tube distinct from Brahma; but they cannot be done away with altogether; for the conceit that he is the collective totality of all gross bodies, he is called Viswa; and for a similaconceit of the subtle body-its collective aggregate-he is Taijasa; and in profound slumber when the original cause body of Ignorance alone remains, and the mind, organs, the other two bodies are reduced to non-being, for a conceit in that body he is called Prajna; and that intelligence who discovers all these conditions is called in the Shastras "the blissful"; therefore there is no interdiction meant.
He has to practise nothing, nor has he the means. He has no success to hunger after,
Neither proof nor demonstrator [is he]. Nor the object to be proved. Anath!
Self has no necessity for practising the means of knowledge or any works to clear the mind of all blemishes, nor does he hunger after success, derived from a particular set of practice. Proofs, demonstrator and the subject to be proved are not for him; [He is pure Intelligence and free, and as he is unborn, he has nothing to do for emancipation].
He has no instructions to receive from the Shastras. Neither does he beg, accept gifts nor give away. Neither place, time and qualities,
Nor disputes can cause him any injury.
For him there is neither lawful nor prohibited. Neither lorr slave is he;
But resembling the pure Intelligence,
Perfect and full of luminosity (is he).
No meditator (is he): neither meditation nor the
object meditated.
Is present in my pure nature. Acceptable and not worthless. He is Universal, pervading everywhere.