Book Title: Voyage Within With Vimalajee
Author(s): Pratap J Tolia
Publisher: Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation

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Page 16
________________ **** ***************** ** ************************************* VOYAGE WITHIN WITH VIMALAJEE ****** ** * * * ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * * ** * * * * ** * * * ** PROF.PRATAPKUMAR J.TOLIYA CHAPTER 1 After Bapu's(Ghandhiji's) short shelter as a Bharat Pathak Scout Volunteer at Poona's Nature Cure Abode of Dr. Nimshaw Mehta in 1946 or so, I was privileged to come across the shelters of Bapu's worthy heirs Acharya Vinobaji Bhave and Poojya Balkobaji Bhave, the first one during his several Bhoodan Tours since 1954 and the second one at famous Nisargopachar Ashram-Uruli Kanchan, near Poona, founded by Bapu himself. It was during my walking tours all the way carrying with my Sitar, with Baba Vinobaji in Orissa after Jagannath Puri Sarvodya Conference probably in 1955, when I heard more than once from Baba about his faith in the awakening of Woman-Power : STREET-SHAKTI, expressing : "Awake..! Awake..! O Great Ladies and now you be the ACHARYAS !". this was his common theme being frequently repeated. So far as my knowledge and memory goes, this call was responded young ladies coming in his contact then, by Deedi Vimalajee-Vimala Thakar. My first acquaintances with her as a young Padayatri in 1954-1955 was very much impressive. Dynamic and Daring Vimalajee was seen with Baba during that Orissa Bhoodan Tour, discussing with co-workers and thundering huge Public meetings with her ferry speeches. Her white Khaddar-Saree, curly hair and black goggles in scorching Sun were perhaps reminding of Subhash Babu's Lieutenant Laxmi as if becoming here Baba's Lieutinant ! Then I also saw her with Great Ghandhian thinker Dada Dharmadhikariji and Loknayak Jai Prakashji Narain. But during all these primary acquaintances, I had no personal introduction with her, even though I was learning Sanskrit Chantings of Kathopnishada from Baba along with other young boys and girls like Kum. Kusum Deshpande and Nirmala Deshpande, etc..., where probably she was hardly accompanying at least during my own walking tour periods, since she was frequently visiting Baba and going back on her mission of awakening through her independent Public Meetings on one hands and getting scripturally & thoughtfully prepared and ready from Baba and Dada at her own timings on the other hand. Hence, though not in personal touch, I was seeing in her blossoming but that "WOMAN ACHARYA" in waiting to blossom soon.....And Vinobaji had jockingly commenced calling her as "Vimalananda". AT AHMADABAD, MESHANA, PATAN, AJOL, VISNAGAR IN GUJARAT : From 1956 except frequent visit, I had left Baba's walking tours with her blessings come down from South to Ahmadabad for my studies in the shelter of Pragyachakshu Dr. 2andit Sukhlaljee. During these studies and then my Lecturerships at Gujarat Bhoodan Tours and organising a mammoth "OM TATSAT Song Chorus" of 20,000 children on the sands of Sabarmati, Ahmadabad on 20.12.58, I had the occasion to come in contact personally with Vimala deedi. Her visit to some Gujarat Sarvodaya Movements Meetings, to Pragyachakshu Panditjee or to Kalyanbhai's residence listening to a Sitar Recital along with Acharya Rajneesh, etc. all evolved my involvement in uplifting Student-Power. Several of her Student Camps :SHIVIRS: were intimately shared by this humble himself. The memorable ones were at Patan, Ajol and Visnagar. My whole family, wife Sumitra and little elder daughters ParulVandana also were fortunate to have Vimala-Deedi's intimacy and love. Her such acquaintances at Ajol Camp become an inspiring and memorable one, some of its glimpses are recorded in my book "PROFILES OF PARUL" as under:


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