Book Title: Some Notes On The Sarva Darsana Samgraha
Author(s): Hajime Nakamura
Publisher: Hajime Nakamura

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________________ Some notes on the Sarvadarśanasamgraha 247 1. 134. 1. 136. 1. 137. 1. 162. 1. 164f. 1. 167. 1. 174. 1. 176. 1. 187. grāva-plavana. Cf. SDS. XI, 1. 143. COWELL's translation, p. 170, n. Mahābhārata, II, 66, 11 ab: majjanty alābūni silāni plavante · muhyanti nāvo 'mbhasi saśvad eva. Mimāņsāsūtrabhāșya (ad I, 1, 5. p. 41, 5-6, AnSS.): ambuni majjanty alābūni grāvānaḥ plavanta iti yathā. They are illustrations of absurdity (contrary to SDS. III, 11. 352 ff.). ācārya in this context means Kumārila. Cf. SDS. XII, 1. 22. yajamānaḥ prastara iti. Tait. Br. III, 3, 9, 2 and 3; Ait. Br. I, 3, 7. The verse: upakramopa... is mentioned as a citation from the Bșhatsamhitā in Madhvabhāsya ad BS. I, l. 4 and SDS. V, 282ff. The verse is cited unidentified in the Vivaraņaprameyasamgraha, p. 229; Brahmasūtradipikā of Sankarānanda, p. 20; Vedāntasāra (ed. in BÖHTLINGK's Chrestomathie, 199f.). Cf. Prasthānabheda. The sruti cited here is from Chānd. Up. VI, 2, 1f. māna = pramāna. Cf. SDS. XI, 1. 14; Comm. ad Haribhadra's Şaddarsana-samuccaya, 57; Vedāntasāra 202. Cf. Bhāmati, I, 1, 1 (op. cit. p. 11). ullekha. Cf. SDS. XV, 1. 247. 'idea' (COWELL). udayam āsādayet. Cf. SDS. XVI, 1. 365. mama sariram iti ... Cf. SDS. I, 1. 54 (p. 6). Cf. JACOB: Maxims, I, p. 37; III, p. 145. dehātma pratyayo ... This verse is by Sundarapāņdya, a preSankara Vedāntin, quoted in Sankara's Brahmasūtrabhāşya I, 1, 4. Cf. S. KUPPUSWAMI SASTRI, Problems of identity in the cultural history of ancient India, Journal of Oriental Research Madras, 1927, pp. 5-15; HAJIME NAKAMURA: Vedānta Tetsu gaku no Hatten, pp. 231-238. (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1955). , avagāhamāna. Cf. avagāhyamāna, SDS. XIII, 1. 238; "be appre hended” (COWELL). avagähate, SDS. V, 1. 16. Madhava's abridged statement is slightly misleading. This is based on the Bhāmati (op. cit. p. 14). ahamahamikā. "The consciousness of 'I'”. Cf. SDS. III, 1 51. aphalatvād. Cf. SDS. XVI, 1. 138. Cf. Sankara ad BS. I, 1, 1. Vedāntasāra, 148 ff. samgirante. Cf. SDS. XIV, 1. 54. yato vāco nivartante, Tait, Up. II. 4, 1. upa pādana. Cf. SDS. XVI, 1. 85. 1. 189. 1. 191. 1. 198. 1. 203. 1. 211. 1. 233. 1. 241 ff. 1. 247. 1. 259. 1. 262.


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