Mudhabhava Mudhata Mudita Mudra Muhapatti Muhura Muhurta, antara Muka-kevali Mukha-patti Mukha-vastrika Mukhya Mukta Mukta jiva Mukti Muktishilaa
Foolish; Dull; Simple Sevility; Idiocy; Imbecility Ignorant belief; Idiocy; Stupidities Appreciative joy Posture A clothe around mouth to block bacterial killing 48 minutes Less than 48 minutes; Under-muhurta Nonpractising omniscient Rectangular piece of cloth over mouth Mouth mask Main; Primary Released; Salvated; Liberated Emancipated being; Salvated being Emancipation; Liberation; Salvation The topmost area of the universe, where the liberated soul resides, the area of freedom. After death, a liberated soul rises to it, and never comes back into the cycle of birth and death. Every soul that exists there is kevalgnani, Kevaldarshi and has infinite dhariya, tapa and veerya. Drum-like musical instrument Primary virtues Basic reality; Fundamental reality Basic vows; Fundamental vows Root-seed Basic restraints/ virtues. Formation of basic body organs Fundamental operation
Mukunda Mul guna Mula dravya Mula vrata Mula vuja Mulaguna Mulagunanirvartana Mula-kriya
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