Book Title: Akalanka Und Die Buddhististche Tradition
Author(s): Piotr Balcerowicz
Publisher: Piotr Balcerowicz

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________________ 216 AIP AMI AsS A$$ Balcerowicz 1999 Balcerowicz 2001 Balcerowicz 2003 Balcerowicz 2005 Balcerowicz bevorstehend a Piotr Balcerowicz Dinnaga: Alambanapariksa. N. Aiyaswami Sastri (Hrsg., Übers.), Alambana-pariksa of Dinnaga with the Commentary of Dharmapala, restored into Sanskrit from Tibetan and Chinese versions and edited with copious extracts from Vinitadeva's Commentary. Madras: The Adyar Library, 1942. Samantabhadra: Aptamimämsä. (1) Vamsidhar (Hrsg.). Astasahasrt tarkikacakracadamanisyadvadavidyapatina brividyanandasvamina nirakṛta. Bombay: Nirnaya Sagara Press, 1915. (2) Nagin Shah (Hrsg., Übers.), Samantabhadra's Aptamimamsa. Critique of an Authority [Along with English Translation, Introduction, Notes and Akalanka's Sanskrit Commentary Astasati]. [Sanskritsanskriti Granthamala 7]. Ahmedabad: Dr. Jagruti Dilip Sheth, 1999. Vidyananda Patrakesarisvamin: Astasahasrī. Siehe AMI. Akalanka: Aştasati. Siehe AMI, und AMI, Piotr Balcerowicz, How could a Cow be Both Synchronically and Diachronically Homogenous, Or on the Jaina Notions of tiryak-samanya and urdhrata-samanya. In: N.K. Wagle Olle Qvarnström (Hrsg.), Approaches to Jaina Studies: Philosophy, Logic, Rituals and Symbols. Proceedings of the International Conference on Approaches to Jaina Studies: Philosophy, Logic, Rituals and Symbols, 31.03-2.04.1995 Toronto. [South Asian Studies Papers 11]. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for South Asian Studies, 1999, p. 211-237. Id., Jaina Epistemology in Historical and Comparative Perspective. Critical Edition and English Translation of Logical-Epistemological Treatises: Nyayavatara, Nyayavatara-vivṛti and Nyayavatara-țippana with Introduction and Notes. Bd. 1-2. [All- und Neu-Indische Studien 53,1-2). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. Id., Is "Inexplicability Otherwise" (anyathanupapatti) Otherwise Inexplicable? Journal of Indian Philosophy 31/1-3 (2003) 343-380 [= Proceedings of the International Seminar "Argument and Reason in Indian Logic" 20-24 June, 2001-Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, hrsg. von Piotr Balcerowicz]. Id., Pramanas and Language. A Dispute between Dinnaga, Dharmakirti and Akalanka. Journal of Indian Philosophy 33/4 (2005) 343-400. Id., On the Relationship of the Nydydvalara and the Sammati-tarka-prakarapa. Bevorstehend in Indologica Taurinensia. Balcerowicz bevorstehend b Berkeley 1909-1914 Bocheński 1956 BTBh DPS DNC DNCV Dreyfus 1997 Halbfass 1992 Hattori 1968 Akalanka und die buddhistische Tradition Hayes 1988 HB 217 Id.. Dharmakirti's Criticism of the Jaina Doctrine of Multiplexity of Reality (anekanta-vada), bevorstehend in Proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference, Wien, 23-27. August 2005. George Berkeley, Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists. [The Harvard Classics 37,2]. New York: P.F. Collier & Son Company, 1909-1914. J.M. Bocheński, Formale Logik. Freiburg - München: Verlag Karl Alber, 1956. Mokşakaragupta: Bauddhatarkabhäşă. (1) H.R. Rangaswami Iyenagar (Hrsg.), Tarkabhasa and Vadasthana of Moksakaragupta and Jitaripada with a Foreword by Mahamahopadhyaya Vidhusekhara Bhattacharya. Mysore: The Hindustan Press, 1952. (2) Siehe Kajiyama 1966. Candramati (Maticandra): Dasapadarthaśästra (Dasapadarth). Siehe Miyamoto 1996. Mallavadin KṣamAsramana: Dradasaranayacakra. Muni Jambavijayaji (Hrsg.), Deddasaram Nayacakram of Acarya Srt Mallavadi Kṣamáéramana. With the commentary Nyayagamanusāriņt of Acarya Sri Simhastiri Gani Vadi Kṣamasramaņa. Pt. I (1-4 Aras), Bhavnagar: Sri-Jaina-Atmanamda-sabha, 1966 [Nachdruck: Bhavna gar 2000]; Pt. II (5-8 Aras): Bhavnagar 1976; Pt. III (9-12 Aras): Bhavnagar 1988. Simhasari: Nyayagamānusāriņt Dvadasaranayacakravṛtti. Siehe DNC. Georges B.J. Dreyfus, Recognizing Reality. Dharmakirti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Wilhelm Halbfass, On Being and What There Is. Classical Vaisesika and the History of Indian Ontology. Albany: SUNY, 1992. Masaaki Hattori, Dignaga, On Perception, Being the Pratyakea-pariccheda of Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya. Edition of Tibetan Translations and the Sanskrit Text as well as the English Translation of the Chapter I. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968. Richard P. Hayes, Dignaga on the Interpretation of Signs. [Studies of Classical India 9]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1988. Dharmakirti: Hetubindu. Siehe Steinkellner 1967a und Steinkellner 1967b.


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