Book Title: Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology
Author(s): Gokulchandra Jain
Publisher: Sampurnanda Vishva Vidyalaya Varanasi
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The traditional chronology of the Jaina and an outline of the political development of India from Ajatasatru to Kaniska Shantilal Shah, (Teildr.) Wurzburg 1934. 55 S-Vollst. als : Bonner Oricntalist. Studien, 9.-Bonn, Phil, Diss. 1934. The Jñātā Stories in the 6th Anga of the canons of the Jaina Huttemann, Wilhelm Fredinand, Strasburg 1907. 51 S.-Auch im Buchb. Malli-Jñātā : the 8th Section of the 6th Anga Nāyādhammakabão of the Svetambara-Jaina Canon Roth, Gustav, (Mschr.) 1952. Getr. Pag. Munchen, Phil Diss. 1952.
Specimen of the Nāyādhammakalvão Steinthal, P, Berlin 1881, 84 S. Leipzig, Phil. Diss. 1882. A Critical Introduction to the Panhvūgaraṇam, the tenth Anga of the Jaina Canon Sen, Amulyachandra, Wurzburg 1936. 67 S.-Hamburg, Phil. Diss. 1935 (1937). The Aupapātika Sūtra : The first Upānga of Jaina with Introduction, text and glossary Leumann, Ernest, Leipzig 1812.--Leipzig. Phil. Diss. 1882. Upon the last fasting in the old Painna in the Jaina Canon Kamptz, Kurt Von.
The Süryaprajñapti and history of the text of Jambūdvipaprajñapti by specimen Kohl, Josef Fricdich, Bonn 1937. XLII, 18 S.-Vollst. als : Bonner Orientalist Studien. 20.-Bonn, 1937. Phil. Diss. 1937. The Kaipasūtra : The old Jaina ascetic text, translation, glossary etc. Schubring, Walther, Leipzig 1905. 71 S.-Indica, 2-Strasburg, Phil. Diss. 1904.