in Prākrit and Jaipology and Doctoral and Post-Doctoral research. The scholars engaged in the organisational work of Prākrit and Jainological studies and holding high positions in Bibar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, belong tos bis vidyā-raisa. Almost all the Doctoral dissertations approved by the University of Bihar have been prepared under the auspices of this institute. Late Dr. Nemichandra Shastri's contribution for the extension of these siudies in Bihar is of historical importance. Almost all the Doctoral Dissertations approved by Magadh University were prepared under bis guidance and supervision. He made Arrah a centre of Prākrit and Jainological studies.
The credit of continuing the spirit of his predecessors goes to Dr. Rajaram Jain who is constantly working on the same line. At present the Jaina Siddharta Bhawana is a recognised centre for Jainological research as 'Shri Devkumar Jain Oriental Research Institute', and P. G. teaching in Prākrit have been started in H. D. Jaina College, Arrah.
Pārsvanatha Vidyāšrama, now better known as P. V. Research Institute, deserves special credit for giving impetus to Prakrit and Jainological s udies at Varanasi. The sostitute provides maximum possible facilities to research scholars, perhaps more than any University may provide. Established in :937 adjoing the campus of Banaras Hindu Univer
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( ) sity, the Institute had been trying its level best to promote Jainological studies. First Research scholar who enjoyed full facilities including sellowship at the institute was awarded Ph. D. in 1952 by Baparas Hindu University. It continued its mission even when it was not recognised by the University as a centre. Almost all the researchers who have been awarded Doctoral Degrees by B. H. U. in any subject relating to Jainology have been benefitted by P. V. R. Instituto directly or indirectly. At present, Varanasi is the most facilitating centre for Jainological research, and here too P. V. R. I. is the most. It is now recognised as a centre for Jainological research by Banaras Hindu University.
L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad is recognised by Gujarat University and has developed as an important centre for Indological research in general and Jainological research in particular in the state of Gujarat.
In Rajasthan mention of Udaipur University has been made above. Among institutes, Jaina Vishwa Bharati, Ladaun has been recognised by Rajasthan University.
Other institutions are gradually coming up. Even an independent university is proposed at Jalgaon (Maharashtra).
These institutes still need competent leadership for planning the research, a team of devoted scholars and assistants, and potential financial backup. If these institutes and the University Departments work in co-ordination, and in well-planned directions, the achievements will prove of extra-ordinary importance in the field of Advanced studies in the cultural heritage of India.
The role of some individual scholars-traditional as well as associated with the university, have been more than that of an institution. Their untiring efforts and devotion for the advancement of Jainological studies are of historical importance. Names of some European and Indian scholars have been mentioned above. In this connection contributions of late Pt. Nathuram Premi, Pt. Jugalkishore Mukhtar, Pt. Sukblal Sanghvi, Pt. Mahendra Kumar Nyāyācārya, Pt. Bechardas Doshi, Muni Puoya-Vijay, Muni Jinvijay. Dr. P. L. Vaidya and Dr. A. N. Upadhye deserve special mention.
The founders of various publication series and the traditional Pandits who brought to light many ancient texts have laid down the solid foundation of Jainological studies.
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During later half of the present century manifold developments in the field of higher studies and research have taken place. Trends of Tescarch have changed. National Policy of higher cducation has been revised. New pattern of higher studies has been established. Methodology has quiic developed. The University Grants Commission publishes regularly a "Joilrnal of Higher Education. On the basis of my survey reports and close association with above devclopments, I have analysed the studies in Prakrits and Jainology and could detect some conclusions and observations. Following points may prove bcneficial for perspective planning of higher studies and research in Prākrits and Jainology. Universitywise details of doctoral desscrtations approved and in progress arc appended for ready reference.
1. During last five decades more than five hundred Doctoral Dissertations on different aspects of Jainology and Prakrits have been approved by various universitics. At present hundreds of rescarch scholars arc found registered.
2. A good number of Dissertations have been publi: hed and avai. labic for reference,
3. Close observations of the titles of Dissertations unpublished, disclosc manifold significance helping to detect some important featurcs. Individual title can be well utilised for undertaking further research work,
4. Researches in Jainology and Prakrits cover a wide range of subjects of Humanities and Social Sciences Some attempts have been made to cxplore natural and life sciences as well. These can be well classificd subjcctwise and broadly cnumcrated in the light of the recent trends and National Policy of Higher Education and rescarch referred to above.
5. Most of the rescarches have been conducted on Interdisciplinary basis, and cither comparative or descriptive is not analytical.
6. Mostly now arcas of researches have been investigated.
7. It is surprising to note that these rescarches have been undertaken and conducted successfully even when no U.G.C. Professorship of Jainology and Prakrits was provided to any university of India, Central as well as Statcs,
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8. In nonc of the universitics thc U.G.C., 1s (created a Department of Jainology and Prākrits.
9. Researches ha:c been generally conducted under var US Departs nents of the Universitics, like,
(a) Department of Classical languages, (b) Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archacology, (c) Department of Philosophy, (d) Department of History of Art and Architecture, (e) Department of Hindi, and
(f) Department of Sociology. Credit of the rescarch works completed and in progress goes to individual tcachers and the Departments with which thcy arc associated.
10. Some of the universitics which do not have any teaching Department and are the asiliating bodies, have awarded morc Doctorate degrees than others.
11. Some of the universities which have been started recently have awarded the highest degree.
12. A close look in the researches so far conducted in Prākrits and Jainology give a clear idea of the arcas covered and the fields explored. In the light of the recent trends and classified research priorities prepared by U.G.C. Panels and ICSSR, thc rcscarches conducted in Prākrits and Jainology could be broadly classified as follows, 1. Language
i) Classical languages : Prākrits, Sanskrit, Apabhramsa. ii) Regional languages : Tamil, Kannaďa, Gujarāli, Rūjasthānī,
Maithili, Hindi ctc. 2. Literature
āgama and Agamic literature, Purāņas, narrative literature, Grammar, Drama, and Dramaturgy, poctics and literary criticism,
cvolution of literature, critical editing of ancient classical texts. 3. Lnguistics. 4. Philosophy and Religious Studies. 5. Inscriptions, Epigraphy. 6. History, Art and Culture.
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7. Sociology, Schools and Sects. 8 Political Science. 9. Education. 10. Economics and Commerce. 11. Psychology. 12. Geographi'. 13. Mathematics, 14. Astronomy, Astrology.
13. If one goes through the bibliographical details further closely, and one who has already seen ihe published dissertations, he can asses the intensity of carlier and later dissertations. It can obviously bc concluded that carlier rescarches were comparative, intensive and of high standard. But there is a gradual fall in quality with the increasing quantity. Though this gradual fall of standard could be seen in almost all the subjects of Humanities and Social Scieoces due to rush and hurry for degree, yet some other reasons should not be ignored.
14. There is no co-ordination in the research-work conducted or being carried out at presint. Simutaneously the research work is being done on the same subject, same theme and on same lines. It clearly indicates that the researcher, the cuservisor and the members of the Research committes arc riot avare of the works already done and being carried out. Even in many cases the works published are not noticed before registration. The bibl ographics and Journals which must be seen before undertaking the research work, are not consulted.
15. Lack of proper facilities on the part of the university and lack of traditional back-ground, hurry for the Doctorato Degree and negligence of the responsibility undertaken on the part of researchers and sometimes of supervisors too are some of the important factors for the decline of the standard.
Role of University Grants Commission
1. It is css the part of the University Grants Commission to provide guidelines for Perspective Planning of Higher Education and Research in Jainolozy and Prakrits. more important it is, because Higher Education and Research in Juinology and Prakriis are yet to be properly introdued and organised in the universities.
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2. As Jaipology and Prakrits have most unexplored and wide scope, and fertility of the new areas for Interdisciplinary studies and research, it deserves special attention and incentive on the part of the University Grapto Commission as well as the universites.
3. It is surprising, rather unfortunate that no full-fledged Department with adequate staff and proper facilities, has yet been created by the Commission for the study of Prākrits and Jainology in any University of India.
4. The unfortunate incidents of converting the junior teaching posts of Prākrit into other discipline, have been noticed since Fourth Five Years Plan and need not to be mentioned here. But it is the duty of the University concerned to avoid such malpractice. The commission also needs to see into the matter.
The discussions and deliberations of the seminars and conferences held during last three decades brought out with great clarity the main objectives of Higher Education and Rescarch in Präkrits and Jainology. The ways, along which these studies ought to develop in our academic institutions, have been suggested. The importance and cultural value of the studies in their varied aspects have been clearly magnified. On the basis of the sccommendations of the seminars some aspects of Perspective Planning could be suggested.
The Prākrit Languages form an essential link between the old IndoAryan and the ancient civilisation embodied in it and the New Indo. Aryan and the modern culture of the country. They form the very backbone of linguistic studies in our country, and contribute equally to the better understanding of both Sanskrit on the one side and Modern Aryan and Dravidian languages on the other. The necessity of cultivating more intensely the study of Apabhramsa for a praper historical appreciation of Modern Indian languages, and to grasp their essential unity, is beyond dispute.
Prākrits have also played their part in linking India with its ncighbouring countries in its cultural expansion, and their studies are expected to renew these ties with the nations of South-East Asia and strengthen them,
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Prakrit literature, uoparalled in iis vast extent and astonishingly of varied interest, forms ac integral part of it. Accient and the Medieval heritage of the coustry and stands on czual sog.isg with Sanskrii and Pali studies, Prakrit studies should b: takea to include all the Middle Indo-Aryan Languages iccluding Niya and ihe :o called Gzedbāri Prakrits to give them a broader 2nd deeper perspective.
It has been clearly located and icerified by a band of scholars that the origins and growth of almost all the modern Indian languages are intimately connected with the Piakrits, and thai the knowledge of Prakrits is quite essential for the proper understanding and efficient development of the differeni regional languages of both ine indo-Aryan and the Dravidian families, wbich are bound to play a far more central role in the academic life of the coudiry in the cars to come. Jo this connectioz scholars have pointedly drawn the attentio) to the importanz and value of the Apahians? 121guages and literature which coss.itate their immediate precursors. Along wită the oina: Fell-kno7n aspects of tie Prakrit 1202u2gcs as a whole, ihe Apabhrams2 stands in urgent need of an intensive and careful study.
In jem of the importance and s2lue of Higher Eduziion 20d Research in Prakrits and Jaipology ihe objective should os formulated in the light of recent treacs of research ani Rational Policy.
Prakrits azd Jaipolozy cover a duch wider sphere than they are sometimes understood and misreprescated by some scholars for their own Teasons. The latest Polic Frame formuizied by University Grants Commission most appropriately apply to these siudies, because tõe basic object of Pszkriis and Juicolozz is to promote hum20 values acd cultural heritage of the people.
Higser Education
Higher Educ:ion in Prakrits 201 Jainology has yet to be planed in the light of the linguistic and cultural values of these studies. They must ce brougat in closer relation to iaciode all the middle Indo-Aryza diziects on one hani 28á regiotal 129guages on toe oicer. Jairological studies in particular should be broagai ia closer reiziion to the other subjects of Humanities 20i Social Sciences like Päilosophy, Reiigioas Siudies, Accient Iodizo History, Culture and Archaeology, History of
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Art, Sociology, Political Science, Education, Economics, Psychology and
1. Post-Graduate Studies
In view of the above disciplines the course of studies at Post-Graduate level should be planned very carefully to suit the subjects. Thus the course of studies should be of two types. To specify,
(a) A full course to cover all the semesters or Previous and Final Examinations, whatsoever may be. This course of studies should be of specialised nature leading to research in the field. Without such specialised study, the culturally useful aspects of the subject cannot be brought out. To bring in the uniformity the existing courses of Ardhamagadhi, Prakrit and Jainology, as they are put in different universities like Bombay, Bihar, Magadh, Udaipur, Mysore, Karnataka, Varanasi etc. descarve to be throughly revised.
(b) Another course of studies should be a bit of general nature, and of Two and Four papers to be offered in final Examination. Two papers course should be introduced in the subjects where provision for writing a dissertation in lieu of papers exists. Four papers course may be introduced in the Departments of Classical languages, Modern Indian languages, Department of Linguistics and in the Department of Philosophy, Religious Studies, Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. Such course of studies should be introduced with the object to promote Inter-disciplinary studies which would remove barriers between Departments, and promote greater academic co-operation between them. These courses should essentially be conducted under the supervision and guidence of the Department of Prakrits and Jainology so as to achieve the desired results.
2. Under-Graduate Studies
The course of studies at Under-Graduate level needs to be introduced with a view to provide potential background for higher studies in the discipline. As such 'Prakrit and Jainology' should be introduced as an independent optional subject at Uuder-Graduate level, and the course of studies should be drawn accordingly. Keeping the importance of the subject, it should not be mixed up with any other subject of study, but at
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the same time the course contents should be enriched, and should not be confined to a very limited scope,
Research and Research Projects
1. It is necessary that preference is given to new subjects for Doctoral dissertation and research programmes rather than repeating out. Such an researches on topics which have been already worked approach alone will contribute to an all round enrichment and step up the progress of Indian studies.
2. To prepare critical editions of ancient texts should be given top priorities for the above mentioned research works. In this connection it should be borne in mind that editing some works can be undertaken on individual initiative but some of the works can be undertaken by a team of earnest scholars and experts of the subjects, critical edition needs to be critical in real sense evaluating entire value of the text, and not merely a reproduction of manuscript.
3. The topics for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral dissertation should be specific and well-defined. The discipline and the area of the topic should be decided at its initial stage. An illustrative list of research priorities bas been published by University Grants Commission and Indian Council of Social Science Research and other Councils.
4. As studies and researches in Prakrits and Jainology are at the stage of reorganisation, more specific and detailed illustrative list is an immediate need which can be met out only after a series of workshops for reorientation and perspective planning of Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology.
5. To prepare source material from ancient texts for Inter-disciplinary research is an urgent requirement essentially in the fitness of the recent trends in research in Humanities and Social Sciences as well as National Policy. For such a work of crucial importance for evaluating the real value and significant features of the cultural Heritage of India, an exhaustive list of topics has to be prepared. Then the works can be undertaken by an individual for Doctoral dissertation and by a team of research experts for research programme.
6. Topics for Doctoral dissertation in Jainology should be selected from the concepts, theories and ideals formulated by the great Prophats
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( १७ )
and Acaryas of Jaina Śramana Tradition for human welfare and total development of personality, after constant experiments during last three thousand years or even more on life and matter in Socio-Cultural develop. ment. There is plentiful such material which is the heart of Jainology. Merely narrating the tales and putting the things from one vessel to another should be discouraged. Such research works merely lower the value and importance of Jainological researches.
Major Research Projects
Basides the research projects mentioned above some major research projects have been suggested in the Seminars as 'essential research projects', They can be enumerated as follows,
1. An intersive survey of Prakrit, Sanskrit and Apabhramsa manuscripts pertaining to the studies of Prakrits and Jainology, and their scientific cataloguing.
2. Historical and descriptive grammars of the different Prakrit dialects including the inscriptional Prakrits on an uniform plan. 3. A comprehensive History of Prakrit and Jainological literature. 4. A Middle Indo-Aryan Dictionary on historical principles based on all the available Prakrit and Apabhramsa works.
5. An authoritative Encyclopaedia of Prakrits and Jainology.
6. A comprehensive Bibliography of Prakrits and Jainological studies.
7. Monographs on important cultural aspects prominently represented in Prakrit and Jainological Literature, and can be potentially helpful for Inter-disciplinary studies.
Promotion of Prakrit and Jainological Studies
To achieve the above-mentioned aims and to promote the Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology at the university stage, the Seminars have made some suggestions and indicated the procedure which the universities and the University Grants Commission should adopt as the practical steps.
1. It is important to set up full-fledged Departments of Prakrits and Jainology in a couple of universities which may be found
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cuitable for the purpose, and setting up of at least an Iostitute or Centre of Advanced studies ia Prakrits and Jajaology to
undertake and co-ordinate research work in the field, 2. Existing Departments of Jaipology od Prakrits may be streng.
thened and equipped with suficient stafi ard oiber facilit es required to fulfil the desired Inter-disciplinary teaching and research.
3. In view of tte importance of the subject, and its initial stage,
adequate specific Scholarships 2t Post-Graduate level and Fellowships for M. Phil and Doctoral research, and research Grants for minor and major research projects should be provided.
4. Seminars, symposia, workshops, summer schools, short term
Institutes, Conferences should be regularly organised at regional and all India level at suitable universities.
Undesirable developments to be restricted
The seminars have painfully recorded some undesirable developmeats shich would ultimally result in National loss of Cultural Haritage, and iherefore, desi to be stopped at this very stage. It is well-known and as undisputable fact that classical lansuages of Iodia have close tie and require to be studied in relation to each other. It is why earlier Professors of Sanskrit could contribute to a great extent to any classical language Sanskrit, Paii, Prakrits or Apabhrams.
It is a calculated fact that half, and sometimes more than half of a classical Drama cow popalaris tgown as Sapskrit Drama, is written in Prakrits. Druma like Wrochakarikam is written mostly in Prakrits.
All the works of Sanskrit Poetics have quoted a good deal of Prakrit 2nd Apabranša verses.
It should be asserted that these works, whicrearer prescribed as text books, are taughi in original.
The practice of teaching Prakrit portio35 got in original but through Sanskrit Cha;a has developed to such an extent that gradually the Prakrit portioas of the dramas and works on poetics have become comupi.
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i! The Sattakas, which are written hundred per cent in Prakrit, are being taught through Chaya. Editions of Sattaka like Kappüraman jari are appearing with Chāyā, aod the Sanskrit exposition and Hindi translation adopt the Chāyā only.
Even the Pāli and Prākrit inscriptions and Apabhramsa portions in the selections are presented with Chāyā.
These books are taught in the universities as text books at PostGraduate level. As a result in the new generation the young scholar of Sanskrit is kept deprived of the rich cultural heritage of the classical languages. Their knowledge becomes very limited in a closed compartment. Ultimately a great deal of hatred to sister classical languages is generating. An earnest student, not even a scholar, can think why the great poet like Bhāsa, Kālidāsa, Sriharşa, Bhavabūti, Rājasekhara and others did not compose their dramas entirely in Sanskrit ? Why they composed so much portions in Prākrit ? What for the great Ācārya Bharata Muni prescribes different Deśabhāsās or Prakrits to be used in dramas ? Why all the great writers of Poetics like Mammața, Ānandavardhana, Dandi, Kuntaka, Jagannātha, Vishvanātha and others have quoted so many Prākrit verses in their works ? Could they not find apropriate examples in Sanskrit literature ? And they may find a reply to themselves that none of the great writers was lacking in any classical language. They wanted to depict composite culture of our country, otherwise how the proverb could come out •Literature is the mirror of the Society'. It is lack of the knowledge on the part of the teacher that he deprives his students from a good deal of knowledge of our cultural heritage. The student may specialise in any branch of classical languages, but if they are put in a watertight compartment from very beginning, they can never be in a position to understand the literary, linguistic and cultural value of the classical languages and the close tie wbich they have to one another.
Attention of every earnest scholar working in the field of any branch of classical languages should the drawn to this matter of great concern. In Ănandasundri Sațțaka the poet says,
पाखंडो ण महं तिदिक्खइ विडो सीलाइ विज्ज जडो । जं जं जस्स सुदुल्लहं खिदिसु सो तं तं मुहा दिई ।
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I po ) A heretic hates pūja, a libertine bates character, and a fool hates knowledge. Man vainly goes on condemniog things that are beyond him. Conclusion
In the light of the above details, we may conclude that Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology should be plained with a secular outlook, and within the frame of National Policy of Higher Education and Research. The objectives should be well-defined, and should be cons'stant to the functions enumerated in the Policy Frame as follows,
-inculculate and promote basic human values and the capacity
to choose between atterpate value systems; -preserve and foster our great cultural traditions and blend them
with essential elements from other cultures and peoples; -promote a rational outlook and scientific temper; -enrich the lodian languages and promote their use as important
means of communication, national development and unity; - promote the development of the total personality of the students
and inculcate ip them a commitment to society; -act as an objective critic of society and assist in the formulation of
national objectives to the pursuit of excellence; -promote commitment to the pursuit of excellence; - contribute to the improvement of the entire educational system
so as to subserve the community.
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RESEARCHES IN PROGRESS erails of Doctoral Dissertations completed and in progress at Central
and State universilies.
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi The Story of Ram in the Hindu, the Buddhist and the Jaina Literature in Sanskrit, Prākrit and Apabbramsa V. M. Kulkarni, Ph. D., 1952, unpublished. Jaina Epistimology I. C. Shastri, Ph. D. 1952, unpublished Political History of Northern India from Jaina sources G. C. Chaudhari, Ph. D., 1954, published. Psychological analysis of Jajna Karma philosophy M. L. Mehta, Ph. D., 1955, published. सिद्धि विनिश्चयटीका का समालोचनात्मक संपादन (A critical edition of Siddhiviniscaya Țikā) Mahendra Kumar Jain, Ph. D. 1959, published. A critical and coniparative study of the Jaipa conception of Moksa B. B. Rayuade Ph. D., 1959, unpublished. The Licchavis Hitnarayan Jha, Ph. D., 1964, unpublished. सोमदेवकृत यशस्तिलक का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन (A cultural study of Yaśastilaka of Somadeva) Gokul Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1965, publislied. आदिपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन (A cultural study of Ādipurāņa) S. N. Jha, Ph. D., 1965, unpublished. जैन और बौद्ध आगमों में नारी (Woman in Jaina and Buddhist Āgamas) K. C. Jain, Ph. D, 1967, published.
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11. 5771707 57 9171719. 77707
la critical study of Uttaradhyayanadura)
S. L. Jain, Ph. D., 1962, publishod. 12. 47 sá á siat
(Ahircā in Jainismi
B. XX. Sinha, Ph.D. 1952, published. 13. 4a71777917 aze.
(Treatment of Infercties in Jaina Logici D. L. Kothia, Ph. D., 1969, published, A cultural study of the lítha Cúrni
Madhu Sen, Ph. D., 1969, published. 15, গল্প প্রকাশ্য সিল্প দ্য দ্বিধাগ্যঙ্গ বিদ্বার
P. C. Jain, Ph. D. 1969, published. Core
19. (Jainia Ethics in Agama Literature's
A.S.D. Sharssa, Ph. D. 1969, unpublished. 17. 3971777 177 2171921297 4570
(la crítical study of the Tilaka-Marijari of Dhanapala)
Izgannath Pathal., Ph. D., 1969, unpublished. 12. 2011 51
7 7 2257 (A critical study of Jaina Yoga)
kohaddas Diys, Ph. D. 1970, published. 19, 7927777777775173547
(A cultural study of Sarnarai cakahay Zinku Yadey, Ph. D. 1973, published. farbE1% 777 77777 "A philosophical study of Viscayabyaka-bhasya) 14. P. Sanghave Ph. D., 1973, unpuplished. अभियोग और सन्यायंत्र का गुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A cimparative study of Abhidharma-kosa and Tattirartha-sūtra) Pan Isasa Tripathi, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. Jaina Temple of Western India Hlasika: Singh, Ph.D., 1676, published. 77,1777. 1 % Jana Iornography is Northern India) Marutinandian Prasad Tiwari, Ph. D. 1977, published.
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24. मूलाचार का समीक्षात्मक अध्यययन
(A critical study of Mūlācāra)
Phool Chand Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished. 25. विपप्ठिशलाकापुरूपचरित में महावीर चरित
Kum. Manjula Mehta, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished. 26. जैनाचार्यो का अलंकारशास्त्र में योगदान
Kamlesh Kumar Jain, Ph. D. 1977, unpublished. 27. जैन दर्शन में आत्मविचार : तुलनात्मक और समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन
(Soul in Jaina Philosophy : A comparative and critical study)
Lal Chand Jain, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished. 28.
Ancient Geography of India from Jajna sources 700 A. D. to 1200 A.D. with special refcrcncc to Jaina Purāņas
Sankatha Prasad, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished. 29. मेघविजय गणी के सप्तसंधान महाकाव्य का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Saptsandhana Māhākāvya of Meghavijaya Gani)
Shrcyansh Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1979. 30. पार्श्वनाथ चरित का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Pārsvanātha-carita)
Jay Kumar Jain, Ph. D. 1979, unpublished. 31. आचार्य समन्तभद्र के दार्शनिक विचारों का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study the Philosophical Thoughts of Ācārya Samantabhadra) Narendra Kumar Jain, Ph. D. 1980, unpublished. जैन श्रावकाचार का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study of Jaina Ethics of houscholder)
Sanat Kumar Jain, Ph. D. 1980, unpublished. 33. जैन-बीन्द्ध योग का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Jaina-Bauddha Yoga)
Mangala Duggad, Ph. D. 1982, published. 34. हिन्दी साहित्य को जैन कवियों का योगदान Mangal Prakash Mchata, Ph. D. 1982, unpublished.
Registered 1. सिद्धसेन दिवाकर का जैन दर्शन में योगदान
Smt. Vidyamaya Ghosh
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2. जैन प्रमाणमीमांसा का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
Devi Datta Mishra 3. तत्त्वार्थमूत्र : एक समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन
Kum. Pramila Pandeya 4. आचार्य हरिभद्र मूरि का भारतीय दर्शन में योगदान
Kum. Sushila Jain 5. प्राचीन भारत में शिक्षा : जैन ब्रोतों के आधार पर
Dava mapi Yagyika तीर्थङ्कर, बुद्ध और अवतार की अवधारणाओं का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
Ramesh Chandra Gupta 7. जैन दर्शन में जीव की अवधारणा : आधुनिक जीवविज्ञान के सन्दर्भ में
Usbarani Singh 8. जैन दर्शन में शब्द प्रमाण
Archana Pandeya 9. रजनीश के चिन्तन पर जैन दर्शन का प्रभाव
Kanbaiya Singh १२ वीं शताब्दी तक उपलब्ध जन साहित्य में विवेचित धार्मिक सम्प्रदाय
Rambansa Chaturvedi 11. जैन साहित्य में कृष्णकथा
Rita Singh 12. जैन साहित्य में प्रतिपादित नारी जीवन
Gita Devi 13. जैन साहित्य में आर्थिक जीवन
Kamalprabha Jain 14. जैन कर्म सिद्धान्त का ऐतिहासिक विकास
Ravindra Nath Mishra 15. अरविन्द और जैन दर्शन की समीक्षात्मक और समन्वयात्मक विधि
Mamata Gupia 16. जैन बागम साहित्य में आयुर्वेद
Rita Guru 17. प्रबन्ध चिन्तामणि का साहित्यिक अध्ययन
Rina Singh
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University of Delhi
1. अपनश साहित्य
(Thc Apabhramsa Literature)
Harivansh Kochar, Ph. D. 1952, published. 2. A study of Dvyāśraya Kāvya in Sanskrit Literature
Satya Pal Narang, Ph. D., 1968, unpublished. 3. A critical study of Candra-Vyākaraņa-Vriti on the basis of a new
Harshanath Mishra, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. 4. fi67 2117 FOTO FT GAAT ZETTA
Ravindra Kumar Scih, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. 5. शिलप्पदीकारम और पदमावत का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
Vinita Bhalla, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. 6. Jaina Ethics
D. N. Bhargava, Ph. D., published. A comparative study of the major commentaries of the TattvārthaSūtra by Umasvati, Pujyapada, Haribhadra, Siddhasena, Bhatta Akalanka and Vidyananda
Smt. Amara Jain, Ph. D. 1974, unpublished. 8. A study of three Tarkabhāşas
Promila Sharma The social conditions as depicted in Jaina Sanskrit Mabākāvyas
Mohan Chand, Ph. D. 1977, unpublished. 10. Jaina Mythology as depicted in the Digambera Literature
Manju Jain, Ph. D. 1976, unpublished. “Rasa” in Jaina Sanskrit Mahākāvyas (from 8th to 15th century) Puspa Davi Gupta, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished. A study of Jaina Ethical ideas with special reference to Ācārāngasūtra Veena Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished. आचार्य कुन्दकुन्द के प्रमुख ग्रन्थों में दार्शनिक दृष्टि (Philosophical Thoughts in the main work of Ācarya Kundakunda) Sushama Ganga, Ph. D., 1978, published.
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( २६ )
हेमचन्द्र और पाणिनि का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Hemcandra and Panini) Mahendrapal Shastri, Ph. D. 1982, unpublisted.
त्रिपशिलाका पुरुपचरित : एक अध्ययन (Trisasthiśalākāpurusa carita : Astudy)
Kum. Manju Sharma, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished.
A study of Hemacandra with special reference to his contribution to Lexicography
Mahendra Kumar Gupta
3. वादिराज की कृतियों का साहित्यिक अध्ययन
जैन संस्कृत साहित्य में रामकथा
(The story of Rama in Jaina Sanskrit Literature) Smt. Veena Kumari, Ph. D. 1983, unpublished.
Contribution of Jainas to Sanskrit Grammar Prabha Kumari
4. हेमचन्द्रकृत अभियान चिन्तामणि का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Abhidhana-cintamani of Hemacandra) Kum. Susama Jain
(A literary study of the works of Vadiraja)
Kum. Sunita Isarani
sara साहित्य का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन - (प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि, प्रवन्धकोश, मावचरित के विशेष सन्दर्भ में)
Amla Thukral
Aligarh University, Aligarh
जैन साहित्य का प्राचीन हिन्दी साहित्य पर प्रभाव
(Influence of Jaina Literature on old Hindi Literature) D. K. Jain, Ph. D. 1961, uapublished.
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( २७ )
Agra University, Agra 1. Jain Polity
S. S. Jain, Ph. D.. 1955, unpublished. 2. Study in the Jaina sources of the History of Ancient India 100 B. C.
to 300 A. D.)
J. P. Jain, Ph. D., 1956, published. ___ 3.
अपभ्रश भापा और साहित्य (Apabhraiņśa Language and Literature) D. K. Jain, Ph.D., 1957, published. अपभ्रश काव्य परम्परा और विद्यापति (The Apabhramsa Kāvya Tradition and Vidyapati) Ambadatta Pant, Ph. D., 1958, unpublished. महाकवि बनारसीदास : जीवनी और कृतित्व (Mahakavi Banarasidas : Life and works)
R. K. Jain, Ph. D., 1959, published. 6. आचार्य पुष्पदन्त : एक अध्ययन
Acary Puspadanta : A study)
Raj Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1959, unpublished. 7. हिन्दी के भक्ति काव्य में जैन साहित्यकारों का योगदान
(वि. सं. 1400 से 1800 तक) (Contribution of Jaina writers to Hindi Bhakti Kavya v. S. 1400 to 1800)
Premsagar Jain, Ph. D., 1959, published. 8. The structure and function of soul in Jainism
S. C. Jain, Ph. D., 1960, published. 9. जैन कवि स्वयम्भू कृत पउमचरिउ तथा तुलसी कृत रामायण
(The Paumcariu of Jaina poct Svayambhū and The Rāmāyaṇa of Tulsi)
Om Prakash Dixit, Ph. D., 1962, published. 10. हिन्दी बारहमासा साहित्य
(Hindi Bārahamāsā Literature) M. S. Prachandia, Ph. D., 1962, unpublished.
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( २८ ) 11. अपभ्रंश और हिन्दी के रहस्यवादी साहित्य का अध्ययन (18 वीं शती तक)
(A study of Jaina mystic literature of Apabhramsa and Hindi upto 18th century A. D.)
Basudeo Singh, Ph. D., 1962, unpublished. 12. महाकवि पुष्पदन्त : दशमी शताब्दी के एक अपनश कवि
(Mahakayi Puspadanta: An Apabhramsa poet of 10th century) Raj Narayana Pandeya, Ph. D., 1963, published. Mataphysical synthesis, its nature and value as suggested by a study of the Philosophy of Kundakunda P. K. Jain, Ph. D., 1963, uopublished. सोमदेव एक राजनीतिक विचारक (Somadeva : A Political Thinker)
P. M. Jain, Ph. D., 1964, unpublished. 15. भविस्यत्तकहा और अपनश क्रयाकाव्य
(The Bhavisyatta-kaha and Apabhraniša Kathakavya)
D. K. Shastri, Ph. D., 1964, published. 16. महाकवि स्वयम्भू
(Mabākavi Svayambbū).
Sankatha Prasad Upadhyaya, Ph D., 1965., unpublished. 17. यात्रायं कुन्दकुन्द और उनका समयसार
(Ācārya Kundakunda and his Samayasāra)
Lal Bahadur Shastri, Pa. D. 1955, publ:shed. 18. रविणत पद्मपुराण तथा तुलसीकृत रामत्ररितमानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Padma-purana of Ravisena and Rāmacaritamāpasa of Tulsidas)
Ramakant Sula, Ph. D., 1967, published. 19. Kumārapāla Calukya
Satya Prakash, Ph. D., 1967, unpublished. गाथा सप्तशती और बिहारी सतसई : सतसई परम्परा के परिवेश में एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Gatha-Saptašati and Bihari Satasai: A comparative study in the background of Satasar tradition) Shashi Prabha Jain Ph.D. 1968.unpublished.
Page #33
A comparative study of the Yogašāstra works in Jajpism and the Patañjali Yoga Dargana Sarla, Ph. D... 1969, unpublished. धन जयकृत द्विसन्धान महाकाव्य का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative study of Dvisandhana Mahākāvya of Dhananjaya). Shivadatta Gupta, Ph. D., 1970, unpublished. महाकवि भूधरदास : व्यक्तित्व एवं कृतित्व (Mahakavi Bhoodhar Das : Life and workes) Brajendra Pal Singh Chauhan, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. अपभ्रश का जैन रहस्यवादी साहित्य और उसका कवीर पर प्रभाव (Jaina mystic literature of Apabhramsa and its influence on Kabira) Surajmukhi D:vi Jain, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. गणित और ज्योतिप के विकास में जैन आचार्यों का योगदान (Contribution of Jaina Ācāryas in the developincnt of Mathematics and Astrology) Mukutbehari Lal Agrawala, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. Women in Jaina literature and art (500 B. C. to 1200 A. D.) Kamlesh Kumari Saxena, Ph. D.. 1973, unpublished. Political Philosophy of Ācārya Hemacandra Chaman Lal Jain, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. अष्टछाप के कवियों की विम्ब योजना (Chandravir Jain, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished.
सांख्य तथा जैन तत्त्वज्ञान एवं आचार का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative study of metaphysics and ethics of Sāṁkhya and Jaina Philosophy)
Ram Kishor Sharma, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. 30. हेमचन्द्र के द्वयाश्रय महाकाव्य (कुमारपाल चरित) का सांस्कृतिक एवं साहित्यिक
अध्ययन (A cultural and literary study of Dvyāsraya Mahākāvya (Kumārapāla carita) of Hemcandra
Harsha Kumari Jain, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. 31. हिन्दी जैन काव्य में व्यवहृत शब्दावली और उसकी अर्थव्यञ्जना
Arun Lata Jain, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished.
Page #34
32, 42 er:75 m2757 iz-77707 . .
(Concept of Karna in Jaica Philosophy: A critical and comparative study)
Habipal Jain, Po. D., 1972, uzgublished. 33.
METZEIT (741 10 i 177) (The Political ide: 25 de criteri in Jaina Literature from 7th ceni. A.D. in 10th ceni. h. D.) Vijayalakshmi Jain, Piz. D., 1972, unpublished.
Pegistered 1. Faz Te
giz (Contribution of Jaina posts to Hindi pro:c Literature)
Chandrapal Sharma 2. Polo
(Jaine Mathematics
Harish Chandra Garga 3. 1 47757.: 71 TZ
(P.. Asadara: Life and works) Kapoor Chandra Jzin
077 791 4597717 7 7777777 (h comparative study of Padmapurana and Padmacarita of Pavisena)
Shikkes Chendra Jain 5. Ei
(Hindi Jaina Katha Literature)
Phool Chandra Jain 6. . Siz
Z51 01727 Contribution of Acarya Sasnantabhadra to Sanskrit Stotra Literature)
Ganesbi Lal Jain 7. F
7FET (Jaira Puja Litsrature in Hindi)
Kum. Krishna Varshnisja 2. F 575 F: 0137977777777
(Hindi ataku-ahitya, its History a study Jazavir Kishore Jain
Page #35
( ३१ ) हिन्दी में राम विषयक जैन साहित्य (Jajna Literature in Hindi relating to the story of Rama) Kalyan Chapdra Jain
हिन्दी जैन साहित्य में कृष्ण वार्ता . (The story of Krishna in Hindi Jain Literature) M. P. Kotia
अपभ्रश जैन प्रेमाख्यानक काव्य १००० से १२०० ईस्वी तक (Apabhramsa Jaina preniākhyānaka Kavya, 1000 to 1200 A. D.) Parasmal Jain
संस्कृत गद्य साहित्य में गद्यचिन्तामणि का स्थान और समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन (Place of Gadyacintāmaņi in Sanskrit prose Literature and its critical study) Bhagavat Sharan Sharma
13. हिन्दी जैन पद साहित्य १५ वीं शताब्दी के प्रारम्भ से आधुनिक काल पर्यन्त
(Hindi Jaina Pada Literature from 10th century to present time) Gokul Prasad Jain
____14. आहार क्षेत्र की मूर्तियों और शिलालेखों का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of the icones and inscriptions of Āhāra) Shanti Jaina
15. जैन चम्पू काव्य : एक साहित्यिक तथा आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(Jaina Champu Literature : A Literary and critical study)
Jayanti Prasad Jain 16. रीतिकालीन जैन कवियों के हिन्दी प्रवन्ध काव्य
(Hindi Prabandha Kāvyas of Jaina pocts of Ritikāla) Lal Chandra Jnin
चन्द्रप्रभचरित : एक अध्ययन (Candraprabhacarita : A study) Jaydevi Jain जैन कवियों की दार्शनिक शब्दावली : अर्थ और विकास (Philosophical terminology of Jaina poets : Meaning and development) Kum. Arunalata Jain
Page #36
University of Allahabad
1. Study of Prakrit Mahakavyas in relation to cognate Sacskrit literature
Ramji Upadhyaya, D. Phil, 1945, unpublished. 2. प्राज्ञत, नपत्र साहित्य और हिन्दी पर उसका प्रभार
(Prakrit and Apabhramsa Literature and its influence on Hindi)
Ram Singh Tomar, D. Phil, 1951, published. 3. आदिकाल का हिन्दी जैन साहित्य
Hari Sbankar Sharma, D. Phil, 1959, unpublished. 4. The conception of Abimsă in Indian thought according to Sanskrit
sources : Vedic, Jaina and Buddhist.
Koshalya Vali, D. Phil., 1960, unpublished. 5. The story of King Udayana as gleaned from Sanskrit, Pali and
Prakrit sources. Niti Adaval, D. Phil, 1962, uopublished.
धर्मशर्माभ्युदय महाकाव्य का तुलनात्मक और समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative and critical study of Dharmaśarmābhyudaya)
Svapra Banerjee, D. Phil., 1968, unpublished. 7. अपनज कया साहित्य का हिन्दी कथा साहित्य पर प्रभाव 17 वीं शती तक)
(The influence of narrative literature of Apabhramsa un Hindi garrative till 17th century A. D.) Siddha Nath Pandey, D. Phil, 1969, unpublished. हेमचन्द्र की देशीनाममाल का आलोचनात्मक एवं ध्वन्यात्मक अध्ययन (A critical and Phonetic study of Dešināmatālā of Hemcandra)
Sheomurti Sharma, D. Phil, 1973, unpublished. 9. जन न्याय तथा आधुनिक बहुपक्षीय तर्कशास्त्र
(A comparative study of Jaina Logic and modern many-valued logic) Asha Jain, D. Phil. 1979, unpublished. जन पुराणों का संस्कृतिक अध्ययन (A cultural study of Jaina Puranas) Devi Prasad Mishra, D. Phil, 1980, uopublished. मेस्तनाचार्य कृत प्रवन्धचिन्तामणि का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study of Prabandha-cintamani of Merutuigācārya) Yadunath Prasad Duba, D. Phil, 1983, urpublished.
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( ३३ )
राजशेखरसूरिकृत प्रबन्धकोश का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Prabandha-koga of Rajasekhara sūri) Ashok Kumar Singh
जैन आदिपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन (A cultural study of Jaina Adipurāṇa) Girish Chandra Pandeya
पद्मपुराण का सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
(Socio-cultural study of the Padmapurana)
Parash Nath Misra
जैन कथाओं का सामाजिक अध्ययन
(Social study of the Jaina Kathās)
Veena Khandelkar
University of Gorakhpur
A study of Dvyāśraya Mahākāvya of Hemacandra Krishnadhar Sharma, Ph. D. 1979, unpublished.
Gurukul Kangari University
पउमचरिउ और रामचरित मानस के नारी पात्रों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of the women characters in Paum-cariu and Ramcarita Manasa)
Yogendra Nath Sharma. Ph. D., 1973 published.
Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi
वौद्ध तथा जैन साहित्य में वर्णित राजतन्त्र का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of monarchism as depicted in Buddhist and Jaina Literature)
F. Singh, Ph. D., 1974, uppublished.
Page #38
( 28 )
Kanpur University
Registered 1. जन प्रावकाचार परम्परा में स्वामी समन्तभद्राचार्य का योगदान
(Contribution of Svāmi Samantabhadra-ācārya to the tradition of Jaina Ethics of householders) Kum. Raka Jain
Kumayun University, Garwal 1. श्री ज्ञानसागर मुनि का जीवन एवं उनके संस्कृत के कार्यों का साहित्यिक
मूल्यांकन (The life of Muni Sri Jñanaságar and the literary appraisal of his Sapskrit works)
Kiran Taodon, Ph. D. 1978, unpublished. 2. नयचन्द्रसूरी के हम्मीर महाकाव्य का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Hammira Mahäkävya of Nayacandra Súri) Ramesh Chandra, Ph. D., 1981, unpublished.
University of Luckoos
India as described in early texts of Buddhism and Jainism B. C. Law, D. Liit, 1941. Nature of Polity in Jaina Literature S. S. Jain, Ph. D., 1954, unpublished. यस नाहित्य में शृंगार (Singāra in Apabhramsa Sahitya) Indrapal Singh, D. Litt, 1967, unpublished. पुष्पदंत की भाषा (The language of Puspadant) Kailash Nath Tandon, Ph. D., 1969, uppublished, Post-Abhinavagupt dramatic techpique with special reference to the Natya Darpana of Rāma Candra and Guna Candra Mapju Lata Khare, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished.
A critical and Scholastic study of Vararuci's Prakrit Prakasa N. L. Rastogi, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished,
Page #39
( .३५ )
__7, आधुनिक हिन्दी जैन महाकाव्य Kum. Indu Rai Jain, Ph. D. 1982, unpublished,
Registered ____ 1. राज्य संग्रहालय लखनऊ में बौद्ध तथा जैन मूर्तियों का प्रतिमाशास्त्रीय अध्ययन
संधमित्रा शंकर
Mecrut University, Meerut 1. हिन्दी रामकाव्यों के प्रमुख पात्रों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of main characters of Hindi Rāma Kāvyas) Madan Gulati, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. गुणभद्र के उत्तरपुराण और तुलसी के रामचरितमानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative study of Uttarapurāņa of Gunabhadra and Rāmacaritamānasa of Tulsi) Vijay Garg, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. जैनदर्शन में नयवाद (Nayavada in Jaina Philosophy) Sukhnandan Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished. यशोधरचरित्र की सचित्र पाण्डुलिपियों का अध्ययन (A study of the painted manuscripts of Yasodharacarita) Kamala Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished. A comparative study of the story of Rama as presented in Jaina Sanskrit, Prākrit and Apabhraņša literature
Usha Agrawal, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished. प्राकृत पउमचरियं और रामचरितमानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative study of Prakrit Paumacariyam and Rāmacarita
manasa) Sharmbir Singhal, Ph. D., 1981, unpublished.
मध्ययुगीन जैन हिन्दी महाकाव्य
Chandraprabh Lavania, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished. 8. जैन साहित्य में आर्थिक विचारधारा
(Economic thoughts in Jain literature) Suparsva Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished.
Page #40
9. पायाभ्युदय का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Päršvabbyudaya) Suparshva Kumar, Ph. D. 1932, unpublisbed.
10. अपनज जैन साहित्य एवं मानव मूल्य
(Apabhraşša Jain Literature and Human Values)
Sadhvi Sadhana, Ph. D. 1982, unpublished. 11. कालिदास कृत मेघदन तथा मलंगाचायं कृत हुन मेघदन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of the Meghadūta of Kalidas and Jaisi Megha. dura of Merutungacarya). Uma Jain, Ph. D. 1983, unpublished.
Registered 1. जैनाचार्य जिनमेन कृत हरिवंशपुराण (मन) एवं मृदाम न मृरमागर (हिन्दी)
का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
Vishnukani Shukla 2. स्वयं के पत्रपति ने उपान्यानों का रामायण एवं रामचरित मानन के साथ
तुलनात्मक अध्ययन Surendra Kumar
3. अपघ्रग में लिखित जैन तथा अन्य दोहा साहित्य
(Jain and other dohá Literature in Apabhrams) Dhan Prakash Mishra
Sampurnanınd Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi
जैन-दणंने आत्मदाबंदचनम (Soul in Jaina Philosophy) Mutta Prasad Pateria, Vidyavaridhi,1970, published.
2. आचार्यविद्यानन्दस्य दागनिकमन्तव्यानां समालोचनात्मकमध्ययनम्
(A Critical study of the Philosophical Thoughts of Acásya Vidyānanda) Shital Chandra Jain, Vidyavaridhi, 1920, uripublished.
आगधनाया: विदिपणामकमध्ययनम् (भगवत्याराधनायाः विशेष संदर्भ) Gulab Chandra Jain, Vidyaváridhi 1983, unpublished.
Page #41
( ३७ )
Registered 1. गीम्मटसारजीवकाण्डस्य पारिभाषिकशब्दानां विवेचनात्मकमनुशीलनम्
Gyan Chandra Jain 2. वसुनन्दिकृत-उवासयाज्झयणस्य तुलनात्मक समीक्षात्मकं चानुशीलनम्
Amar Chand Jain कालिदासस्य नाटकेपु प्रयुक्तस्य प्राकृतस्यानुशीलनम्
Vishvanath Bhatt 4. संस्कृतसाहित्यशास्त्रे प्रयुक्तानां प्राकृतपद्यानामनुशीलनम्
Satyendradhar Tripathi
Sir Harisingh Gaur University Saugor 1. जैन मागम शास्त्र के अनुसार मानव व्यक्तित्व का विकास
(Personality development according to Jaina Āgamas)
H. D. Jain, Ph. D., 1957, published. 2. आचार्य जिनसेन कृत महापुराण के आधार पर ऋपभ तथा भरत के जीवन चरित्रों
का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (A comparative study of the biographics of Rşabha and Bharata based on Mahāpurāņa of Jinasena) Narendrakumar Jain, Ph. D., 1966, unpubished. आचारांग सूत्र का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study of Acaranga Sutra)
P. D. Jain, Ph. D., 1968, unpublished. 4. देवगढ़ की जन कला का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
(A cultural study of the Jaina Art of Devagarh)
Bhag Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1969, published. 5. महाकवि हरिचन्द : एक अनुशीलन
(Mahakavi Haricand : A study)
Pannalal Jain, 1973, published. 6. दक्षिणी बंदेलखण्ड की जन कला का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन ।
(A critical study of the Jaina Art of South Bundelakhanda) P. C. Singhai, Ph. D., 1980, unpublished.
Page #42
( ८ )
7. जैन हरिवंशपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
2. वीरकून जगामित्र
(A cultural study of Jaina Harivamsa Purāṇa) Laxmi Jain, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished.
Pani Durgavati University Jabalpur
Doctrine of Matter in Jainism
J. C. Sikdar, D. Litt, 1962, unpublished.
के आधार पर जम्स्वामी के जीवनचरित का
समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of the Life of Jambu Svami on the basis of Jambusami Cariu of Vira)
Vimal Prakash Jain. Ph. D., 1968, published.
जैन और मीमांसा दर्शनों के कर्म सिद्धान्त का वुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Karma Theory of Jainism and Mimansa) K. L. Palival, Ph. D. 1972, unpublished.
जैन सृष्टिविद्या एवं पौराणिक सृष्टिविद्या का विकास : वेद के संदर्भ में तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
Prakash chandra Jain, Ph. D. 1971, published.
कालीन हिन्दी जैन काव्य
Kiran Jain, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished.
Vikram University Ujjain
तिमंजरी कालीचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Tilakamañjars)
Virendra Kumar Jain, Ph. D, 1969, unpublished.
जैन ती साहित्य का लोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Jaina Stotra literature)
K. B. Lokhande, Ph. D., 1969, unpublished.
पद्मचरित और उसमें प्रतिपादित भारतीय संस्कृति
(Padmacarita and Indian Culture )
Ramesh Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished.
Page #43
( ३९ )
4. प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन मालवा में जैनधर्म
(Jainism in ancient and medieval Malava)
Tej Singh Gaur, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. 5. संस्कृत-प्राकृत जैन-साहित्य में महावीर कथा
(The stroy of Mahavira in Prakrit and Sanskrit Literature)
Shobhanath Pathak, Ph. D. 1975, published. 6. शंकर तथा कुन्दकुन्द के दार्शनिक विचारों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A Comparative Study of Philosophical Thoughts of Sankara and Kugdakunda)
Syam Nandan Jha, Ph. D. 1976, unpublished. 7. मालवा में जैन साहित्य का निर्माण तथा जैन साहित्यकारों का योगदान
(Writing of Jaina litcrature in Malava and the contribution of Jaina authors) Smt. Sushila Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished.
Registered __ 1. हस्तिमल्ल के नाटकों का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of the Dramas of Hastimall)
Smt. Pratibha Jain 2. तत्त्वार्थसूत्र का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Tattvārtbasūtra)
Vidyabhushan Sharma 3. वादीभसिंह और उनका काव्य
(Vadibha Singh and his poetry) Shcel Chandra Jain
Holkar University, Indore ___1. पं० टोडरमल : व्यक्तित्व और कर्तृत्व
(Pt. Todarmal : Life and Works)
Hukum Chandra Bharill, Ph. D., 1972, published. 2. लीलाबई कहा के विशेप सन्दर्भ में प्राकृत कथाकाव्यों का अध्ययन
(A study of Prakrit Kathākāvyas with special reference to Lilabai Kaha) Kusum Lata Jain, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished.
Page #44
6. आदिपुराण में प्रतिपादित तत्त्वमीमांसा (The Metaphysics of Adipurana)
( ४० )
हिन्दी के जैन विलास काव्यों का उद्भव और विकास
P. C. Jain, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished.
जैन साहित्य में विदुपी साध्वियों एवं महिलाओं का इतिहास
(The History of learned nuns and women in Jaina literature)
Hirabai Bordia, Ph. D., 1976, published.
7. हरिवंशपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
जैनदर्शन में परमाणुवाद
(Atomism in Indian Philosophy with special reference to Jaina
Sadhvi Lalit Kumari, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished.
Udai Chand Jain, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished.
1. जंबूसामिचरिउ : वस्तु और शिल्प
Smt. Sarojini Dapharia
(A cultural study of Haribamsapurāṇa)
Vriddhi Chandra Shastri, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished.
करकण्डचरिट : सन्दर्भ, शिल्प और भाषा Dhannalal Jain
पुष्पदन्त का कृष्ण और राम काव्य Mahashi Kapoor
अपभ्रंशरित काव्यों में शृंगार भावना Snehlata Kashliwala
5. जैन सिद्ध और नाथों की मुक्तक काव्यधारा का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
Svarnalata Srivastava
जैन साहित्य में रामकथा
(Jain Sahitya men Ramakatha)
Aksaya Kumar Jain
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( ४१ )
Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Contribution of Hemacandra to Sanskrit literature : Critical and comparative study of Sanskrit works of Hemacandra. Vishnu Bhaskar Musalgaonkar, Ph. D. 1970, unpublished.
जैन, बौद्ध तथा गीता के आचार दर्शन का तुलनात्मक एवं समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन (A critical and comparative study of Jaina cthics with reference to Buddhism and Gita) . Sagarmal Jain, Ph. D., 1971, published.
3. आचार्य उमास्वाति का भारतीय दर्शन को योगदान
(Acarya Umāsvati's contribution to Indian Philosophy) Indrajit Jain, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished.
University of Bhopal
जैनदर्शन में निश्चय और व्यवहार नय (Niscaya and Vyavahāra standpoints in Jaina Philosophy) Ratan Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1980, unpublished.
Ravisliankar University, Raipur
1. हरिवंशपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
(A cultural study of Harivamsa Purana) Rukmini Jain, Ph. D. 1973, unpublished.
1. रूपक काव्य परम्परा तथा अपभ्रंश के रूपक काव्य
(Tradition of Rūpaka Kavyas and Apabhraía Rüpaka Kāvyas)
Smt. Sarojini Jain 2. जोइन्दु तथा कवीर की रचनाओं का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of the works of Joindu and Kabira) Deo Kumar Jain
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2 )
Patna University, Patna Early History of Vaishali Jogendra Mishra, Ph. 1). 1958, published. 99767777 FT 47797 (Studies in Apabhrama Language) Virendra Srivastava, D. Litl., 1963, published. A linguistic study of Psäkrit with special reference to Hindi Vidhata Mishra, Ph. D. 1964, unpublished. The contribution of the Brahmanical Pauranic Tradition to the Jaina Pauranic Tradilian Shaktidhar Jha, Ph. D. 1970, unpublished, Jainism in carly mcdicval Karnataka Ram Bhushan Prasad Singh, Ph. D. 1972, unpublished. जेन बाइमय में शिक्षा तन्य (Elements of Education in Jaina Litcrature) Nishanand Sharma. Ph. D. 1979, unpublished. Top 2017 ü fizy-31917, atz, 17 771 újaint Ti fasta niz 5 (Athcism in Indian Philosophy with special scíerence to Cárvāka, Buddhist, Jaina and Miniānsa Philosoply) Lalita Devi Yadav, Ph. D. 1979, unpublished. Critical and linguistic study of the Präkrita-Prakasa Rampati Singh, Ph. D. 1979, unpublished. 98 11 777 93 Í TÖ 377. 067 67 (Jainas in Uttar Pradesh in Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries) Umanath Srivastava
Bihar University, Muzaffarpur Studics in Bhagavati Sūtra J. C. Sikdar, Ph. D., 1960, published. A critical study of Paun.acariyam of Vimal Suri K. R. Chandra, Ph. D., 1962, published.
Page #47
3. प्राचीन हिन्दी काव्य में अहिंसा के तत्त्व __ (Elements of Ahimsa in old Hindi Literature)
Vidyanath Mislira, Ph. D., 1963, unpublished. 4. पउमचरिउ और रामचरितमानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Paumacariu and Rāmacaritamānasa) . D. N. Sharma, Ph. D., 1963, published. 5. महाकवि रइधू के साहित्य का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of the works of Mahākavi Raidhu) Raja Ram Jain, Ph.D., 1965, published. हेमचन्द्र के अपभ्रश सूत्रों की पृष्ठभूमि और उनका भाषावैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (The A pabhramsa Sūtras of Hemchandra : their back-ground and philological study)
Param Mitra Shastri. Ph. D., 1965, unpublished. 7. A comparative study of Buddhist Vinaya and Jaina Ācāra
Nand Kishore Prasad, Ph. D., 1965, published. 8. Influence of Jainism on Sarvodaya Philosophy
___ Jagdish Narayan Mallik, Ph. D., 1966, unpublished. 9. A comparative and critical study of the ethics of Buddhism, Jainism
and Bhagavat Gita. Seva Kumari Sharma, Ph. D., 1967, unpublished. बौद्ध पूर्व विहार के धार्मिक चिंतन और चिन्तक (The religious thinking and thinkers of Pre-Buddhistic Bihar)
Jaidev, Ph. D., 1967, unpublished. 11. जिनसेन के हरिवंशपुराण का समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Harivaņģapurāņa of Jinasena)
Suryadeo Pande, Ph. D., 1967, unpublished. 12.. अपभ्रश के स्फूट साहित्यिक मुक्तक
N. P. Varma, Ph. D., 1966, unpublished. ___13. The back-ground of Gandhian non-violence and its impact on
India's national struggle
Ram Kripal Sinha, Ph. D., 1967, unpublished. 14. आचार्य भिक्ष और जैन दर्शन को उनकी देन
(Ācārya Bhiksu and his contribut on to Jainism) Chbaganlal Shastri, Ph. D., 1968, unpublished.
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( ४४ )
Jaina Yoga
Rai Ashwini Kumar, Ph. D., 1971, unpublished. 16. नियुक्ति, णिबीर टीका के आधार पर आचारांग का परिशीलनात्मक बध्ययन
(A critical study of Ācārānga based on Niryukti, Cūrņi and Tika)
Jagadish Narayan Sharma, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. 17. An aesthetic analysis of Karpuramanjari
Ram Prakash Poddar, Ph. D., 1978, published. 18. An analytical study of Nethippakkarana
Atul Nath Sinha, Ph. D., 1966 unpublished. An appraisal of Jainism in modern perspective with special reference to the Philosophy of Lord Mahavira H. P. Varma, Ph. D., 1978 unpublished. जनदर्शन का नयवाद : एक मीमांसा (Nayavada in Jaina Philosophy : A critical study)
Indradeva Pathak, Ph.D., 1981, unpublished. 21. A study of the concept of Sex in Indian thaught and Jainism wiib
special reference to the Madana-parājayacariu Laxiswar Prasad Singh, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished.
22. वसुदेवहिड़ी का ममालोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Vasudeva-hindi) Ratjan Suridev, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished.
23. महाकवि पुष्पदन्त और उनका महापुराण : एक अध्ययन
(Mahākavi Puspadanta and his Mabipurana : a study) Sudarshan Mishra, Ph.D., 1982, unpublished.
24. संस्कृत, प्राकृत एवं अपनज भक्तिकाव्य परम्पा में जैन कवियों का हिन्दी पद
साहित्य : एक नमालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (Hindi Pada Literature of Jaipa poets in the Traditional background of Bhakti in Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramśa Literature! Sunita Jain, Ph. D, 1983, unpublished.
कुन्दकुन्द कृत नाटकश्य: एक अध्ययन (Nataka-treya of Kundakunda) Vishvanath Chaudhari, Ph. D., 1983, uppublished.
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Registered 1. सूवकृतांग का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Sūtra-kslānga)
Shrikant Tyagi 2. Philosophy of Ācārya Kundakuunda
Hem Narayan Sharma
Magadh University 1. संस्कृत काव्य के विकास में जैन कवियों का योगदान
(Contribution of Jaina pocis in the development of Sanskrit poetic Literature)
N. C. Shastri, D. Litt., 1965, published. 2 A study of religion and its different expressions with special
reference to Brahinanical, Buddhist and Jaina religious movements
Om, Prakash Sharma, Ph. D., 1967, published. - 3. मध्यकालीन हिन्दी जन साहित्य (वि० सं० १६०० से १८०० तक)
(Medieval Hindi Jaina Literature) Gadadbar Singh, Ph. D., 1969, unpublished. प्राकृत शिलालेखों का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study of Prakrit inscriptions)
Chandradeo Ray, Ph. D., 1970, unpublished. . 5.
संस्कृत नाटकों में जैन नाटककारों का योगदान (Contribution of Jaina Dramatists to Sanskrit Dramas) Ram Nath Pathak, Ph. D., 1970, unpublished. रविपेणाचार्य कृत पद्मपुराण का काव्यात्मक तथा सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन (A literary and cultural study of Padmapurana of Revisena)
Mahendra Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. __7. रूपककार हस्तिमल्ल और उनका नाट्य साहित्य
(Hastimalla; the Dramatist and his dramatic literature)
K. L. Jain, Ph. D., 1972, published. 8. जैनदर्शन के सन्दर्भ में आचार्य समन्तभद्र के आचार सिद्धान्त का समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of ethical Principles of Ācārya Samantabhadra with reference to Jaina Philosaphy) Brijkishore Pandeya, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished.
Page #50
University of Ranchi faz 17 97 H 125i 17171717 70907. (A critical study of moral idcals of Hinduism and Jainism). Pratibha Jain, Ph. D., 1981, unpublished.
University of Bombay 1.0 an cssay on Kundak unda; His date Pravacanasära and other works
with Englisli translation of Pravacancára, (ii) Sri Yogindudev's Parmälmaprakāśa and Yogasira, (ii) Parn asuttam and (iv) Varángacarita
Adinath Nominath Upadhye, D. Litt. 1939, published. 2. Historical grammar of inscriptional Prakrits
Madhukar Anant Mahtudale Ph. D. 1943, published. 3. Life in aricient India as depicted in Jaina Canons.
Jagdish Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1944, published. 4. H'storical grammar of lupabhrarna
Ganesh Vacudco Tagorc, Ph. D., 1946, published. Jaina Icofiography mainly in Svetambara Shantilal Chhaganlal Upadhyaya, Ph. D., 1949.
Jaina community: A sosial survey Vilas Adinath Sangasc, Ph. D. 1950, published. The story of Ram in Jaira Literature as presented by Svetambara and Digambora pocts in the Psakrit,Sanskrit and Apabhrama Languages K. V. Abhynayas, Ph. D., 1952 unpublished. Criticisin of Buddhism and Jainism in Brahmasūtra K. V. Aple, Ph. D., unpublished. Thc Paum Cariu of Svayambhu Dec (Vidyadhara kända) H. C. Bhayani, Ph. D. published. History of Jaina Monachism from inscriptions and literature S. B. Dco, Ph. D., 1952 published.
Page #51
The story of Rama in Jain literature as presented by Svetām bara ard Digambara in the Prakrit, Sanskrit and Apabhramsa languagco Vaman Mabadeo Kulkarni, Ph. D. 1952.
The influence of Sanskrit directly or through Prakrit on Kannada. Varadraja Ramacharya Umarji, Ph. D. 1952.
Elements of Jaina Iconography Umakant Premananda Shah, Ph. D., 1953, published.
Avidyā and the cognate concepts in Vedic, Buddhist and Jaina Daršanas Esther Abraham Solomon, Ph. D., 1954. Siddhasena Divakar: A study with special reference to his Snmatitarka P. N. Deo Ph. D., 1963, unpublished. A critical survey of the contribution of the Jaina writers to Nyāya. Vaišeșika literature with a critical cdition of Nyāyakandali of Sridhara-Ācāraya. J. S. Jctli, Ph. D. 1953, unpublished.
27. सग्थ्यि और जैन परिणामवाद का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of the pariņāmavāda of Samkhya and Jainas)
Indukala Jhayeri, Ph. D., 1953, unpublished. 18. A critical study of Mahāpurana of Puspadanta
(i. c. critical study of all the deshya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahāpurāna and his other works)
Smt. Ratna Sriyan, Ph. D., published. 19. पउमचरिट एवं रामचरित मानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Paum Cariu and Rāmacarita Māpasa) G. N. Sathc, Ph.D., 1966, unpublished. Criticism of Buddhism and Jainism in Brahmasūtra Keshav Vaman Apte, Ph. D., 1964. Śrimad Rājacandra : A study Saryu Bhogilal Sheth, Ph. D., 1966, unpublished.
Page #52
dia 7:19. The Jaioa Daba Kavya : A study Bhagwati Prasad Misbra, Ph. D., 1970, uopublished. Illustrated Jaina manuscripts from Digambara Bhagdaras Saryu B. Doshi, Ph.D., 1971.
A critical study of the Paumcariyem of Vimalasuri Prabhakar Vízhadev Upadhye, Ph. D., 1982, unpublished. Theory of Karma in Jaipa Āgamas Suman Pravida Cizodra Shah, Pb. D., unpublished.
Coirersity of Nagpur
1. Fra sfars it FTGE I ai
(Bbāratiya Aryanbasa parivara li madhyavartini dešihasłon ki dharãen) Bhalchandra Rao Telang, Ph. D., 1957, unpublished. भट्टारक मन्त्रदाय (History of the Brattaral Tradition)
Vidyacher Joharaparkar, Ph. D., 1959, published. 3. A Critical study of the Monastic and Ascetic Life ia Jainism
together with social ani political life based upon Nāyādhamma. lahko B. V. Moharil, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished. मध्यप्रदेश के प्राचीन संस्कृत-प्राकृत जैन गिलालेवों का सांस्कृतिक और सनालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A cultural and critical study of the ancient Sapskrit-Prakrit Jaid? inscriptions of Madhya Pradesh)
Kastoor Chand Jain, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished. 5. मध्यकालीन हिन्दी जन काय में रहस्यवाद
Pushpalata Jain, Ph. D., 1975, unpublished. Jainism in Andhra as depicted in inscriptions Jawahar Lal Bhanta, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished.
Page #53
7, श्रमण साहित्य, दर्शन और संस्कृति का इतिहास
(History of Sramana Literature, Philosophy and Culture) Bhag chandra Jain, D. Litt. 1982.
Registered ____ 1. प्राकृत-संस्कृत जैन साहित्य में वर्णित वैदिक संस्कृति का स्वरूप
(Vedic culture as described in Prakrit-Sanskrit Jaina Literature) Keshav Jain
Poona University
1. प्राचीन माराठी तिल जैन साहित्य भंडार
Rayappa Tippanna Akkole, Ph. D., 1964, unpublished. Critical study of Prākrit Language in Sanskrit Dramas.
Gargi Devi Uniyal, Ph. D., 1965, unpublished. 3. A Critical Study of the Prakrit Language in Sanskrit dramas.
Thakurta Garji Guha, 1965. 4. Cultural history from the Vasudevahindi
Aravind Prabhakar Jamkhedkar, Ph. D., 1969, unpublished. जैन परम्परा में रामकथा साहित्य का अध्ययन (A study of the Ram-Katha literature in Jaina Tradition) S. K. Shah, Ph. D., 1971, unpublished.
जैन तीर्थंकर नेमिनाथ विपयक हिन्दी काव्य U. B. Kothari, Ph. D., 1974, unpublished. संस्कृत जैन साहित्य में उल्लिखित जैन नवतत्त्व (मराठी) The nine catagoris of Jaina Philosophy as depicted in Sanskrit Jaina works)
Sadhvi Darshanshecla Jain, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished. 8. मध्यकालोपरान्त हिन्दी जैन साहित्य का साहित्यिक एवं सांस्कृतिक अनुशीलन
(सं. 1901 से 2030 तक) M. V. Kandarkar
Page #54
( 48 ) Shivaji University, Kolbapor
Puspadest and bis works in Apabbrapša D. B. Pathan, Ph.D., 1981, unpublisbed.
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad Study of Hemachandra's śabdānušāsana Mudrika Jadi, Ph. D.
i sän jin JET (Gujarati literature of 17th century) V. J. Chokashi, Ph. D. Literary circle of Mahārālsa Vastuçāla and its contribution 10 sanskrit literature. B. J. Sardesara, Ph. D., published.
Development of Jaina Rāma story V. M. Kulkarani, Ph. D.
Editing of Vilasaraikalā P. M. Shah, Ph. D. The Samkhya-yoga and the Jaina Theories of Pariņāmı Iodukala H. Jhaveri, Ph. D., 1953. The Nātyadarpana of Rama-candra and Gunacandra : A critica study K. H. Trivedi, Ph.D., 1961. Dharmakirti and Aklanka: A study of former by the later Nagisadas J. Shah, Ph. D., 1965, published. The development of later Apabbramsa literature in Western lod! (Gujarati) Vidhatri Avinash Vora, Ph.D., 1967.
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( ५३ )
The Jaina Gujarati pocts of 17th and 18th Century H. G. Shukla, Ph. D., 1969.
A study of Jaina 'rasa' literature till 15th Century A. D. Sanatkumar Chunnilal Rangatia, Ph. D., 1970.
A critical study of Sanskrit Rupaka Kathas and contribution of Mahopadhyaya Yasovijay Gani
P. G. Patel, Ph. D., 1979.
Critical study of early Jaina Theory of knowledge as found in Com. on Nandi by Malayagiri
Harnarayana Pandya, Ph. D. 1979.
वादसिंह सूरि की गद्यचिन्तामणि का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन
(A critical study of Gadyacintamani of Vadibha Singh Suri)
J. S. Patel, Ph. D., 1980, unpublished.
A study of Tattvärtha-Sutra with Bhasya Suzuku Ohira, Ph. D.
The critical study of Jayavantasūri's Śrngāramañjari
Kanu Bhai Seth.
Society as depicted in the Pali Jatakas and Prakrit Agamas Sudhaben Rakhe.
The Anuogadvārasūtra: A study Kanji Bhai Patel.
A Subtle Body in Indian Tradition Sumati Ben Trivedi.
Rishabhacarita by Vinayacandra Virendra Dev Dixit.
Parsvacarita by Padmsundara Ksama Ben Munshi.
Page #56
( 48
Critical study of carly Jaina theory of knowlcdgc as found in com. on Nandi by Malaygiri Harnarayan Pandya. The Rescarch work on the Telugu and Jaina Ramayana Malaya Vasini Ben.
Baroda University Philosophy of Srimad Rūjacandra Shantilal Maganlal Shah, Ph. D., 1966, unpublished.
Rajasthan University, Jaipur Jainism in Rajasthan K. C. Jain, Ph. D., 1956, published. Terāpanthi Scct of Jainas belonging to Svetāmbnra School I. C. Sharma, Ph. D., 1959, unpublishicd. greint free (Prakrit Pengalam : A Text on Prakrit and Apablıramı metres) Bhola Shankar Vyas, D. Litt, 1959, published.
१३ वीं शताब्दी रो १४ वीं शताब्दी तक के जैन संस्कृत महाकाव्य (Jaina Sanskrit Malūkāvyas of 13th to 14th Century) Shyam Shankar Dixit, Ph. D., 1963, unpublished. Ethical doctrinc in Jainism K. C. Sogani, Ph. D., 1961, published. Ancient Citics in Rajasthan K. C. Jain, D. Litt., 1964, published. राजस्थानी बेली साहित्य (Rajasthāni Beli Literature) Narendra Bhanavat, Ph. D., 1965,published.
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( ५५ )
8. Jaina Grantha Bhandūras in Rajasthan
K.C Kashliwala, Ph. D., 1969, published. 9. जैन कवियों के ब्रजभापा प्रवन्ध-काव्यों का अध्ययन
(A study of Brajabhāṣā Prabandha Kavyas of Jaina Pocis)
Lal Chandra Jain, Ph. D., 1969, unpublished. 10. महाकवि जिनहर्प : एक अनुशीलन
(Mahākavi Jinaharşa : A study) J. C. Sharma, Ph. D. 1969, unpublished.
सधारू कृत प्रद्युम्नचरित के विशेष सन्दर्भ में प्रद्युम्नचरित काव्य का तुलनात्मक तथा आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन । (A comparative and critical study of Prayumna. Carila with special reference to Pradyumna-carita of Sadhāru) Madan Gopal Sharma, Ph. D. 1969, unpublished.
12. राजस्थानी गद्य शैली का विकास
(Development of Rajasthani Prose Style) Ram Kumar Garva, Ph. D. 1970, unpublished.
तेरापंथी जैन श्वेताम्बर सम्प्रदाय का राजस्थानी और हिन्दी साहित्य (Rajasthani and Hindi literature of Terapanthi Jaina Syetambara Scct)
B. N. Purohit, Ph. D. 1970, unpublished. 14. गहाकवि समयसुन्दर और उनकी राजस्थानी रचनाएँ
(Mahakavi Samaya Sundara and his Rajasthani works) S. A. Swami, Ph. D. 1971, unpublished.
15. जैन संस्कृत महाकाव्य
(Jaina Sanskrit Mahākāvyas) . Satyavrat, Ph. D., 1972, unpublished.
जैन रामकथा परम्परा (Jaina tradition of the story of Rama) Sitaram Sharma, Ph. D., 1976, unpublished.
17. जैन हरिवंशपुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
(A cultural study of Jaina Harivarisapurāņa) Prem chand Jain, Ph. D., 1977, unpublished.
Page #58
18. नार्थकर मादिनाथ और उनका मानवीय संस्कृति के उन्नयन में योगदान
(Tirthankara Ēdinātha and His contribution to the development of human culture)
Kokila Jain, Ph. D. 1981, unpublished. 19. आदिकालीन हिन्दी राम नाहित्य : एक अध्ययन
(Hindi Rasa literature of Adil:ala : A study)
M. L. Gangawat 20. हिन्दी के मध्ययुगीन जैन प्रेमान्धानका काव्य
(Medicval Jaina Premākhyānala Yãvyas of Hindi)
Kum. Snchlata Baj 21, यानी फाग नाहित्य और उसका मांझानिक महत्त्व
(Rajsthani Faga literature and its cultural study)
Smt. Kumari larik 22. ब्रह्म जिनदान : व्यकिय गवं कृतित्व
(Brahma Jindas : Life and works) Premchand Ranvaka मुगललाम और उनका नाहित्य (Kushal Labha and his literature)
M. M. Svarup Mathur 24. कुमन लामान गाथा नाहित्य का लोकतायिक अध्ययन
(Lokatattvika study of the Kathā literature of Kusbalalabha) Smt. Rukmani Vaishya
B. I. T. S. University, Pilani
1, विक्रम की अठारहवीं शताब्दी का राजस्थानी जैन साहित्य
( Rajasthani Jaina literature of 18th Century V.S.) Basanthal Sharma. Ph. D 1968, unpublished.
University of Jodhpur
नपानकन निलकाजग का नमालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study o: Tilakamaijaij of Dhanapăla) Pushpa Gupta, Ph. D. 1978, unpublished.
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2. The concept of substance in Jaina Thought ___Vijaylaxmi, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished.
जनदर्शन में स्याहाद : एक समालोचनात्मक अध्ययन (A critical study of Syādvāda in Jaina Philosophy) Kanchan Lodha, Ph. D., 1979, unpublished.
Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur
Economic ideas in Jainism Shyamlal Mandawal, Ph. D. 1972, unpublislıcd.
2. कुवलयमाला का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
(A cultural study of Kuvalayannala) Prem Suman Jain, Ph. D., 1973, published. Jain Mysticism Shanti Jain, Ph. D., unpublished.
भट्टारक सकलकीति : एक अध्ययन (Bhattaraka Sakalakirti : a study) Bihari Lal Jain, Ph. D., unpublished. रयणचूडरायचरियं का आलोचनात्मक सम्पादन एवं अध्ययन (A critical edition and study of Rayanacūdārāyacariyan) Hukam Chand Jain, Ph. D., 1983, unpublished.
University of Kurukshetra
1. गाथा सप्तशती तथा रीतिकालीन श्रांगारिक सतसई काव्य का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Gātā Saptašati and amorous Satašai litcrature of Rití age) Pushp Lata, Ph. D., 1969, unpublished.
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72 Fizzi si 51373 7171 * 05343 (The study of Praksit language in the dramas of Kálida.a) Santosh Kumari, Ph.D., 1971), unpublished. Origin and doclopment of Jaina Socis and Schools Muní Ullam Kamal, s'n. 1). 1972, publishicd. 2017 57 taikiufz0777111771-179. 777197 (A critical study of Sarvärthasiddhi of Pujya pada) Sinmat Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1961, unpublished. A critical study of Tilava Marijari vif Dhanapala S.K. Sharma, Pi, D., unpublished. A critical study of Candraprabhacarita of Viranandi lazmi Narain, Ph. 1)., 1972, unpublished.
Registered A critical and Comparative study of Jaina Kumarasambhava Surendra Sharma
TTT 117 1917 Jallu Pracad
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohatak I. 9947734032 7 77152779917
(A study of Baumariu and its impact on laies Hindi CaritaKänas, Ram viva. Gupta, Pn. 1). 1979, unpublished.
Punjah University fpt 710 17
173, 177 oz Ernst 712571 Gizi 17. man (6 parative study of main Gronage of Hindi Raniakatha literature with that of Sanskrit, Praksit and prabhrana Ramyatha literature, Macunlai, '. D)., 1977, unpublished.
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2. पंजाब के हिन्दी जैन काव्यों का सर्वाङ्गीण अध्ययन और मूल्यांकन
Mulakh Raj, Ph. D., 1981, unpublished. .
Punjabi University, Patiala
The Doctrine of Liberation in Indian Religions with special reference to Jainism Muni Shiv Kumar Jain, Ph. D., 1978, unpublished.
Calcutta University
A study of Karpuramañjari Manmohan Ghosh, Ph. D., 1938, published. Reals in the Jaina Metaphysics Harisatya Bhattacharya, Ph. D., 1947, published. Somc fundamental problems of Jaina Philosophy Nathmal Tatia, D. Litt., 1951, published.
The Eastern School of Prakrit grammarians Satyaranjon, Banerjce, Ph. D., 1964, unpublished.
The Jaina Theory of Perception Puspa Bothra, Ph. D., 1970, published.
Introduction and development of Jainism in South India K. Mishra, Ph. D., 1973, unpublished.
Jadavpur University History of Apabhramša language and literaterc Murari Mohan Sengupta, Ph. D., 1968, unpublished.
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Karnata University, Dharwad
Jainism in South India and some Jaina epigraphs P. B. Desai, D. Litt. 1954, published. Some prablems of Jaina Psychology Javaou Gunduppa Kalghatgi, Ph. D., 1959, published. Sravanavelagola and its monuments S. Sertar, Ph.D., unpublished. Aihole, Its History and monuments S. Rajashekhar, Ph. D., unpublished. Kansada Literature in the neighbourhocd of Kavirajamarga M. M Kalburgi, Ph.D., 1970, unpublished. Jaida Ramayan of Abhinava Pampa Sangamanath, Po. D., unpublished. Nagachandra and his works S. C. Handi, Ph. D., unpublished. Nayasepa and His works S. S. Bonad, Ph.D., unpublished. Popoa and His Santipurana Miss Uma Devi, Ph.D., unpublished, The nature of self in Jaipa Philosoply: A comparative study N. Vasupal, Ph. D. 1931, unpublished.
Kerala University
Praksit 1020 words in Malayalam P. M. Joseph, Ph.D., 1981, unpublished.
Calicut Loiversity
A critical study of Nakkirar and his works M.P.R. M. Ramaswamy, Pa. D., 1932, unpublished.
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University of Annamalai
Buddhism as expounded in Manimekhalai S. N. Khandaswami, Ph. D., 1971. Epic tradition in Silappatikāram and Manimekhalai K. Lakshmanaswami, Ph. D., 1976. Prosody in Silappatikāram N. V. Jayaraman, Ph. D., 1976.
University of Madras
The Language of Sangam Literature and Tolakkāppiyam T. Natarajan, Ph. D., 1976. Evolution and cvaluation of Epic Literature in Tamil with special reference to silappatikāram R. Kasirajan, Ph. D, 1977, unpublished. A critical study of the differences in the commentaries of Tolakkāppiyam with special reference 10 Akatibinai Iyal and Pusatthinai Iyal K. P. Arunachalam, Ph. D. 1977, unpublished.
Tiruvalluvar and Humanism G. Ramchandran, Ph. D. 1978, unpublished. Tolakkāppiyam Tirukkuralum or Oppayvu : A comparative study of Tolakkāppiyam and Tirukkural literary criticism T. Manian, Ph. D, 1980, unpublished. Imagination in the three great cpics-silappu, Maạimckhalai and Cintamani T. K. Tharani, Ph. D. 1980.
Tamil Culture as revcalcd in Tirukuural E. S. Mathuswami, Ph. D. 1981.
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A study of warfare up to the period of sileppatikāram T. Kandaswamy, Ph. D. 1981. Subagiku's Vasavdatta and Nemicandra's Silavati: a comparative study K. Mabalingz Bhatta Ph. D., 1982, unpublisted.
Kamraj University, Madurai
Critical studies in Terasam of Appar A. M. Parim2cam, Ph. D., 1974.
Cultural and Social history as Teiealed in Silappatikaram P. Alagukrisho20, Ph. D. 1977.
The Grammer of Tolakkappiyan and the language Pathinenki!!:kackiu: A comparative study A. Atritas, Pa. D., 1979, unpublished.
Osmania University, Hyedarabad
Every da; life in Aaciea: India as depicted in Prakrit literature K. Kam22, Ph.D., 1972.
Ctkal lipirersity, Bhavosstara
A critical esition of Markander's Prakrit Sarvasva Krisboa Ct2sórz acharya, Ph. D., 1968. unpublished,
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The traditional chronology of the Jaina and an outline of the political development of India from Ajatasatru to Kaniska Shantilal Shah, (Teildr.) Wurzburg 1934. 55 S-Vollst. als : Bonner Oricntalist. Studien, 9.-Bonn, Phil, Diss. 1934. The Jñātā Stories in the 6th Anga of the canons of the Jaina Huttemann, Wilhelm Fredinand, Strasburg 1907. 51 S.-Auch im Buchb. Malli-Jñātā : the 8th Section of the 6th Anga Nāyādhammakabão of the Svetambara-Jaina Canon Roth, Gustav, (Mschr.) 1952. Getr. Pag. Munchen, Phil Diss. 1952.
Specimen of the Nāyādhammakalvão Steinthal, P, Berlin 1881, 84 S. Leipzig, Phil. Diss. 1882. A Critical Introduction to the Panhvūgaraṇam, the tenth Anga of the Jaina Canon Sen, Amulyachandra, Wurzburg 1936. 67 S.-Hamburg, Phil. Diss. 1935 (1937). The Aupapātika Sūtra : The first Upānga of Jaina with Introduction, text and glossary Leumann, Ernest, Leipzig 1812.--Leipzig. Phil. Diss. 1882. Upon the last fasting in the old Painna in the Jaina Canon Kamptz, Kurt Von.
The Süryaprajñapti and history of the text of Jambūdvipaprajñapti by specimen Kohl, Josef Fricdich, Bonn 1937. XLII, 18 S.-Vollst. als : Bonner Orientalist Studien. 20.-Bonn, 1937. Phil. Diss. 1937. The Kaipasūtra : The old Jaina ascetic text, translation, glossary etc. Schubring, Walther, Leipzig 1905. 71 S.-Indica, 2-Strasburg, Phil. Diss. 1904.
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Giyatthavibāra-6th section of the Mahāaisjhasutta, text, translation, glossary, etc. Hamm, Frank Richard, (Mschr.) 1946. 80 BI.-Hamburg, Phil. Dios, 1943.
The Jaina version of the Sagara story Fick, Richard, Kiel 1888. XXIII, 29, 1. S., I Bl. Kiel, Phil. Diss. 188.
Harivamśapurāņa : A portion of the the Mahāpurāņa of Puspadanta and Introduction of the study of text, etc. Alsdorf, Ludwing, Hamburg 1936. XII, 515 S.-Alt. u. neuindische Studien. 5. -Berlin, Phil Diss. Hab. Schr. 1935.
Silanka's Caupannamahapurisacariya: An Introduction to our koowledge of the Jaina Universal History. Bruhn, Klaus, Hamburg 1934. IX. 153 S. -Alt. . neuindische Studien. 8. --Hamburg, Phil. Diss. 1955.
The Kumarapalapratibodha : An Introduction to our knowledge, Apabhramsa and the story literature of the Jairas Alsdorf, Ludwing, Hamburg 1928. XII, 227 S. Alt. u. neuindischc 2. - Hamburg, Phil Diss. 1928 (1930). Upamitibhayaprapanca : A specimen Jacobi, Hermann (Georg). Bonn 1891. 24 S. Ia : Programm zur Grundungsseir d. Univ. Bonn 1891.
The Dharmapariksa: A study in the literature and history of religions Mirnow, Nicolaus Leipzig 1903, 56 S. Strasburg, Phil. Diss. 1903.
Digambara Text, their Language, ctc. Denecke, Walter, (Mschr.) 1923. 95 S-Auszug: Mschr. 4 Bi. Hamburg. Phil Diss. 1923. (1925). On the Vajjālaggam Laber, Julius, (the Prakrit Anthology). Leipzig 1913. 45 S.-Bonn, Phil. Diss. 1913.
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( 84 ) : 19. · The Grammar:of śākátāyana. Adhyaya 1 pada 1 'with Yaksavarman's
Commentary (Chintāmani) Sukthankar; Vishnu Sitaram, Leipzig 1921, 90'S.-Berlin, Phil.
Diss.: 1921. 20. Prolegomena to Trivikarama's Prakrit Grammar
Laddu, Tukaram, Halle a. S. -Halle, Phil, Diss, 1912. 21. Hemacandra's Lingānušāsana with the commentary; · Franke, R: Otto, Gottingen 1836. XVII. 23, 74:S., 1. Bl:-Gottingen,
Pbil. Diss..1886.. 22. Upon the Stand of Indian Philosophy of Mahavira and Buddha
Schrader, Friendrien Otto, Leipzig 1902. X, 68'S. -Strasburg,
Phil. Diss. 1902. 23. The Doctrine of Karma according to Karma-granthas
Glasenapp. Helmuth Von, Leipzig 1915. 115. S.-Bonn. Phil. Diss. 1915. (The above joformation is based on-Verzeichniscindienkundlicher Hochschschulschriften. Deustschland--Osterreich-Schweiz. Von
Klaus Ludwig Jenert;:1961, Otto-Harrassowitz. Wiesbaden); 1. Studien zum Mahānisiha, Kapitel 1-5
(Together with Jozef Deleu). Alt- und Neuindische Stuien Vol. 10, Hamburg 1963. Drei Chedasütrus des Jaina. Kanons : Ayaradasao, Vavahara, Nisiha, Mit einem Beitrag von Collette Caillat. 11, Hamburg 1966. Prof. Schubring As a kind of supplement to No. 1 nay be regarded Schubring's contribution to the Melanges d' Indianisme a la memoire de Louis Renou (Paris 1968): Zwei Reyen Mahaviras (Translation fron the Mahānisiha). Dr. L. Alsdorf delivered in 1964, Lectures on Jaina Studies : present conditions and future task, at the College de France in Paris. They have been published in French : "Les studien Jaina, etat present' ct taches futures, Paris 1965. He also published a number of articles dealing with the Uttaradbyayatia.
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His article sitthiparinnā" A chapter of Jaina monastic poetry, cdited as a contribution to Indian prosudy, appcarcu in 1958 in vol. II of the Indo-Iranian Journal. It has been translated into Gujarati by Dr. A. N. Jani and was published in the Golden Jubilcc Vol." by Shri Mahavir Jaina Vidyalaya, Bombay. Dr. (Mrs) A. Meile prepared a critical translation and study of the Pinda section of the Oghanijjutti. Two students prepared their Doctorate theses. One dealing with the Pinda chapter of the Mūlācāra as compared with the correspanding Svetambar texts : the other with another Digambar text, the Bhagvati Mūlārādhanā. This will give an idea of the work done in Hamburg..
Oxford Jaina theory of Rcality and Knowleduje Y. J. Padmarajiah, Ph. D., 1955,
[The cntcries in the above bibliography are subjecito corrections and additions.]
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