The story of Rama in Jain literature as presented by Svetām bara ard Digambara in the Prakrit, Sanskrit and Apabhramsa languagco Vaman Mabadeo Kulkarni, Ph. D. 1952.
The influence of Sanskrit directly or through Prakrit on Kannada. Varadraja Ramacharya Umarji, Ph. D. 1952.
Elements of Jaina Iconography Umakant Premananda Shah, Ph. D., 1953, published.
Avidyā and the cognate concepts in Vedic, Buddhist and Jaina Daršanas Esther Abraham Solomon, Ph. D., 1954. Siddhasena Divakar: A study with special reference to his Snmatitarka P. N. Deo Ph. D., 1963, unpublished. A critical survey of the contribution of the Jaina writers to Nyāya. Vaišeșika literature with a critical cdition of Nyāyakandali of Sridhara-Ācāraya. J. S. Jctli, Ph. D. 1953, unpublished.
27. सग्थ्यि और जैन परिणामवाद का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of the pariņāmavāda of Samkhya and Jainas)
Indukala Jhayeri, Ph. D., 1953, unpublished. 18. A critical study of Mahāpurana of Puspadanta
(i. c. critical study of all the deshya and rare words from Puspadanta's Mahāpurāna and his other works)
Smt. Ratna Sriyan, Ph. D., published. 19. पउमचरिट एवं रामचरित मानस का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
(A comparative study of Paum Cariu and Rāmacarita Māpasa) G. N. Sathc, Ph.D., 1966, unpublished. Criticism of Buddhism and Jainism in Brahmasūtra Keshav Vaman Apte, Ph. D., 1964. Śrimad Rājacandra : A study Saryu Bhogilal Sheth, Ph. D., 1966, unpublished.