Tejokaayika Tejolesya Tera pantha
Tikhkhooto Tikta Tilatsabhava Tirayancha Tirobhaava Tirtha Tirtha siddha Tirthakara prakarti
Form of life which has only three out of five senses e.g. touch, taste, and smell Fire-bodied Red aura Thy path, Path of 13, A Swetambara sect of non-idolators, Digambara Sect of idolators. (1) Commentary; (2) A written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material Three times Bitter; Pungeant Indifferent attitude Subhuman beings; Animal Life Unmanifestation; Not manifested Ford; Four-fold order Holy place-salvated Karmic subtype; Physique making karma species of fordbuiler Holy place of pilgrimage |(1) 'Builders of the ford.' One who reestablishes the religion and fourfold society system of Sadhus, Sadhvis, Shravaks and Shravikas; (2) Founder of the Jaina order from time to time; (3) Enlightened and Ford-builders; (4) Founder of the Jaina order. Tirtha means order, which is four-fold, consisting of the monks, nuns, and male and female lay-followers. In the present time-cycle as conceived by the Jainas, there have in all been 24 tirthankaras, headed by Adinatha Risabha. The last three
Tirthaksetra Tirthankara
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