fact is amply borne out by the scriptures of Buddhism and Jainism, Upanisads, 19 Mahābhārata and the contemporary literature.
To come to the subject proper, we do not know how the Pūrvas were taught by Mahāvīra how they were handed down, and what was in l'act the condition of Jain Siddhanta in these days. But looking to the nature of scriptures of the Jain canon as we have now, the Angas were formulated by the disciples of Māhavīra, by putting in order important matters legendary and doctrinal from the Pūrvas, the religious sermons of Mahāvia and the stories of the distinguished disciples whom Mahāvīra initiated into the order.18 Thus 12 Angas seem to have been forníulated with Ditthivaya as the 12th which being full of philosophic discussions and more difficult and abstruse than other Angas seems
12. Upnişads especially earlier Brhadaranyaka shows the existence of many heretical and non-heretical teachers. Ju S’vetas'vatara Upnisad I. २ कालः स्वभावो नियतियदृच्छा भूतानि योनिः पुरुष इति चित्यम् । संयोग एषां न तु आत्मभावादात्माप्यनीशः सुखदुःखहेतोः ॥
13. In zião, the analysis of its materials which will be given later on, will confirm this.