Vratee Vratti
Vrattisankshepa Vritta sansthana Vritti Vritti parisamkhyaana
are siksavratas, because they are preliminary disciplines for entering into the life of a monk. Apart from observing the five Great Vows, the monks are required to practice ten virtues, specifically mentioned, and practice elaborate meditation. Vower; Votary; Votarist (1) Votary, or vower or votarist i.e. One bound by vows to a religion or life of worship or service; (2) Samyagdrasti (right believer) who has taken vow of shraavaka; (3) Behavior of Passion Control, suppress or shorten the desires Circular configuration Requirements Limiting Requirements; Special restriction for begging food Aphrodisiac drinks Intellect puff Painfulness of disease (Aadhi - mental worry, Vyadhisuffering from disease and Upadhi - problem of old age) Religious address or discourse to the audience Pervasive, pervader, all encompassing, enveloping, determinate; All pervasive Pervaded; Concomitant; Afflicted; Spread out; Full It is a foundational principle of inference. It refers to the universal relation between the middle term and the major term. Pervaded; Determinate; Concomitant. Relationship of determinate concomitant and determinant
Vrsyesta rasa Vugnaana mada Vyaadhi
Vyaakhyaana Vyaapaka
Vyaapta Vyaapti
Vyaapya Vyaapya vyaapaka sambandha
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