Book Title: Aparigraha
Author(s): D R Mehta
Publisher: D R Mehta

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________________ List of some titles for entry in Encylopaedia of Aparigraha (Your suggestions for more titles are most welcome) Religions and schools (Conceptual understanding of Aparigraha to sub divided to convenience) (1) Ajivaka School Philosophers (14) Bergson, Henri (2) Buddhism (3) Charvaka School (15) Berkeley (4) Christianity (16) Bosanquet (5) Hinduism (17) Bradley (18) David Hume (6) Islam (7) Jainism (19) Hegal (20) Immanuel Kant (8) Judaism (21) Plato (9) Nyaya-Vaisheshik School (10) Purva Mimansa-Vendanta-School (22) Shekh Fareed (11) Sankhya-Yog (23) Spencer (12) Shaivism (24) Yang Hsiung (13) Taoism Authors, works and Personalities (25) Albert Schweizer (58) Jesus Christ (26) Amartya Sen (59) John Dui (27) Ameerkhusro (60) John Locke (28) Andrew Harvey ("Hidden Journey") (61) John Ruskin (29) Aristotle (62) John Stuart Mill (30) Arther Shopen Hawer (63) Kabeer (31) Ashoka (64) Kapassi (32) Baba Amte (65) Kautilya ("Arthashastra") (33) Berlin Ijakh (66) Khan Abdul Gafar Khan (34) Bernard Litaer ("Beyond Greed and Scarcity”) (67) Kumarappa J.C. (35) Buddha (68) Kunda Kundacharya (36) Burtrend Russel (69) Laotse (37) Butras Butras Ghali (70) Lasse Nordlud (38) Carson ("Silent spring") (71) Liebnitz (39) Chief Seatle (72) Mahaveer (40) Dadu Dayal (73) Martin Luther King (41) Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) (74) Maxfurson, C.B. (42) Dorothy De (75) Mensius (Meng-tgu) (Meng k'o) (43) Earnest Wood (76) Moulana Room (44) Edmond Bordeaux Szekely ("The Essene code of life") (77) Muni Bechardas (45) Emerson (78) Nanak (46) Ethan Millar (79) Narendra Dev Acharya (47) E.F. Shumacher ("small is beautiful") (80) Nelson Mandela (48) Frank Waters: White Bear: ("The book of Hopi") (81) Osho (49) Gandhi, Mohan Das Karmchand (82) Peter Singer (50) Hemchandra (83) Prophet Mohammad (51) Henry Burgsan (84) R.H. Townee (52) Immanuel Kant (85) Raheem (53) Ivan Ilich (86) Ram Manohar Lohiya (54) Jai Shankar Prasad (87) Ramana Maharshi (55) Jambhojee (88) Ramanujacharya (56) J. Krishnamurti (89) Ramkrishna Paramhansa (57) Jean Ziegler ("Hunger is man made massacre") (90) Ravindra Nath Tagore (3)


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