Book Title: Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology
Author(s): Gokulchandra Jain
Publisher: Sampurnanda Vishva Vidyalaya Varanasi
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During later half of the present century manifold developments in the field of higher studies and research have taken place. Trends of Tescarch have changed. National Policy of higher cducation has been revised. New pattern of higher studies has been established. Methodology has quiic developed. The University Grants Commission publishes regularly a "Joilrnal of Higher Education. On the basis of my survey reports and close association with above devclopments, I have analysed the studies in Prakrits and Jainology and could detect some conclusions and observations. Following points may prove bcneficial for perspective planning of higher studies and research in Prākrits and Jainology. Universitywise details of doctoral desscrtations approved and in progress arc appended for ready reference.
1. During last five decades more than five hundred Doctoral Dissertations on different aspects of Jainology and Prakrits have been approved by various universitics. At present hundreds of rescarch scholars arc found registered.
2. A good number of Dissertations have been publi: hed and avai. labic for reference,
3. Close observations of the titles of Dissertations unpublished, disclosc manifold significance helping to detect some important featurcs. Individual title can be well utilised for undertaking further research work,
4. Researches in Jainology and Prakrits cover a wide range of subjects of Humanities and Social Sciences Some attempts have been made to cxplore natural and life sciences as well. These can be well classificd subjcctwise and broadly cnumcrated in the light of the recent trends and National Policy of Higher Education and rescarch referred to above.
5. Most of the rescarches have been conducted on Interdisciplinary basis, and cither comparative or descriptive is not analytical.
6. Mostly now arcas of researches have been investigated.
7. It is surprising to note that these rescarches have been undertaken and conducted successfully even when no U.G.C. Professorship of Jainology and Prakrits was provided to any university of India, Central as well as Statcs,