Book Title: Bhagavana Mahavira Author(s): Chauthmal Maharaj Publisher: Jainoday Pustak Prakashan Samiti Ratlam View full book textPage 9
________________ [ 4 ] or religious force. Lord Buddha preached the gospel of Ahimsa and sympathy towards all but it has little effect on the non vegetarian population of those countries. They are still as non-vegetarian even now as they were before. It is said that flesh of no living being is tabooed in those countries. On the other hand none of those who has come under the influence of the teachings of Ahimsa of Lord Mahavir is a nonvegetarian. Lord Mahavir was a contemporary of Lord Buddha. He was a little older but form his day to the present the Jains, who now number about 13 lakhs, have kept steadfast to the doctrine of Aaimsa and have given up flesh eating, What truth, what skill what insight was there that the teachings of Lord Mahavir and specially the doctrine of afar q¤Â¤Â: (non-kitting is the highest religion have still the same undiminished and everlasting influene? Among the Jains there are many subsections like Digambars, Shwetambars Sthanakvasis etc. But there is no sub-branch that is non-vegetaian or only makes a show of Ahimsa gospel. The followers of all these sub-sections men or wonien, younger old, boys girls all are completely opposed to flesh eating, so much so that if the word flesh is unwittingly uttered at the time of taking food they discard it. Flesh-eating is denounced by every religion. ' fra a чana' (or don't kill beings) is written with bold letters in the Vedas. The Manusumriti enjoins rules for conduct in the words:-अहिंसा सत्यमस्तेय ब्रह्मचर्या परिग्रह, Non killing, truth non stealing, celebacy and abandonment of property. These are embodied in the five-fold path of conduct in Jainism. Bhartrihari in his Vairagya Shatak has finely put it in प्राणाघातान्निवृत्तिः परधन हरणे संयमः सत्य वाक्यं । Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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