Book Title: Dexus Notes De Moyen Indo Aryen
Author(s): Colette Caillat
Publisher: Colette Caillat

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Page 15
________________ Deux notes de moyen indo-aryen 111 Ils y sont repartis sous deux rubriques: d'abord "jana janane" (SS 1153), c'est-a-dire jana- au sens de "procreer, produire", qui serait a la base du causatif janei; ensuite jani patubhave ($ 1154), donc "jani" au sens de "se manifester, naitre". Pour la premiere rubrique il est specifie que la rection en est transitive (sakammako 'yam dhatu), le present jannati, le sens "il fait" (jannati t'imassa rupam, karoti ti attho). Les exemples allegues relevent du causatif, "il cree, cause" (karite ... janayati)6S. On observe que, a l'inverse, Hemacandra dans sa grammaire prakrite note pour la racine MAN un present mane, doublet de l'usuel manne. On penserait donc volontiers que les racines a nasale finale se sont mutuellement influencees67. Si tel est le cas, en utilisant un optatif apparemment aberrant janne, de meme que lorsqu'il avait employe labbhe, le Mahanisiha revele des virtualites de l'indo-aryen que la grammaire traditionnelle tend a occulter. SUMMARY * In continuation of previous investigations concerning MIA forms of the root HAN, "to strike, to kill", it is recalled how, in canonical Pa., four different stems are in use in the present active. Apart from survivals from the inherited 3. sg. hanti (in verses), occurrences are adduced of hanati (quoted in Sadd in the bhuvadi-gana), of (-)hanati (in verses), and of hannati (quoted in the Sadd in the divadi-gana, examples in prose). Though the Sadd seems to consider the latter as being intransitive, examples from the Ja (in verses) show that it has also been used in transitive constructions. Among the divadi the Sadd also quotes the present indicative jannati (root JAN), in the meaning "karoti". This form reminds of the opt. janne, which occurs in JM. (in the Mahanisihasutta of the late Jain Canon (in a sloka). Again in the Mahanisiha the creation of the opt. labbhe (in a sloka) could have been favoured by the invariant (opt.?) labbha (cf. sakka). At the same time this present stem reminds of the canonical future labbhihi. The question arises whether the Mahanisiha optatives are totally artificial, or whether they are based on some obscure survival. 65. Sadd 485.16-18: Jana janane. Sakammako 'yam dhatu. Jannati l'imassa rupam, karoti ti attho; karite "janesi Phusati mamam"... Sadd 485.23: Jani patubhave. Ikaranto 'yam akammako dhatu. 66. Hemacandra (ed. Pischel), 2.207, cite Pischel SS 457. 67. Comparer, ci-dessus, a cote de janati, les presents pa. (pk.) bhana(t)i, hanati (hanai).


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