Book Title: Some Aspects of Kaumudimitranand
Author(s): V M Kulkarni
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan

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________________ 37TH -819 81 धीरप्रशान्तं सापायं धर्मकामार्थतत्परम् । शेषं नाटक वत्संधिप्रवेशक रसादिकम् ॥ नायिका तु द्विधा नेतुः कुलस्त्री गणिका तथा । क्वचिदैकेव कुलजा वेश्यावापि द्वयं चित् ॥ कुलजाभ्यन्तरा बाह्या वेश्या नातिक्रमोऽनयोः । आभिः प्रकरणं त्रेधा संकीर्णं धूर्तसंकुलम् ।। Now, in a prakarana the subject matter should be invented, and should be drawn from worldly life (lokasamśrayam); the playwright should make a minister, a Brāhmaṇa or a merchant the hero; he should be of the type called 'dhirapraśānta' (selfcontrolled and calm) undergoing some misfortune (Sāpāya) and striving after (tatpara) dharma (virtue) kama (pleasure) and artha (wealth). The remaining features or characteristics-such as Sandhi (junctures) or praveśaka (introductory scenes) or rasas (sentiments) are as in the nataka). The heroine (nāyikā) is of two kinds, the high-bom wife of the hero or a courtezan. In some plays there is only the high-born lady, in some the courtezan, and in some plays, both; the high-born lady is always) indoors (abhyantarā), the courtezan out of doors or without (bāhyā) and the two never meet (nätikramo' nayoh). Owing to these three kinds (of the heroine) the prakarana is of three kinds or varieties. The mixed variety abounds in dhürtas (rogues). Thus the Kaumudimitrānanda is a Suddha (Unmixed, not contaminates by another woman's contact) prakarand where the heroine is Kaumudi, the daughter of Kulapati-the head of a monastery. Incidentally, Māltimādhava, where there is the heroine, Mālati, the high-bom maiden. Tarangadatta (now lost) where a courtezan alone is the only heroine is equally a Suddha prakarana The Mrcchakatika, however, is a Samkirņa (mixed) prakaranawhere we have both types of heroine, Dhütā, Cārudatta's wife is a high-born nāyikā; Vasantasenā, a courtezan is another and most noteworthy heroine. And further, this play is full of dhūrias (rogues) as well. In the play under our study, Kaumudi, the most beautiful woman, daughter of Kulapati is the heroine; Mitrānanda the son of a Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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