Conquerors ) who have founded the Path of Religion, freed themselves from karmic material particles and mental impurities, and ended the cycle of aging and death, be pleased with me. (5).
May the Liberated Souls who are supreme in the universe, whom I have devotionally praised, bowed down to and worshipped, bestow upon me health, benefit of true faith and supreme meditation. (6).
May the Liberated Souls who are purer than the moon, brighter than the sun and as calm and sereme as the great ocean conser upon me the supreme Emancipation (7).
Karemi bhamte sūtra : Sāmāyika Dandaka Sūtra.
Karemi Bhaṁte ! sāmãiam / Sāvajjam jogam paccakkhāmi / Jāva niyamam pajjuvāsāmi, Duviham livihenam, Maņenam vāyāe käeņam Na karemi na kāravemi / Tassa Bhaste ! padikkamāmi Nimdāmi garihāmi Appāņam vosirāmi //
O Revered One ! I perform sāmāyika (rite of equanimity). I renounce all sinful acts.
I will renounce all sinful acts 2 x 3 ways, that is, I will not do or will not get done the sinful acts by means of mind, speech and body, as long as I observe this vow of equanimity (sāmāyika).
O Respected One ! I retreat from the sinful acts committed