Besides these, more than one prakīrņaka of the same name are also found. For example at present three texts named 'Aurapaccakkhāņa' are available.
19. Angavidya, Siddhaprabhṛta, Sārāvalī, and Jīvavibhakti.
Of these, seven, namely
Devendrastava, Tandula-vaicā rika, Candravedhyaka, Gaṇividyā, Maraṇavibhakti, Maraṇasamā dhi, and Mahāpratyākhyāna are found in the list of Utkalikasūtras (all-time studiable canons) in the Nandi-sūtra and the Pākṣikasū tra, while two prakīrṇakas - Rṣibhāṣita and Dvīpasāgaraprajñapti are included in the list of Kalikasutras. Thus, we find the names of nine prakīrņakas in the list contained in the Nandīsūtra as well as that of the Pākṣika-sūtra'.
Though there is a difference of opinion regarding the names, the exact number and the order of prakīrņakas, it is certain that 'Candravedhyaka' has found a place in all their classifications.
Though prakīrņakas enjoy only a secondary place in the order of canonical texts, if we take into account their ancient language, form and the spiritual import of their subject matter, they seem to be of greater importance than even some of the better known canonical texts. Of the prakīrņakas, Rṣibhāṣita etc. are, of more ancient origin than the Uttaradhyayana and Dasavaikālika too2.
1 Nandi Sūtra, Muni Madhukara, pp. 80, 81.
Sagarmal Jain, Rṣibhāṣita: Eka Adhyayana, Prakṛta Bharati Samsthā na, Jaipur.
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