_Young Jain Professionals
ain youth conventions provide a forum for young Jains To engage in community service at our events Uto gather in order to learn, exchange information, and
and promote personal involvement in share experiences. The importance of allowing such
community service interaction to take place through these events and outside To provide mentorship to younger Jains, and them has been recognized through the development of
collaborate with other Jain organizations youth organizations such as Young Jains of America (YJA) To provide opportunities for leadership and Young Jain Professionals (YJP). This session will
development provide an overview of YJP, including its mission, current
To facilitate peer networking activities and future directions. As participants in the YJA convention continue to progress along their career paths. We have hosted many successful events. With that the aim of this session is to allow members and non- in mind, this year we are embarking on a renewed members to learn more about the current activities of YJP mission to increase the awareness and presence and to provide input as to how the organization can continue
of our organization so that a much larger audience to serve the needs of Jai students and professionals in
can take part in our activities and initiatives. We want North America.
to elevate YJP to a vocal and active organization
that will have local/national presence and will interact Background information on YJP
closely with similar international organizations. We
are rolling out our Local Leader Program that will YJP is a network of Jain professionals whose mission is
have a local leader who will coordinate and manage to increase the
our initiatives at the local awareness and understanding of Jain principles and
We are planning our biggest annual YJP heritage by promoting
convention in October. We have made our networking among our members and taking an active role
membership free to reach out and increase our in our community.
membership base. Check out our new website Our objectives are: To raise awareness of Jain principles through
www.yjponline.org and join us!!! educational and interactive discussions To promote the application of Jainism in the
professional and social aspects of our lives
Jain Education International 2010_03
For Private & Personal Use Only