PATH OF LIBERATION - THREE JEWELS Chapter 12 - Path of Liberation - Three Jewels
The ultimate goal of all life and conduct in Jainism is to realize the free and blissful state of our true being. True philosophy should result in removing all bondage (karma) in the process of purifying the soul.
The central theme of Jainism considers religion as a science of ethical practice. The conduct of the present life should be aimed to attain liberation (Moksha), the state of eternal bliss from which there is no return to the cycle of life and death. Every soul can attain liberation and a supreme spiritual state by realizing its intrinsic purity and perfection.
Jainism lays down a definitive course of practical moral discipline, contemplation of the highest truth, and reorientation of life for attaining ultimate reality or truth. Lord Mahavir and the other Tirthankars have shown the effectiveness of spiritual progress by putting it into the practice in their own lives. The prominent Monk, Umäsväti, around the 1st or 2nd century A.D., reminded us of it again in the very first verse of his Tattvärtha Sutra. It reads:
"Samyag-darshan-jnän-chäriträni Mokshamärgah".
This prescribes a path to liberation (Moksha), which consists of the following trinity (RatnaTraya):
• Right perception • Right knowledge • Right conduct
Samyag Darshan Samyag Jnän Samyag Charitra
Right perception creates an awareness of reality or truth, right knowledge impels the person to proper action, and proper conduct leads him to the attainment of total freedom. They must coexist in a person if one is to make any progress on the path of liberation.
Right Perception or Faith (Samyag Darshan) The first step in the process of self realization is to discard superstitious beliefs and to adopt a rational attitude in life.
Right perception consists of seeing the true nature of every substance in the universe. Jainism advocates that one should first try to know, comprehend, and understand the nature of reality, one's own self, religious goal, and the path. One should analyze, examine, test, verify, and then, if satisfied, be convinced of its truth and efficacy.
From a practical point of view, perception in the nature of the reality means to have a total faith in the preaching of Tirthankars and their scriptures, known as Agams.
Right Knowledge (Samyag Jnän) Right perception or faith makes us realize the reality of life, and the seriousness of our purpose in life.
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