Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 5
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Oriental Institute. Tirupati 1915. Bhāgavatapurāṇa. Le Bhāgavata Purāņa ou Histoire Poétique de Krichņa. Traduit et Publié par M. Eugene Burnouf. 2 vols. Paris 1840-44.
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Maitrāyaṇi Sanhitā.
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Moharājaparajaya, Yaśahpāla. GOS IX. Baroda 1918. Yajnavalkya Smrti, with commentaries of the Mitakṣarâ, the Viramitrodaya, and the Dîpakalikâ. An English translation with notes, etc. by J. R. Gharpure. Vol. II, Part III of the Collection of Hindu Law Texts. Bombay 1938. Yogadarśana, Bhagavan Mahāmuni Patañjalipraṇītam, with bhāṣya by Kṛṣṇadvaipayana (Vyāsa), and vyākhyā called Tattvavaiśāradi by Vacaspatimiśra and tippaṇa by Svāmi Balarama. Calcutta 1890. Yogaśastra, Hemacandra. With
his own commentary.
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