Book Title: YJA Convention 2002 07 NJ Fifth
Author(s): Young Jains of America (YJA)
Publisher: Young Jains of America YJA USA

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Page 32
________________ ERE Bye Bye BEEF! Gabriel Figueroa DIS When people think of Jainism, they invariably vegetarianism to help each individual understand the V V think of vegetarianism. The connection is a very connection between vegetarianism and Jainism. real one. Vegetarianism is a fundamental part of being a Jain; however, it is not something that is a mere Then we will explore the practical aspects of traditional or cultural practice, as some may believe. vegetarianism. How do we apply this? How do we deal It is a practice that is thoroughly rooted in Jain with situations where being a vegetarian is more philosophy. Jains are not vegetarian just for the sake challenging? How can we deal with eating with friends or of being vegetarian. Jains are vegetarian because going to restaurants? There will be tips for those who of a basic respect for all living beings. This want to be more thorough in being vegetarian or who want compassion is but a consequence of the Jain way of to take an additional step in their vegetarianism. thinking about the universe. Gabriel Figueroa was not born in a Jain family and he This session will examine the important role of was not raised vegetarian. Yet he made a conscious vegetarianism in Jainism. We will explore why decision to become both a vegetarian and a Jain. Because vegetarianism is crucial to Jain living and look at how of this, he will be able to share his own personal experience making simple dietary and lifestyle changes can have in making these changes. He will discuss his shift to a a great impact on our lives and the lives of others. vegetarian diet and eventually to a vegan lifestyle. This influence will not be limited to our spirituality but will extend to many practical areas of our lives. This will be an interactive session with questions and answers. Together, we will look at vegetarianism and its To examine vegetarianism, we must first understand place in Jainism. Our goal will be to learn some new things, it and what it is and is not. There are many enjoy the session, and leave with some valuable misconceptions as to what vegetarians eat and don't information that we can put to practical use in our daily eat. We will look at the different types of lives. vegetarianism. We will also explore veganism, which involves certain lifestyle and dietary habits. And we will consider what Jainism teaches us about notes: Jain Education International 2010.03. --- For Private & Eersonal use only.


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