contains very
little of the
and the Prakril-portion Avaśyaka-sūtra.
Namukkāra, Karemi bhamte, Logassa, Tassa ullarī, Annaitha, Jo me devasio aiyāro kao, Iriyāvahiyāe, Caltāri mangalam, Padikkamāmi ega vihe, Iñameva niggatthapāvayaņam and the prose portion consessing and seeking absolution from the transgressions enumerated in Vaidillusulla - this much Avaśyakasūtra is sound in the abovementioned two Digambara works. Moreover, the portion named Brhatpratikramaņa that occurs in the manuscript resembles Pakkhiyasulta in vogue in the Svelāmbara seci.
While taking pledge of describing each and every āvaśyaka aci, Valakerasvāmi says “I shall relate the niryukti on the concerned āvaśyaka act'. (see Mūlācāra verses 517,537,574,611,631 and 647). This is definitely suggestive, because in the entire Mülācāra in all the prakaruņas (chapters or topics) except the portion relating the āvušyuka acts the word 'Niryukti' is sound hardly at one place. Even at the end of Șaļāvaśyaka, the concerned portion is called ‘Niryukti' only by Valtakerasvāmī. (Mūlācāra verses 689-690)
From this it becomes clear that Valakerasvāmī might have included in his work wholly or partly that portion of Ac. Bhadrabāhu's Niryukti which was prevalent in the Digambara sect in his times. In the Svetāmbara sect the fifth and the sixth avuśyaka acts are käyotsargu and pratyākhyāna respectively. This very order is found there in the Niryukti verse which enumerates the names of the āvaśyaka acts. But in Mūlācāra, the fifth ūvusyaku act is pratycīkhyāna and the sixth one is kūyotsargu.
(Abridged adaptation from Panca Pratikramana (Ilindi), EditorAuthor Pi.Sukhlalji Sanghavi, Almananda Jaina Pustaka Pracaraka Mandal, Agra, First Edition 1921, with courtesy).
Nagin J. Shah