is religion TARTAR and CIENCE
Religion and science both pose profound questions for humankind. Both are intrinsic to our lives, yet they have been cast in distinctly separate roles. We must understand, however,
that religion and science are NOT rivals. Both are sciences, one of the soul the other of nature, they are complementary first is knowledge then comes conductives
Awhakalikasutas 70 GL Religion without science it blind, Science without religion I lamo"
Alben Elinstead
at 106
Today several beliefs based on religious texis lasti with the discoveries of modern science. We need to understand that science is constantly evolving and not pabsolute, at the same time accept that religious texts are subject to the understanding and interpretation of
me compiler as well as limitations of the language. Thús Manaviswami made it clear that your own Wisdom is the only yardstick against which you can measure "Truth".