that person, only who has already performed prutik rumuna (confession). It is so because the aim of kāyotsarga, viz. aliainment of concentration for dharmadhyāna and sukladhyāna, is not achieved so long as the mind is not purified by consessing sinful acts through pratikramana. If the mental purity is not attained through confession, the object concentrated on will not be vididly reflected in mind even though its name is incessantly muttered; mind constantly thinks of the objects experienced in the past - a situation not conducive to concentration. Only that person who achieves purity of mind, concentration of mind and spiritual energy through kāyotsarga qualifies himsell for prutyākhyāna. Without will-power, performance of pratyakhyāna is impossible. Thus, prutyakhyana is the last and highest of all the six essential (āvusyaku) acis. Extra-ordinary mental purity and spiritual energy which are necessarily required for pratyākhyāna can never be attained without kāyotsarga.
In this way, the special order of the six essential acts depends on the chain of cause-effect relation. If we change this order, its naturalness will disappear.
Spirituality of Avaśyaka (Essential) Acts
Those acts which are performed keeping in view the spiritual development of soul are the real spiritual acts. The spiritual development of soul means gradual purification of its qualities, viz, right faith, knowledge, conduct etc. By testing these six essential acts on this touch-stone, it is proved beyond doubt that the acts viz. sāmāyika etc. are really spiritual.
The result of sāmāyika is refrainment from sinsul activity. The purpose of caturvimśatistava is the allainment of good qualities by intensifying love for them; and the attainment of good qualities is a means of spiritual development through dissociation of material karmic particles stuck to soul. By performing vundana act one cultivates humility and modesty, worships spiritual teachers, follows