Atomic Science
Acharya Umäsväti (1st Century AD), in the fifth chapter of Tattvärtha-Sutra, describes the principles of atomic science. In it, he discusses the formation of matter, concept of universal matter, atomic fusion, integration & disintegration of matter, constancy & transformability of objects, etc. His discussion
on the concepts of sub-atomic particles is astounding.
ansvah skandhaş cha 3/35 Cilaller has to raricies aloms & clusters
इलghata bhadabhya utpadyante s/76 Clusters are produced by Sission, (usion or both.
bhedad snub 3/59 Atom is the final product of disintegration of matter.
bheda çaoghatabhyam cakşuçah 3/38 The visibility of clusters is produced by the
combination of disintegration & reintegration. utpada-vgaya-dhrauvgayukta, çat 5/35 Origin, cessation & pormanence constitutc cxistence.