Book Title: Higher Education and Research in Prakrits and Jainology
Author(s): Gokulchandra Jain
Publisher: Sampurnanda Vishva Vidyalaya Varanasi
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to be prominently studiсd in Indian Universitics sincc 1924-25 when Ardhamāgadhi was recognised as one of the classical languages for study, first at the University stage, and later at the matriculation stage." (Prākrit Seminar, Kolhapur, 1968). For many years Malarastra as a whole liad been a most important centre for Prākrit and Jainological studies. But now it is declining. The same is the position of Calcutta, the renowned University of West Bengal.
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi stands at present at the top, as two independent Departments for Prākrit and Jainological studies have been started without the help of any endowment. The names of the Departments arc as follows,
1. Department of Prākrit and Jaināgama, and 2. Department of Jaina Darshana,
both in the Faculty of Sramaņa-vidyā.
Two indepcodent courses of studies from higher secondary to PostGraduate studies have been introduced. The University provides facilities for higher education and Doctoral & Post-Doctoral rescarch. Other courses of studies are carried in the affiliated Vidyālayas and Mahāvidyalayas for which the University takes examinations. Introduction of these studies in a university of traditional learning, has widencd the scope, and the neglected traditional Pārliaśālās and Vidyālayas, which build the back-bone of such studies, received duc recognition. Still much is to be done in the field.
Among the endowment chairs and departmens, Mysore and Udaipur are well-planned and developing speedily. Others are yet to focus their image. The oldest endowment chair at Banaras Hindu University had suffered a very unfortunate setback during the gradation of Teachers in duc course. It is now a Lecturer's post in the Faculty of Oriental Learning and Theology. A fifty-five years, old infant is being survived by spoon-feeding.
Research Institutes
Some Institutions affiliated to or recognised by the University as centre for Jainological studies, have been established during last few decades. Mention may be made to the following,