198 :: Structure and Functions of Soul in Jainism
groups which are further divided into one hundred and forty-eight sub-classes called the secondary divisions or the uttara-prakritīs. In the present context the karma forces may be regrouped under the psychical, the physiological and the environmental classes. As a matter of fact no karmas can be said to allow the soul to exist unaffected by them. Of whatever type the karmas may be, it must have its bearing on the faculties of the soul. The manifestations of the soul resulting from its contact with the physique-making (nāma) karma have been counted among the operative type of the soul's manifestations. Again the manifestations resulting from the power-obstructing (antarāya) karma have been enumerated among the subsidence-cum-destructive (kṣāyopaśamika) type of the soul's manifestations. The fact, that the physique-making and the power-obstructing karmas also cause a psychical change in the soul, suggests very clearly that no karmas can be held to be purely determining the psychical, bodily or environmental conditions of the jīva. Hence such a division can be upheld only with respect to the major effect of the karmas upon the soul. If the karmas have their bearing mainly on the soul, they may be said to belong to the psychical class. If the karmas have their bearing mainly on the physiology of the organism, they may be said to belong to the physiological class. If the karmas have their bearing mainly on the environment, they may be termed as the environmental type of karmas. “The karma which cause a distortion directly in the jīva is the jīva-vipāki (having fruition in the jiva) or the psychical type of karma.... The karmas whose fruition is effected in the material body of the jīva is called the pudgalavipāki (having fruition in the pulgala),”? Thus the jñānāvaranīya (knowledge obscuring), the darśānāvaranīya (conationobscuring), the vedaniya (feeling determining) and the mohaniya (deluding karma) may be grouped under the psychical class. The nāma (phsique-determining) karma and
1. Umāsvāti: Tattvärtha-sútra, 2.6 2. Vidyananda: Astasahasri, p. 266, (footnote)
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