Common Misconceptions
Jainism is an offshoot of Hinduism “Jainism is and always has been an independent religion” - Jacobi.
It has co-existed with a multitude of other religions since Indus Valley civilization, being both influenced by
and influencing them.
Mahävir was the founder of Jainism Although Mahävir reformed and re-established the Jain order in 6th century BC, Jainism existed long before him. In fact, he was the 24th and last Tirthankar (The Enlightened Teacher) of
the current time period.
Jainism is a religion of restrictions, don't do this, don't eat that
Jainism is a religion of freedom. Freedom from attachment, aversions, desires and fears, freedom from the pain and suffering,
birth and death. Jainism is about an approach to ultimate freedom by setting one's own limits.
Jain Way of Life is hard to practice in North America
With a constitutional right to practice any religion of your choice, North America provides a great opportunity to practice and propagate a Jain Way of Life. In fact, the core practices of Jainism, respecting and
honoring everyone, vegetarian/vegan life style, environmentalism, pluralistic thinking, yoga, meditation and spiritual practices are not only
accepted but are also fashionable these days.
Jainism is a religion of the weak It is the religion of the brave who conquers their inner enemies like
anger, ego, deceit and greed. In fact, Mahavir literally means
the great - brave. Practicing non-violence, non-absolutism and non-possessiveness in daily life builds character and inner strength.