Pranaama Pranapana paryaapti Pranapratistha Pranati-patiki kriya Pranidhaana
Pranita Prapti-riddhi Prapyakari
Prarupa Prarupanaa Prarupela Praryakhyana varana karma Prasaada
Offer reverence with folded hands on chest. Respiratory completion Enlivening ceremony; Deification of image Vitality deprivation activity The stability or quieting down of the kriya or activities of the mind, speech body Informed; Spoken Acquisitional prosigy Contactile; The senses which are applicable for the subject of knowledge e.g. hearing for music Type; Proforma Enunciation; Presentation Given the rup or presented Renunciation-obscuring karma Blessed food; Food distributed after worship process is over Direct negation Spiritual calmness Incidental Serenity; Being delighted Formal expression of praise; Laudations Restraining the mind from passions and other evil tendencies Raag for vitraagta. Aprashasta raag mean raag for raag Facing the self or soul; Beautiful More Beautiful; Better Accomplished; Success; Attainment; Famousity Stratum or layer in society
Prasajya pratisedha Prasama Prasangaja Prasannatta Prasasti Prashama
Prashasta raaga Prashhasta Prashhastatar Prasidhdhi Prastara
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