Ethics of Jainism :: 75
that is, the Svetāmbara texts mention Pratyākhyāna as the fifth duty and Kāyotsarga as the sixth duty.
The main reason for the constant performance of these daily duties seems to always keep up the eagerness and enthusiasm of the householders in their march towards spiritual progress. (4) General Principles of Appropriate Conduct
On the basis of the rules of Right Conduct laid down in Jaina scriptures, the prominent Jaina Achāryas or saints and thinkers have enunciated a number of general principles of appropriate conduct as guidance for putting them into actual practice by the śrāvakas or householders during their entire career as members of the Jaina community. These principles are also termed as Srāvaka-gunas, i.e., qualities of an ideal householder.
In this connection among the relevant Svetāmbara Jaina texts, the important treatise entitled Yoga-śāstra composed by the renowned Achārya Hemachandra presents a list of the thirty-five attributes of an ideal srāvaka or general principles of appropriate conduct of śrāvakas: (1) Nyāya-sampanna-vibhavaḥ (144-4faluta:): Possessed
of honestly earned wealth. (2) Sistāchāra-prasamsakaḥ (
f leR-TİH:): Eulogistic of the conduct of the virtuous. (3) Pāpa-bhīruh (419-175:): Apprehensive of sin. (4) Kulaśīla-samaiḥ sārdham anya-gotrajaiḥ krtodvāhaḥ
( fr: HEHE 3RUNALU: Siçane:): Wedded to a spouse of the same caste and traditions but not of
the same Gotra (5) Prasiddham deśāchāram samācharan (uf Hai Tera H41016):
Following the reputable usages of the country. (6) Avarņavādi na kvāpi, rājādişu visesataḥ (staurant 7 F119,
Tofag Fast07:): Not denigrating other people, particu
larly rulers etc. (7) Anativyakte gupte sthāne suprātivesmike aneka-nirgama