in Pratikramana are equally important from the view-point of the devotees. (Ibid. p. 45).
From the view-point of the historical evolution, two basic criterions have been suggested for deciding as to what formed a part of the original Avaśyaka Sūtra. Firstly, the Sutras on which word by word commentary (Niryukti) is available or where the Niryukti is available on most of the words, should be considered as part of the original Avaśyaka. Following this criterion, the Namukkara, Karemi bhamte, Logassa, Icchāmi khamāsamaņo, Tassa uttarī, Annattha, Namukkarasahiya, Adi paccakkhāṇa' Sūtras have been considered as part of the original Sūtra.
The second criterion for deciding the original nature of the Sūtra is to select the Sutras the general meaning of which is given in the Niryukti, even if the commentary on words is not available, or where Niryukti is available only on some words. Further, the Sūtras in the beginning of which the Commentator, Haribhadra Sūri adds, "Thus stated by the author of the Sūtra, this is the Sutra" ("Sūtrakāra āha, tacha idam sūtram, idam suttaṁ") etc. should also be considered as part of the original Avaśyaka. (Ibid. p. 43).
Keeping in view the criterion indicated above, i.e. the second criterion, the following Sutras, i.e. "Cattari mamgalam, Icchami paḍikkamium jo me devasio, Iriyavahiyãe, Pagāmasijjāe, Padikkamāmi goyaracariyãe, Paḍikkamāmi căukkālam, Paḍikkamāmi egavihe, Namo cauvisãe, Icchami thaium kaussagain, Savvaloe Arihamtaceiāņam, Icchāmi khamāsamaṇo, Uvathiomi abbhimtara pakkhiyam, Icchāmi khamāsamano piyam ca me, Icchami khamāsamaņo puvvi ce pūyaim, Icchami khamāsamaņo uvaṭthiomi tubbhanham, Icchami khamäsamano kayaim ca me, Puvvāmeva micchattão paḍikkammai kittikammaim" appear to be the part of the original Sūtra. (Ibid.)
Besides, "Tattha samanovãsao, Thulagapāṇāivāyam samaṇāvasao