annoyed with the world and staying in Cashmere, he would certain, whether according to the traditional doctrine of n duality, he was up to the usual practices of that sect, or he been deprived of them. For this purpose, he wrote him a let. to say, send me a priceless garland containing thoughts on the nature of the Supreme Lord (Parameswar). Knowing' what he meant, Anath wrote this "Garland of thoughts" (Vichar Mala). And so he says in the above verse "That best fricud of mine Narotum Puri,-whose only guest of hospitality is that one Supreme Lord and whom he serves well-ordered me to write and I have obeyed him by writing the "Vichar Mala."
The diguity of the work is thus set forth :
Who reads and writes it with [reverence and] love, And uses all arguments and weighs with judgment; Every moment his knowledge increases As the sun-increases in luminosity as he approaches the meridian.
A person who writes the present work and reads it with reverential affection, fixing his attention, or hears it read out by a Guru, and weighs the arguments used, and judges them accordingly, [with all the available resources at his command] increases his stock of knowledge of Brahma; and every. moment gets firmly convinced in It, just as the suu increases in luminosity as it approaches the meridian at noon.
The following are the works used if its compilation
From Gita, Bhartri's doctrine and arguments, Used in the eleven ;* Ashtabukra, and The sage Bashishta; all these have I taken, And added to them something of my own.
* The Bhagvad Puran contains Elevin Sections. Probably hat
is meant.