Book Title: Forgiveness
Author(s): Pradeep Kumar
Publisher: Pradeep Kumar
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Forgiveness/Kshma The Practical Aspect Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ What is Kshama, Forgiveness? * Absence or lack of anger is Kshama To reduce anger, win over depression and stress - leads to hope, peace, compassion and self confidence * Remain in your own nature is Kshma Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Who do we kshama Self ol get angry when this situations occur o I lost control over myself when i see that o I hurt myself when i am angry, unforgiving, cruel, pathetic, deprived or sad Others o Because of my kids i got angry o Because he/she do not listen to me, respect me, not pay attention to me, treats me bad, did not follow what say o Other situations like: flight got late , tsunami, earthquake, weather or and other person who makes me angry Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ adhyAtma kI kSamA : Kshama is the true nature(swabhav) of our soul (Atma) so if you are in bebhav you are collection Karma. adhayAtma meM kSamA kA koI sthAna nahIM hai tuma eka zuddha AtmA ho aura karma he daHkha aura sukha tumhArI AtmA me utpanna karane vAle hai karma tumhAre nahIM hai sirpha AtmA he tuma ho!! isalie kSamA kA bhI koI sthAna nahIM hai agara koI tume kucha burA vacana kahatA hai to vaha to putgala ke hI paramANu hai- jese muni kI niMdA aura prazaMzA meM muni sadA samaya bhAva rakhate hai| agara tuhAre zarIra ko takalIpha detA hai to zarIra to tumhArA nahIM hai jese - muni sukamAla svAmI ko to 3 dina taka siyAlanI khAtI rahI para ve apane svarUpa se nahIM Dige. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Practical 5 steps of Kshma Step 1 Accept that injustice happen to you and I am victim but I will not take this presser on my soul of anger - I will try to resolve it Look at your kashya closely - I got carried away when i watch movie I cannot see the injustice Other person krodh make me angry too I see kids crying for no reason Someone make mess Watching news Listening radio Coworkers remarks Someone point out my mistakes Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Step 2 Look your kashay krodh as a separate element from your soul by coloring it green bubbly thick and smelly liquid * Take control and fight your anger * Commit to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to feel better * This Kashya make your away from the peace which your soul deserve Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * * * * * * Step3 See and believe that green liquid kashya making your soul dirty and poisoned day by day. Each day if you are caring the load of kashya on your soul and each day it's getting thicker Krodh and kashya make other emotion and senses infected too: When you are sad it seems sky is crying Krodh make your cruelty, ego, passion, affected too Krodh affect your body too - give you many long term diseasediabetes, blood presser, heart disease and etc You cannot concentrate on your work, family and social life even your sleep is disillusioned and stressful. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Step4 Watch your soul when the situation occur. * Do not make your self carried away stay close to your self. * If you don't like somebody and his/her talk - make this effort-you will not be affected today * Do not think about his/her words can hurt you * Do not support you anger or justify your behavior * If you see some injustice think there is nothing injustice in this world ...everybody has to bear his/her own karma but be sympathetic to the sufferer and pray for his/her mental peace. Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ * * * Step 5- Scan your krodh at some point of time (no matter somebody make you do it or you hurt somebody's feeling in rage) and ask for forgiveness and erase it "mithyA ho " Gartha - Tell your sin in front of your Guru, or friend you trust, God Prakkhyaan- I will promise to not to replete the mistake. Pashchit- Take a upwass, any kinds of vert to erase it Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals 1.Change yourself: You must be the change you want to see in the world. 2. You are in control: Nobody can hurt me without my permission. 3. Forgive and let it go: The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 4. Without action you aren't going anywhere: An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. 5. Take care of this moment: I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following. 6. Everyone is human: I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps. Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7. Persist: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 8. See the good in people and help them: I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others. 9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self: Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. 10. Continue to grow and evolve: Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position. Forgiveness is about personal power. Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive. Anger is the lead emotion to destroy the peace. It makes nervous both Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Benefits of forgiveness on body and soul * In Ayurveda- digestion is metaphorically metabolic process, we receive, process, and incorporate all of the material of our daily lives. Experiencing emotional or physical trauma- does not get thoroughly processed through healthy emotional channels, or you do not allow yourself to experience pain and grief and let them pass * Thoughts, feelings, and experiences are matter - with weight and space - which can hang heavy around us. Undigested emotions crowd your heart- Will be noticeable - from our bodies, our speech, our sleep patterns, our interactions with our co-workers and loved ones. Have you ever made a confession, or had a good cry, after which you literally felt *lighter*? no mistake - that was the metabolic process in action. Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 393deg& Uttam Kshma * Sahdu ki kshma - they believe that atma is different from any other They do not have the feeling of "Krodh" * Being mad is a Vibay not the swabahy * Karma ka uday make the situations not the human being Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ asalI kSamA vaha hai jisameM dveSakA nAma na ho| gRhasthako vaha kaise hotI hai ? dekhiye / kartavya parAyaNa gRhastha ke lie apanA kartavya nibhAte hue dveSa karanekI AvazyakatA nahIM / ahisAvAle prakaraNa ke antargata virodhI-hiMsA kI bAta AI hai jo ki saMyamI gRhasya bhI avasara Anepara kara gujaratA hai, parantu g2aura karake dekhanevara vahAM Apako dveSa dikhAI nahIM degaa| zatruse yuddha dveSavaza nahIM kiyA jAtA, balki Atma-rakSA yA nija sammAnakI rakSA ke lie kiyA jAtA hai aura isalie yadi kadAcit zatruko jIta liyA jAya to use taMga nahIM kiyA jAtA balki zAntipUrvaka samajhA bujhAkara tathA kucha upayogI zikSAyeM dekara turanta chor3a diyA jAtA hai| usakI dRSTi kevala AtmarakSAkI thI so vaha ho gaI, isake atirikta aura kucha nahIM cAhie thA, isalie avasara bIta jAneke pazcAt vaha vyakti pahalekI bhAMti hI dIkhane lagatA hai| yadi pahale mitra thA to aba bhI mitra dIkhatA hai aura yadi pahale sAmAnya manuSya thA arthAt na zatru yA na mitra to aba bhI vaisA hI dokhatA hai| yaha hai gRhasthakI saccI kSamA / Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ he Atmana tU apane Apa ko mata satA tU to jJAnamaya Izvara sama parama pavatra hai aura saba vivAdoM se pare hai apane mahAna Azcarya ko dekho aura usakI rakSA karo apane para dayA karo aura aura apane Apa ko kSamA karo apane Apa meM kSamA AyagI to utama kSamA banegI. maiM dusare jIvoM ke kusUra ko bilakula mAfa kera detA hoUM ye drastI apane Apa meM ho, ye vizavAsa apane Apa meM ho to vaha mithyAtva hai jese loga kahate hai "maiMne kSamA kara diyA are vaha kSamA nahIM hai uttama kSamA ho to apane ko kSamA kI mati banA detI hai apane ApakI diyA meM sabakI dayA A jAyagI jo apane Apa ko sahaja svarUpa ke darzana meM lagane kI liyA lAlAyita hai usake lie dusare kI aparAdho meM lagane se kyA ? vaha dusare ke aparAdhoM ko dila meM rakhegA kyA ? dusare kI kSamA sahaja bana jAegI Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ uttama kSamA