8. In nonc of the universitics thc U.G.C., 1s (created a Department of Jainology and Prākrits.
9. Researches ha:c been generally conducted under var US Departs nents of the Universitics, like,
(a) Department of Classical languages, (b) Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archacology, (c) Department of Philosophy, (d) Department of History of Art and Architecture, (e) Department of Hindi, and
(f) Department of Sociology. Credit of the rescarch works completed and in progress goes to individual tcachers and the Departments with which thcy arc associated.
10. Some of the universitics which do not have any teaching Department and are the asiliating bodies, have awarded morc Doctorate degrees than others.
11. Some of the universities which have been started recently have awarded the highest degree.
12. A close look in the researches so far conducted in Prākrits and Jainology give a clear idea of the arcas covered and the fields explored. In the light of the recent trends and classified research priorities prepared by U.G.C. Panels and ICSSR, thc rcscarches conducted in Prākrits and Jainology could be broadly classified as follows, 1. Language
i) Classical languages : Prākrits, Sanskrit, Apabhramsa. ii) Regional languages : Tamil, Kannaďa, Gujarāli, Rūjasthānī,
Maithili, Hindi ctc. 2. Literature
āgama and Agamic literature, Purāņas, narrative literature, Grammar, Drama, and Dramaturgy, poctics and literary criticism,
cvolution of literature, critical editing of ancient classical texts. 3. Lnguistics. 4. Philosophy and Religious Studies. 5. Inscriptions, Epigraphy. 6. History, Art and Culture.