Book Title: An Investigation Of Textual Sources On Samavasarana
Author(s): Nalini Balbir
Publisher: Nalini Balbir

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Page 6
________________ 76 NALINI BALBIR is a versification of the Abhiyogas' tasks as described in the Rajapraśniya." As for. vs. 6, it is a kind of duplicate of vss. 7 and 8, which strangely interrupts the regular line of the development: pāgāra-tiyam (vs. 2) tinni ya păgăra-vare.... kavisisaga... (vs. 6) pāgārā tinni (vs. 7) kavisisä (vs. 8) A final case, very similar to the preceding, is provided by vss. 9-10 which, again, are absent both in the Av.-curni and in the Bṛhatkalpabhäṣya. They describe in emphatic terms the exuberant turmoil accompanying the celebration of the Jina's samavasarana and the perfumed incense-pots magically created by the gods. In short, there seems to be enough evidence to indicate that the two slightly different versions of the samavasarana-tract which we have are reworkings of an old independent source emboxed in different contexts. A similar hypothesis was expressed by E. Leumann in his unpublished edition of the Avasyaka-prose commentaries: "Dieses über das Samosarana handelnde Niryukti-Stück findet sich mit Ausnahme der offenbar secundären Strophen 20-23, 26f., 36-39 [i.e., in our numbering vss. 3-6, 9-10, 1922], wieder in Kalpabhäşya 1,370-411. Auch die zugehörigen Ausführungen unserer Cürni stimmen wörtlich überein mit dem betreffenden Theil der KalpaCürni; nur fehlen in der letztern nebst den einleitenden Worten die an V,18 angelehnten Bemerkungen, die eben nur eine Anknüpfung an Vorhergehendes bezwecken und eigentlich nichts von Belang enthalten, sondern einfach V,23-28 und 45 Anf. in gekürzter Form anticipieren. Bei der literargeschichtlichen Wichtigkeit des so in doppelter Weise überlieferten (vielleicht gemeinschaftlich einem frühern Werk entnommen) Samosarana-Commentars haben wir denselben in extenso aus [, wobei wir wie früher die Abweichungen der KalpaCürni durch C anmerken]." 1.3. Critical edition Material used - Avasyaka-niryukti (N, Bh) 543-590: text handed down by the various commenta 25 See Rayapasenatyam, p. 83 in Uvanga Suttani, Ladnun 1987; E. Leumann's analysis of the work, p. 491 ("Beziehungen der Jaina-Literatur zu andern Literaturkreisen Indiens", Actes du sixième congrès des Orientalistes tenu en 1883 à Leyde. Troisième partie, section 2. Leiden 1885). Notebook No. 45, note on Av. V,18-69. For another remark by Leumann, as well as for his literary remains ("Nachlass"), see Nalini Balbir, Avatyaka-Studien vol. 1, p. 65 and 26-30. AN INVESTIGATION OF TEXTUAL SOURCES ON THE SAMAVASARANA tors: Haribhadra (p. 230a-239b), Malayagiri (p. 301a-311a), Jñänasägara (p. 297309). For this section the traditional numbering used in manuscripts, in the ed. of the Av.-cürni and by Leumann, is section V, vss. 18-69. - Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya (K) 1176-1217: Prakrit text with the Sanskrit commentary by Kṣemakirti, edited by Muni Caturvijaya and Muni Punyavijaya. Vol. 2, Bhavnagar 1936, p. 365-377. - Later Svetambara literature where verses of the tract are quoted as such or, more often, have to be identified as quotations: Nemicanda (12th cent.), Mahavira-cariya, p. 60a-62a (= MVC; ed. Muni Caturvijaya, Bhavnagar vikram sam. 2044; reprint Shri Jaina Shāsana Ārādhană Trust); Jinaprabhasüri (14th cent.), Vividha-TirthaKalpa No. 46, vss. 20-3827 (= VTK; ed. Muni Jinavijaya. Shantiniketan 1934: Singhi Jain Series 10). These verses are: 9: cf. MVC 1401 15cd: MVC 1408cd 24-25: MVC 1425-1426 40-44: VTK 29-33 10-15: VTK 20-25 19-22 quoted MVC 1421-1424 28: VTK 27 46-49: VTK 34-37 13: cf. MVC 1405 24: VTK 26 30: VTK 28 51: VTK 38. 77 Text Programme of the tract 1. samosaraně, kevaiyā, rūva(m), [puccha], vāgaraṇa, soya-pariņāme, dāņam ca, deva-malle, mallâṇayane, uvari titthe (N 543 K 1176) Samosarana; below 1.4.1 2. jattha apuvv'-osaranam, jattha va devo mah'-iddhio ei va'-udaya-puppha-vaddala2-pagara-tiyam ca Abhiogă (N 544 = K 1177) 3. mani-kanaga-rayana-cittam bhümi-bhāgam samantao surabhim a-joan-antarenam karenti devā vicittam tu (N 545) 4. venta-tthäim surabhim jala-thalayam divva-kusuma-nihärim pairanti samanteņam das'-addha-vannam kusuma-vasam (N 546) 5. mani-kanaga-rayana-citte cau-ddisim torane viuvvanti sa-cchatta-salabhanjiya-mayaraddhaya-cindha-santhane (N 547) 6. tinni ya păgăra-vare rayana-vicitte tahim sura-gan'-indă "On vs. 1-19, see below 2.1.5. * Varddala-fabda udaka-puspayoh pratyekam abhisambadhyate, Haribhadra. » Salabhanjikäḥ stambha-puttalikäḥ, Haribhadra.


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