NAV TATTVA PART II : SAMVAR, NIRJARÄ AND MOKSHA As previously mentioned Jain scriptures define twelve ways to perform austerities, which are the principal ways to achieve Nirjarä. These are further categorized six external and six internal austerities.
External austerities • Anashan (Not eating for a set period of time) • Unodari (Eating less than needed) Vrutti-sankshep (Eating within the limits of predetermined restrictions)
Material - Eat only a certain number of items Area - Eat only within limits of a certain area Time - Eat only at certain time
Mode - Eat food obtained or made only by certain means • Ras-tyäg (Eating non-tasty food - example. Ayambil Tap)
Käyä-klesha (Penance, tolerating physical pain voluntarily) • Sanlinatä (Staying in forlorn place and occupying minimum space) Types of External Austerities (Tapasyäs) External austerities are practiced various ways depending upon individual capacity. Following is the list of some Tapasyäs. Navakärashi One must take food or water forty-eight minutes after sunrise. Even
brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth must be done after sunrise. Porsi
Taking food or water three hours after sunrise. Sädh-Porsi Taking food or water four hours and thirty minutes after sunrise. Purimuddha Taking food or water six hours after sunrise. Avadhdh
Taking food or water nine hours after sunrise. Biyasan
Taking food twice a day while sitting in one place. Ekäsan
Taking food only once while sitting in one place. Äyambil
Taking food only once in one sitting. The food should not have any taste or spices and should be boiled or cooked. Also, one should not use milk,
curds, ghee, oil, sweets, sugar or jaggery and green or raw vegetables. Upaväs
One must not take any food for twenty-four hours starting from sunrise
to sunrise the next day. Tivihär Upavas One may drink only boiled water during Upavas. Chauvihär Upavas One does not even drink water during Upavas. Tivihär
After sunset no food or juice shall be taken, but one may take water
once before going to bed. Chauvihär
After sunset no food or water is taken until sunrise the next day. Chhath
Upaväs for two consecutive days. Attham
Upaväs for three consecutive days. Atthai
Upaväs for eight consecutive days. Mäsakshaman Consecutive Upaväs for one month. Navapad Oli Every year for 9 days starting from the 6/7th day of the bright fortnight
until the full moon day in Ashwin and Chaitra months, one does Ayambil. These Äyambils can also be restricted to only one kind of
food grain per day. Varsitap
Alternate day Upaväs for one year
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