Book Title: Some Notes On The Sarva Darsana Samgraha
Author(s): Hajime Nakamura
Publisher: Hajime Nakamura

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________________ 248 HAJIME NAKAMURA 1. 271. manoratha. This term derived from mano'rtha (Herzenssache) as was pointed out by H. JACOBI. (Cf. WACKERNAGEL's Altindische Grammatik, I, § 52). But in ancient Indian literature the word was often used with the connotation of 'Herzenswagen' or "Gemütswagen'. (UNRAI WOGIHARA: Lexikalisches aus der Bodhisattvabhūmi, S. 36. 11. 286-287. This verse is Slokavárttika, sabdapariccheda, 4 (p. 406), and is cited in Bhāmati ad I, 1, 4 (op. cit. p. 109). 1. 293. pratividhiyate. Cf. SDS. III, 1. 96. 1. 322. pradesa. "parts”. Sankara ad BS. II, 2, 12. Yaśomitra's Abhi dharmakośavyākhyā, p. 25, 1. 27 (ed. by U. WOGIHARA). The Nyāyanirnaya takes the word for avayava. 1. 325. anirvacanīya. Cf. JACOB, The Vedāntasāra, Notes, p. 146. Vedāntasāra 6. 1. 340. The simile of suktikā. Cf. Sankara’s BS. Bhāşya I, 1, 1 (vol. I, p. 10, 2); I, 1, 4 (ibid. p. 84, 1. 10). 1. 342. Cf. Vākyasudhā 1. 1. 347. Cf. nacāyam asti niyamaḥ purovasthita eva visaye vişayāntaram adhyastavyam iti. (Sankara ad BS. I, 1, 1., p. 11, 1.) . 1. 351. aslistam. Used by Sankara (ad BS. I, 3, 8. vol. I, p. 248, 1). "widersinnig" (DEUSSEN), "a strange proceeding” (THIBAUT). Cf. na slisyate, SDS. XI, 1. 136. 1. 352. Cf. yasyām samvidi, SDS. XVI, 1. 355. 1. 354. Nyāyavithi. This is a corrupted form of Nayavithi, which is the title of the 4th prakaraņa (Chowkhamba SS.) or the 3rd prakaraņa (Banaras Hindu University edition, 1961) of the Prakaranapañcikā. The citation here is fairly different from the original. 1. 365. udayam āsādayet. Cf. SDS. XVI, 1. 187. 1. 454. kalpanālāghava. Cf. ... iti kalpanālāghavam (Sankara ad BS. I, 3, 28. vol. I, p. 302), "simpler to assume” (THIBAUT). A kind of tarka (SDS. XI, 1. 42). The Tarkabhāṣā (Bombay SS. p. 160) interprets it as samarthālpakalpanā. 1. 463. bhāvavyatirekeņābhāvasya durgrahanatvāt. Cf. SDS. IV, 1. 57. 1. 464. māhābhānika-pakşa. Is it not a corruption of māhāyānika-paksa ? Here the opponent refers it to a teaching somewhat similar to the Buddhist Mahāyāna theory refuted by Sabarasvāmin (ad I, 1, 5). Cf. HAKUJU UI: Indo Tetsugaku Kenkyū, vol. I, p. 156ff. 1. 468. amstakalā. This is the title of the 6th (Chowkhamba SS. edition) or the 5th (Banaras Hindu University edition) prakaraņa of the Prakaraṇapañcikā.


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