apply to that of Pūrņimānta months. In this context it will be interesting to examine whether Amānta months were coupled with Kārttikādi years and Pūrņimānta months with Caitrādi years in this Mandala during the Solanki period. On examining the dates that indicate this sort of association, it is found that 17 dates of Amānta months22 and 8 dates of Pūrņimānta months23 apply to Kārttikādi years whereas only four dates of either month apply to Caitrādi years.24
As for the materials of recording, it is found that both systems appear almost to the same extent in epigraphic records, but Amānta dates abound in literary records.
The dates of both types appear in records pertaining to many parts of the Mandala. In respect of the range in time, the dates of Amānta and Pūrņimanta months fall almost in the same period roughly about V.S. 1200 to V.S. 1356.
Thus the known key-dates clearly indicate that the Sāravata Mandala had great predilection for expired vears, Kārttikādi years and Amānta months, though current years, Caitrādi years and Pūrņimānta months were also in vogue to some extent. 22. Nos. 69-81, 85, 92, 115, 129 and 134 23. Nos. 64-68, 91, 117 and 121 24. Nos. 63, 89, 90 and 131
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