Book Title: YJA Convention 2002 07 NJ Fifth
Author(s): Young Jains of America (YJA)
Publisher: Young Jains of America YJA USA

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Page 69
________________ Life Sketch of Srimad Rajchandra Ashik Shah I would like to share with you the life of someone who tremendous detachment, resolving not to undergo Ihas influenced me profoundly. But before we start, I the tremendous suffering of his past lives, or the would like you to think of a hero in your life. I would like to worldly cycle o Aged 16, already well known for his present to you a few scenarios. What would you do? intelligence and insight, he publishes Mokshamala, What would your hero do? a book of 108 chapters, still read today as a reference on Jain philosophy 30 Aged 24, he attained 1) As a child, you find that your family is involved in Samyag Darshan. some highly immoral activity, what do you do? 2) You have a talent which brings you national His explanation of Lord Mahavir's message urged recognition. As a result you are offered many us: to maintain spiritual, and not material, motives opportunities to advance you career and in our religious activities; to avoid excessive earnings, but might have to compromise some of intellectualism, excessive ritualism, dogmatism, your values, what would you do? prejudice and sectarianism; to realize our own true 3) You are invited to Bill Gates' home and he shows spiritual nature as Souls, and to take guidance from, off all his wonderful gadgets to you. What do and have faith in a Living Self-realized True Guru, you think? and thus conquer our Svacchand, the hubris that You have concluded some business negotiations we alone know what to do in spiritual matters, which from which you expect to earn a substantial is a major obstacle in our spiritual progress. profit. You have signed the contract. A few days later, the counter party approaches you and asks His unique literary legacy consists of poems such you to reconsider, what do you do? as Atma Siddhi, prose, and many often intimate letters written to his closest disciples, including the My hero is Shrimad Rajchandra (1867-1901). However, monks. We are truly fortunate to have access to he was not just my hero. He has influenced the course of the innermost thoughts of such a self-realized Saint, 20th Century History through his impact on Gandhiji, who and the guidance he gave others, provides unique in turn influenced MLK. insight into the path to Moksha. Born 1867, Vavania, Saurashtra fo Aged 7, he attained Jati Smaran Gnan, seeing his past lives, and attained notes: 68 Jan Education internationar-2010-03 FOI Private & Personal use only


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