[ N. B. In the following glossary of words, pronouns and pronominal forms are altogether ignored. Roots, primitive and causal, are indexed, but various forms of finite verbs, participles, Absolutives and Infinitives are not normally noticed. The figure after the Sanskrit rendering indicates the the Para in which the word occurs. Only one occurrence of a word, usually the first, is noted.]
to cross.
अ - ( अभावसूचकोऽव्यय शब्दः; अक्कम आ+कम् (धातु), ५०, व्यञ्जने परे 'अ', स्वरे परे तु 'अण्' इति भवति) ३, no not. अइ- अति, १३०, very much, excessive.
अइरित्त अतिरिक्त, १९०,
अइसअ - अतिशय, १५३, ०xcellence, divine power. अकामअ-अ का मक, ११७, without desire or wish; in spite of oneself.
अकामिया अ का मिका, ३०, in spite of one's desire or wish.
अक्कुस्स- आ+कुश् (कर्मणि धातु) १३०, to be abused. अक्कोस - आ + क्रुश् (धातु), १३०,
to cry
अक्खिव - आ + क्षिप् (धातु), ४३, to snatch away. अगारवास अगारवास, १२४, living in a house, living as householder अग्ग-अग्र, ३३, end अग्गङ्गुलिया - अम+अङ्गुलिका, ३३, the tip of the finger, अग्गि- अभि ९३, fire, sac